Saturday, August 22, 2015

It's now just over 3 weeks since my possible death sentence was proclaimed. Still sans rat poison.

I should be philosophical about this and just assume I live forever but the dent in the boot of my new car is reminding me that I'm supposedly not perfect whilst my ego is also dented by the outrage known as modern medicine. As a Darwinian hero I accept my genome has flaws, I mean it's malleable to some extent, and open to some revision but the fact I would have died from peritonitis at age 14 had I been born 30 years earlier doesn't make me want to thank medico's but instead acknowledge I gave science the opportunity to prove its worth on my festering innards. So the world should also thank the horse that threw me on my back and me for having a perfectly timed ripened appendix otherwise this blog would be empty.

And we all know the world needs more blogs.

I mean this juggernaut of pharmaceutical snake oil is withholding many of us from Nirvana, those of us who use it that is and assuming there is such a heaven. Unless we are already in Heaven and illness and death and mayhem come with the heaven package deal. Yes God killing God. God dispensing rat poison to God the rat. Now it makes sense again.

Today I made a comment on a US  TV website regarding Molly Shattuck the poor woman (actually she's probably quite rich) who has been publicly shamed for giving a 15 year old boy a blow job. She has also been ordered to pay his parents a fee of $10,000. But the most beautiful part of this saga for me was the American football tactic of having her female friends surround her and attack the SUS  SEX courthouse in step.Sus being the operative word here. I made some remark about the 'phalanx supporting the phallus' and left a link to the PFR and it was rejected for some strange reason.

Eggs benedict with salmon would be nice right now.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Well don't want to be too optimistic but things are looking pretty good.

No deterioration of the pulmonary system other than my bronchitis has gone up a notch but the antibiotics seem to be working.

Regarding my approaching opiate addiction.

When I used to attend AA meetings you'd often come across multidisciplinary individuals who also had drug and gambling habits and were usually dissuaded from airing all their laundry as the AA crowd are a bit possessive about the order of hierarchy. But I loved the gamblers. They often had a swagger about them and they dressed beautifully. And the balls. OMG. Their stories are a mathematician's wet dream, not that I remember any but their devotion to their craft outperformed the alcoholic any day.

Those guys who had gone through 2 or 3 family homes including those of the parents and the grandparents were my favorites. They were so confident they would triumph again and their families obviously believed them. They are the epitome of Churchill's heavenly epigraph, 'Never ever give up'. These people are probably the backbone of the stock market. You could sometimes see them down the racetrack edging close to the big financiers looking for that secret tip. I was often surprised at the camaraderie between these different social strata.  As a boy I watched my father the tailor mingle many times with the high and mighty. A good tip has avid listener's.

But the drug addicts.
They come in 2 classes. Lost and almost lost.

Lost probably never attend meetings. They stay out working the streets. Their time is short. They won't be around too long so they have to keep busy I guess. I also guess the dedicated drug addict often OD's somewhere. Death is the reward for living right on the edge.
Almost lost sometimes you'd find them at meeting hoping to either sell or score. But the thing that struck me about drug addicts I've met was their apparent above average intelligence. They appeared smart in my frame of reference.

So what came first , the smarts or the addiction?

Hopefully I'll soon find out real soon whilst backed up by my innate Primary Fundamental Right to do what I like to my own body.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Today I got a quote to cremate me.

Concept Funerals of Hurstville quoted me $2790. Unfortunately they wouldn't accept pre payment which I needed them to do to offset my tax liabilities. They advised me to put the money into a funeral account which I did.  Maybe that's good, especially if I survive. The director Greg Brownless is very nice. 612 9553 8882.

So where do I go from here?

I feel a lot better this evening but that is no indication of my actual condition. This clot is still there and I can feel it.

I've probably got the money to do virtually anything but the only thing I'd like to do is maybe smoke some hashish laced with a bit of opium. It's 27 years since I last partook of alcohol, caffeine or any recreational drugs. I knew them all well, they were my good friends for a long time. We had some great times together.

I'd probably have to fly to Afghanistan to find Kabul. Can't really be bothered going that far. Might not make it anyway. I want it to come to me.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

6 days since the cramp attack.

Just had a shooting pain in my right arm. Never had that before. My right thigh is painful on the inside.

This is oh so scarey.

Just heard that Cilla Black the English singer has just died in her sleep at age 72 of apparently natural causes.
Wonder if there was a clot involved?                                                                                                           Could there be a pandemic of clot deaths that are called natural causes?

I wonder if she was on rat poison?

Did Blood/sugars today.  8.2 mmol/L  good. Definately not diabetic.  Weight back up at my usual 113 kg.
BP 161/86  pulse 108. The pulse probably shows my anxiety levels.

Every five minutes someone dies from a blood clot or deep vein thrombosis

March 5, 2011
Vascular Disease Foundation
Each year between 100,000-180,000 Americans die as the result of pulmonary embolism, a complication from blood clots in the lungs. The Vascular Disease Foundation urges Americans, especially women, to learn about the risks of venous blood clots to help prevent these deaths. While men and women are at equal risk, the risk for deep vein thrombosis, or blood clots, varies depending on where a woman is in her lifecycle, her hormone levels, and if she has a family history of clotting disorders.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Wow. Still here.

Spoke to ex-wife about the blood clot problem. She's a nurse. Told me her husband painfully died from DVT  2 days after suffering leg cramps.

What gives with these leg cramps? With me I like to stretch out after waking up. Who would have thought cramps can be so deadly. And no explanation except possible lack of magnesium and or potassium.

Still not taking the rat poison thinners. Scary scary. Reminds me of the original Aids medicine AZT. According to Duesberg in 'Inventing the Aids Virus' it was the AZT that killed the patients not the non existent Human Immunodeficiency Virus. I'm hoping this is the same here. Poor Mark took the thinners.

If at some future time I've failed to post then...bye. I love all my babies.

It's said nothing concentrates the mind more than immanent death.

If I have to go that's all there is to it though I did want to travel to Mars again via Kabul before I went.
Are well, 150 mg of codeine will have to do for now.

I firmly believe that one day the PFR will be entrenched in all User Pays societies. It's the only way forward if slavery is to be avoided..

My Body. My Business.

Also a version of my patent system and Real Bills will be needed to get the world's economies up after they collapse. Gold as money works best with discount not interest.