Saturday, January 30, 2016

Following the trail of DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and the mysterious outbreak of strokes and heart attacks over the last 60 years it appears that it all starts with excessive amounts of stomach acid possibly caused by the removal of Iodine, the conditioner once used in the bread-making process and the substitution of another halogen- the evil Bromide, a gluten booster. And as a consequence the late 80's brought about the mass production of PPI's or Protein Pump Inhibitors a medicine which reduces the amount of gut acid. PPI's are now implicated in CKD (chronic kidney disease).

Bromide irritates the gut flora and somehow supposedly removes magnesium and calcium from the nervous system which in turn promotes leg cramps, probably the largest cause of DVT. The thrombus or blood clot then moves with time into the heart or lungs causing a stroke or a heart attack.

The loss of Iodine in the western diet has possibly produced many cancers including the massive increase breast cancer.

In the 90's both Canada and the UK stopped using Bromide as bread conditioner so around 2040 these illnesses should peter off after those born from the 1930's up to the 1980's die off, me included hypothetically.

Also, must not forget the use of rat poison blood thinners could be a contributor.

I'm starting to think that the major causes of death is our food and medicines. One more reason to look forward to the incoming economic collapse.

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