Monday, February 29, 2016

If it was anybody else I would say they were screwed up but it's me and I know I am not screwed up though I might be little entangled at times but I usually work it out. Interesting choice of words 'entangled'.

An entangled pair of electrons is said to be the greatest puzzle facing quantum physics today. Supposedly nobody can solve the riddle of how one electron when split from its partner can communicate instantly with the other partner from anywhere in the universe thereby violating Einstein's Relativity law that nothing can travel faster than light.

I solved this problem back in 1986 (?) when I realised that there was only 1 Singularity throughout the whole of existence so every centre of every rotating body (and all bodies are rotating) have the same centre though some centres would appear to be larger than others but entangled pairs are the same sized centre so the communication is instant. That's when I was patted on the back by the cosmos and winked at from a billion faces even though I didn't know then it was such a huge problem.

Funny enough some time later I was staying at a friends house near Sydney airport and I was on the back veranda looking at all the bright stars after having a nice smoke when my mind played 'connect the dots' without telling me, and suddenly smiling down at me was Albert's huge face complete with flailing hair, and he took up just about the whole left side of the sky to do it. For me that was definite proof that everyone is God and because the image was probably over 100,000 light years across, probably the biggest modern image ever seen from Earth. And naturally it was of crazy Albert.

But it is all these other things that are pissing me off. Can't get anyone to accept them. Things such as the Primary Fundamental Right which is so clever in its simplicity yet virtually nobody gets it.

Cot Death caused through Diving Reflex seems to jump over many hurdles and putting babies on the backs has stopped the mayhem though no-one knows why. Except me who knows it's the tongue acting as a sea valve and that the babies are not really dead until an autopsy is done. Leave the cooled child for at least 2 weeks to see if it wakes up by itself.

AIDS and HIV are constructs yet few outside of microscopy know and believe that though the evidence is overwhelming. But still the greatest medical fraud of all time continues untouched by logic. According to some estimates over 250,000 have died from the deadly medicine prescribed to treat this non-existent disease.

If vaccines aren't dangerous why is there a US federal department called National Vaccine Injury Compensation Board which has handed out over 2.5 billion dollars to the injured?

Allopurinol is a fifty-year-old drug that has no patent attachment so is so cheap it would be the most effective panacea ever if it were used as a treatment for obesity, rheumatism, pre-eclampsia, and gout. All these maladies are caused by excessive uric acid in the blood which in turn is a mystery possibly associated with super gluten as well as purines.

The real horror that has been happening for the last 80 years possibly is the unexpected sudden deaths of people from blood clots. This is a pandemic yet virtually no research or very little at best is being conducted to try and find out why so many people are getting leg cramps which in turn creates the DVT, Deep Vein Thrombosis from the leg muscles crushing the blood flowing through the veins. This 'dead' blood then coagulates and ends up either in the lungs, heart or brain where it kills. It doesn't make sense. This condition should not exist. It appears that something that we eat depletes certain minerals from our diets which in turn causes cramps. Magnesium tablets supposely helps with the limiting of the stretch reflex.

Bread conditioners which are added to flour in the manufacturing process to increase the action of gluten seem to be the main suspect, especially the loss of iodine in western diets but this needs further research. When iodine was replaced with bromide back in the 60's as the dough conditioner breast cancer rates exploded and have never come down possibly because of insufficient iodine in the western diet.

The only treatment for clots appears to be blood thinners though drinking lots of water might be safer.

Should a clot develop and death is near or arrived  it might be a good idea to spray the victim with a CO2 fire extinguisher thereby quickly reducing body temperature. Special aim should be taken at the facial trigeminal nerves as this might initiate a Diving Reflex response and quickly lower body temperature while shunting oxygenated blood to the heart and the brain. Once in a 'frozen' state remedial surgery could take place followed by a revitalizing warming cycle. Care should be taken to avoid the eyes when using the extinguisher. Supposedly 6 hours is the maximum time a person can be brought back from a stroke.

The coming financial collapse of the western world will soon bring bigger problems while maybe getting rid of some of the current ones like obesity. Maybe disease is an integral part of being alive. Makes us think. Makes us into problem solvers. I like it.

Pass the CO2 extinguisher please. I need a deep deep sleep.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

My youngest daughter showed me photo of my father taken shortly after the war on the street where we lived in Epsom in Surrey. Number 6 Laburnum Road. Tele; Epsom 2777. I supposed I was about 5 then so it was about 1949.

