Saturday, February 6, 2016

Had another ultrasound look at my legs and supposedly most of the DVT clots have already gone and that's without taking the rat poison so --great .  The only thing was that the pressure exerted by the technician to find the remaining clots was so heavy I'm scared they are on the move again. Having shooting pains in chest area. Not good.
Not to worry, I'll use quantum mechanics to make it all better.

Just been reading the blog of investor and author Jim Rogers. Say's not long now before the great collapse arrives. Suggests buying a farm because nobody is learning agriculture. All busy getting banking degrees instead plus all the old farmers are dying out leaving their land to fallow.

About 10 years ago I tried to get him interested in running for president but his wife wrote to me asking me not to write to him anymore citing his weak heart. So I never did. He'd have made a brilliant US President I believe if his wife would have let him. He was all for stopping the Drug Wars etc. And all the wives are American.

Heaven and Hell joke.

In Heaven

All the cooks are French
All the police are British
All the wives are Japanese
All the houses are American
All the lovers are Italian
And everything is organized by the Germans

Got to buy more emergency food tomorrow. Tinned stuff is best especially fish like sardines and cheap oily salmon.

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