Friday, July 31, 2015

The new water fast lasted all of 3 hours.

I just spoke with an old friend in WA who had also been close to death some 20 years earlier but with a brain tumor.
He survived and prospered.

He had for many years been a church minister, CoE I think, but had seen the light and followed it away from the church. Only idiots are religious. No independently minded person can possibly be a church goer unless they are a priest and their flock is their personal prey. That I don't mind. They're there to be beaten and eaten after all. They think they deserve it the poor fools.

Just look at the Roman Catholic gang of pediphiles. And still the parents trust their young with these idiot monsters. If ever a church needed to be destroyed it is the RC (pronounced arse, what they prefer). I hope in my lifetime to see that happen which could mean it has to happen over the next 4 days. C'mon God. You can do it! I believe in you as long as you believe in me.

He had suggested I eat lots of NZ butter. So I did.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

42 tablets for 21 days.

So far I've taken 2 tablets and this morning my gums were bleeding.

I think I've decided not to take anymore blood thinners. Instead I want to try and water fast for 21 days using allopurinol to take away the hunger.

I know. Sounds stupid.

Might be too late. Already getting small chest pains which could be the clots travelling up to my lungs and forming a Pulmonary Embolism. This is real heavy. I've got a good chance of dying here.Wish I hadn't taken those 2 tablets. The survival rate for this condition is about 30%.

My problem started with a right leg cramp so intense I thought it would take the muscle off the bone. I have a slight bronchitis and I needed some more allopurinol so I thought I'd ask about cramps treatment. Consequently ended up in hospital emergency with a 20 cm (8 inches) long clot extending up my calf and stopping behind my knee but even so the stoppage was allowing the blood to get through. My thinking is that if left there in situ it should probably clear itself away over time. Thinning the blood might cause it to separate from the vein wall and allow it to roam. This morning it feels as if it's higher up and already inside my thigh.

My thinking is that the cramp spasm has crushed the blood inside the vein which should be possibly no different than hitting a hand with a hammer, just longer. Maybe.

My left leg cramps up about once a month, no problem.

Here I am just about to explode onto the world stage and I've tripped up in the wings. My life long journey to universal stardom has suffered a hiatus just as I'm reaching to pull back the curtains and make my subdued but hopefully grand entrance. What a bummer. And I just about got rid of my stage fright. I can thank standing up and delivering content at AA meeting mostly for that. What a training program. Probably helps with acting skills as well. A real audience not one made from clouds. Great stories to be heard.. Sometimes.

Just took 90 mg of codeine.

Day 10 of my new retired life and already swiftly approaching death.

2 days ago I was diagnosed with DVT, deep vein thrombosis. I am reluctantly taking a drug called Rivaroxaban to thin down my blood. I'm a bit scared. Not sure what to do. The doctor gave me 42 tablets. I'm sure I'm missing something here.


Day 1 of my new life.

Today the 20 July 2015 is the first day of my official retirement.

Last Friday I was laid off along with 3 other photocopier technicians. Mine was a happy event being 71.5 years old. It was apparently a little traumatic for 2 of the others but the third person who is an old cunt like me was also very happy. Actually I neither feel nor look my age and the closest I think I've ever got to being a cunt was 33 years ago when I gave away the opportunity to have a real love affair with a girl from the Caribbean who had amazing vaginal muscles but instead decided to stay with a wife who didn't love me nor I her.

This was one of the great mistakes of my life. One of those sort of things it would be good to change should it ever be possible. As it was we split up 6 months later after we returned to Sydney from London. We were both on empty and our 2 little girls were glad to be back or so I tell myself.

Things turned out okay though. It always does.