Friday, July 8, 2016

Just finished a 5 day fast. I plan to eat from Frday night to Sunday night then start another 5 day fast and of course utilizing the wonder drug Allopurinol ( 900 gms per day). My weight went down around 5 kilo in 5 days. Probably back there by Monday morning. Though it just feels so good when I fast.

On Monday I took delivery of a sock puller on I bought on Ebay as I can't bend my right leg enough but even after 5 days it already seems easier without the amazingly simple sock it to me.. Maybe wasted $9 but it is so clever I would have bought it anyway. Must expect to get fatter.

First ex-wife went into hospital yesterday with asthma problem. Not looking good. Supposedly doctors think she might have American Flu and are awaiting results and if positive will give her Tamiflu, the single greatest con since the so-called Aids epidemic. Lots of research showing this drug not only does not work as intended but has terrible side effects for many people, some causing death.

"In Japan the government has banned the giving of the anti-bird flu Tamiflu to school children aged between 10 and 19. A Kyodo News article in the Daily Yomiuri on the 27th April 2007 reported that 70 people (children?) have now died in Japan after taking Tamiflu capsules. World wide supposedly only 140 deaths (May 2007) have been recorded from the actual disease. Meanwhile there are growing doubts it will even be effective in any avian flu outbreak. Supposedly similar problems have appeared in South Korea and elsewhere but apparently these governments are keeping it quiet.

While in the hospital I told my 40 year old daughter Debs that just as fish live under a sea of water we live under a sea of air. A nurse over heard this and remarked, "that's interesting. I never thought of it like that.". This reminded me of an un-intended  experiment I did in the parking area of old school at Bondi Junction some 30 years ago.  I had been hired as a painter and after cleaning up I took the plastic drop sheet outside to shake it out. It was a big sheet and a gust of wind lifted it up but I held on tight and as a consequence saw the outline of the waves of wind as they flowed under the sheet. It was exactly the same as the sea waves that make it to the sand so it was obvious to see that the wave of air carried on after the wave of water had broken up on the beach. The crest of the air waves at similar intervals was repeated just like it is on the sea. Beautiful to watch especially those under water.

Waves are strange things. I don't think anybody really understands them. They are everywhere. They remind me of Queen Substance that is passed around the hive in waves so the workers know the queen is there and it also 'modifies' their behaviour. I'm sure waves do the same for us and getting close to them down the beach is calming for me, thereby modifying my conduct, abit like resetting my switches.

It occured to me just now that waves, which are invisible energy that can only be seen when they pass through a medium, might possibly be the Dark Energy that everyone is looking for but can't see because space is basically empty, except when waves deliver large amounts of cosmic radiation which if excited might be the elusive Dark Matter. Have to think about this.

It's almost 4 o'clock in the morning. Don't really want to go to bed but my yawns are coming in waves now.

Don't know what this line is but it won't go away.

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