Friday, October 7, 2016

This week I saw the Andrew Wakefield's documentary 'VAXXED'. Amazing.

At the end of said piece they have a scientist from MIT calculated the progression of the endemic and she came up with the figure of 1 in 2 will be badly affected by the current MMR regime by 2032. Horrific figures.
Today I went on the website of the films promoter and left this comment;
What an excellent documentary.
It is replete with incontrovertible evidence pointing towards a total cover up of a mass scourge at the highest levels of government.
Putting aside the impact this endemic has on large amounts of families especially those of African descent it also highlights the perverse corruption of the media on all levels. Truly the age of investigative journalism is moribund. Compliance to big advertiser wishes is paramount especially if there is a sliver of doubt thrown to the dogs of hyperbole.
More over the actions of these dogs to encite rage at those who ask for independent review shows to me the progression of a world wide attraction to fascism. This is to be expected as the death throes of rampant Socialism coalesce downwards eventual totalitarianism.
The denial of parents to assess for themselves the benefits of MMR vaccinations and to postpone said injections is a basic right of their person. Either you own your own body or you don’t and you are a slave in the truest sense of the word. One only has to look at government mandated restictions on animal fats in our diets and the obesity epidemic that missive caused to see how important it is we all refrain from letting big government engourge themselves on our freedoms.
Looks like we freedom riders lost this one.
For now anyway.

I love the PFR.
My baby. Pity about the spelling.

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