Friday, November 18, 2016

All Hail King Donald.

This is so interesting. I wrote a few years ago that should the US economy collapse then a few things could happen. Here's what I wrote in 'What is the Primary Fundamental Right?'

"During the transition into a full User Pays society it will be interesting to see which of these elites emerges as the natural leader of their group. Justifiably they might be able to claim the right to be the first US monarch or Lord Protector, and they could even attempt to institute a monarchical republic with a hereditary head of state. For that to succeed this new monarchical republic would also need to be constructed using the tenets of the Primary Fundamental Right otherwise the whole calamity would probably repeat itself within 100 years. After the no voting 15 years is over, a vote would need to be taken by all the citizens to either keep the incipient monarchy or not.
Canada would possibly also lose its fiat currency in the collapse of the American dollar so the opportunity could be taken for Canada to be united with the USA, thereby creating the USNA, the United States of North America. The presence of the more personal freedom loving Canadians to the USNA could help temper the overtly militaristic Americans and dampen their excessive patriotism for their police state. Initially it probably would be better if Quebec was left as a sovereign country but not Nunavut the Inuit territory of northern Canada. Also Mexico should try and align itself more to its south. At some point all borders should disappear.
If a monarchial system was decided upon by the American elites then a Canadian could also be possibly picked to be the new King or Queen. Whoever was picked means their whole family then becomes royalty. Their children would become princes and princesses and they would need to create a nobility adorned with barons, knights, palaces etc, and the royal retinue. This would all be funded by the monarch so they would need to be of excellent independent means as they should not be legally ever be able to collect compulsory taxes to support their extravagant life style under the Primary Fundamental Right and Capitalism Democracy.
If the US Constitution is ever suspended or even scrapped then the UK Crown might be tempted to lay claim to the land covered now by both the US and Canadian territories. It should be remembered that Queen Elizabeth is still the head of state of the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand and a few other dominions and if any of those governments collapsed then possibly legally she can resume direct control. To back her up in the events of calamities the Royal Family has always kept a strong presence within her supposedly loyal UK armed forces. The collapse of the UK economy could see a temporary return to an absolute monarchy.
For thousands of years direct rule by the strongest family within any group has probably been the norm. If there is a world wide collapse of the world fiat monetary system then quite naturally the wealthiest families might assume their traditional role again. It could be argued that even republics naturally tend to produce royal dynasties. Supposedly the Bush family have genealogical ties with the British Royals and Winston Churchill through a 15th century Henry Spencer. Plus royalty and the gold standard have had a very long association."

King Don already lives in a splendid palace lavished with much gold. Tick that box.

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