Thursday, June 23, 2016

Today is the 24th June 2016, the day of Brexit or not.  A momentous time actually in the history of Europe. Either way the result will cause hostilities. I laughted how Putin asked why did they allow a referendum to take place anyway? A 101 lesson in dictatorship verses independent thinking.

Continuing the lactose intolerance idea that results in blood clots I came across a research paper that intimates over 90% of people are lactose intolerant a few years after weaning. Also that lactose is now a major 'filler' in many processed foods and is virtually unavoidable and finally the test for LI needs to be much longer.

I applied to 2 venture capital companies for funds to get CashRamSpam main line. So far neither of them have responded at all. In guess I'm too unconventional. Re-reading my application to Carthona Capital Sydney one could have doubts about my sanity I suppose. More for me then.

"Dear Guys,

Hi. My name is Bernard Palmer and I am the sole owner of Pariis Pty Ltd trading as

CashRamSpam (CRS) is possibly the first spam free email system which I built here in Sydney back in 2002. It must also be the best kept secret on the internet since it has been going for 14 years without a break and few seem to know about it.  ( Lots of changes since this article.)

I heard you on radio national last week regarding Paddy's ion engine. Interesting stuff. Yasmin said you are looking for something "to change the world". I think CRS is it but not just as an anti spammer. Over the years I've been adding more parts and only since around 2012 did I realize what I had partially built. It's actually an alternative banking system based on the Real Bill Doctrine (RBD) of Adam Smith and maths Professor Antal Fekete RBD, and I'm adding my own Primary Fundamental Right 'user pays' system to boot.

As financial men you more than most must guess what could easily happen to the present financial system, especially you Dean as an ex-arbitrageur/economist/mathematician.

Actually this website probably won't change the world but it could be ready should the world change back to using metal money. Obviously you are both trained in Keynesian theory but the truth is that it has faltered badly and is likely heading towards fail. As an accountant I'm hopeful you James will see the logic of Fekete's article should you read it.

As you can see from the home page I will sell amounts of gold and silver from as little as AUS$50  which is added to the CRS clients micro payment account in multiples of grams up  to 4 decimal places giving them the ability to make payments to another CRS client in metal or oz dollars.

Now I guess you've bet big on ABRA and CRS is a sort of ABRA but ABRA also has competition from World Remit and I'm sure there are probably more out there, so apart from the fact I'm selling metal I also have an app that works when both the Internet and the mobile phone system is not available. Interestingly World Remit gives us all a price point of at least US$120 million.

My main problem is my website is old and needs a major make-over and a team of marketeers to get it massive exposure. Australians in particular really need to know  that they can buy small amounts of gold and silver through CRS  either as an investment or to use as money with other CRS clients, and by using CRS they get many other benefits such as the ability to be paid to read some ones message and also able to sell their own data which seems to be the big thing at the moment. One of the drawbacks is that it is a closed system but that also means it's free from much of the internet contagions.

To my knowledge in the 14 years of its existence no spam has ever gotten through into CRS, not that a great deal of activity has been happening in that time.

If there is to be a total monetary collapse as some think possible then CRS can maybe prevent a real catastrophe.while in the meantime earning  profit, possibly by utilizing P2P lending allowing clients to buy gold and silver on credit while all the time CRS keeps the actual metal. Supposedly up to 4 US states could soon allow trading using gold and silver.
I'm not sure how much money needs to be invested in CRS  though on the professional management side that would be your baby but most important I think is the purchasing of large quantity of gold and silver bullion before the price increase really starts. If the bull run on metal has started then this itself could help finance CRS.As a successful minor gold bug I anticipate gold going much higher.

On a side note, like Elon Musk I'd love to go to Mars and Paddy's Ion Drive could be just what I and maybe Elon Musk would need. CRS possibly has the ability to fund such a venture.

Obviously there is a lot more to tell you about CRS but only if there is a stated interest from you. As it is right now we are rivals but hopefully that can change.




I'm just not business friendly I guess. Plus the fact CRS has never made any money or filled a tax return must be a factor one might assume. Looks like no trips to Mars for me, either type of trip.
Back to the quantum field drawing board.

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