He was very dapper looking man wearing what appears to be modern clothing though he himself was a gentleman's tailor, actually the sales manager of a very conservative elite clothes outlet for men in Oxford street London. And a mad gambler to boot which was probably the reason why we lived in Epsom with the famous Epsom Downs race track and the Queens Derby Day racing.  I just realised where he probably got most of his racing tips, from his well to do customers. At this point I'd like to remember that my best clothes were expensive herringbone and Harris Tweed and I can remember being very aware of that until the age of 15 when he went to Ford open prison for embezzlement.

Now my memories aren't all that fond of him though I do remember loving him and wanting to see him but we rarely met as I recall and after my mother died when I was 10 he went to work in London and I was sent to my grandmother who loved me dearly which made my drunk 80-year-old grandfather very jealous. My 18-year-old sister also went to my grandparents house but she soon got married and moved out.

Dad would come to Cardiff at least once a month for the weekend and we would often spend that time at a dog race or a point to point horse race track or a rugby game at Cardiff Arms Park where my aunt had the catering contract.

Anyway it wasn't a bad life just boring standing outside pubs with a lemonade and a packet of crisps for hours at a time waiting for him to stumble out. Does that still happen today? Never see kids outside pubs anymore.

But this picture I saw of him brought back odd memories. Was he really my father? I look nothing like him to my way of thinking plus my 2 sisters and elder brother do and because of their age difference there was wasn't the closeness between us all except for my mother who loved me the most because I was her youngest.

I never cried really when she died but when visiting my eldest sister some 50 years later she mentioned how close mum and I were and I suddenly burst into tears of grief which I obviously been holding in for all that time much to my sisters distaste. She had also been farmed out when she was about 6 to a childless rich relative who treated her as a princess for many years whilst my mother was in and out of hospital with heart disease. Later as a young man I was closer to her husband my brother-in-law than I was to her and I know she missed her mum dearly and I was the thing that kept them further apart so I deserved what I got and I accept that.

I think she thought I saw mum in her but I never did. She was just my eldest sister who had great kids.

To be continued...

Trying a new fast.

Fast 6 days, Sunday night till Saturday night. Saturday night eat heartily  (in my case a beautiful steak) then another steak on Sunday night (with an egg) then back into the fast using 900 mg a day of Allopurinol of course. So far I've lost 6 kilo in 6 days, maybe more. Stomach already looking smaller. Truth is I couldn't finish either of my steaks and only managed a third/quarter of each of them. Just too full up

Blood sugar looking good at 6.6 ml and no pills.

Had to go back to the quack for more pain killers and I asked him about my chances. Of course he was non-committal. so I took that non-commital and headed up the Cross where the Bong-Tree grows.

I asked a large old spruiker outside what I thought was a night club if he knew where I might buy some heroin and he kindly took me down a dark hallway where we were met by a very attentive lady, taller than myself, and she put an arm around my shoulder and led me into a nearby bedroom asking what was I after darling. She sat me on her bed and stood over me and told me she had ice and cocaine but no heroin and why did I want heroin?

I explained I was possibly about to die from a very painful stroke so I wanted to buy a syringe filled with heroin the greatest pain killer known to mankind, with the idea of overdosing on the onset of the stroke and hopefully recapturing an opioid dream I once had. I thought about the cocaine but the $500 was out of my comfort zone which is telling in itself, so I told her I wanted to try the government run injecting room to see if I could score there.

She warned me about ripoffs and rubbed my back and sent me on my way.

As I came close to the target I started to panic a bit as the place looked empty from the outside. I dived into a shop close by and pretended to browse. The attendant there was a man in his 40's with a kindly face so I told him what I was doing. To my amazement he told me he had recently had a PE, a Pulmonary Embolism, a clot in the lungs and it was extremely painful. He had spent 4 days in hospital where they pumped him full of thinners. I was stunned, was this some form of divine intervention? Here was a survivor of the worst death possible and I had found him meters away from my self-inflicted youth in Asia.

We talked for over an hour between customers. Turned out he was having trouble with alcohol, lost his family, business etc.( been there done that), in fact we had so much history in common it appeared we were both following the same script. He was impressed with my 29 years abstention and I offered to be his AA sponsor and take him to a meeting that day but as it turned out he had tried AA before and the 12 steps but it hadn't clicked for him. Took me years until I hit the bottom. Also, it's years since I last went to a meeting.

I gave him my Primary Fundamental Right card should he change his mind and introduced him to the PFR concept which he grasped straight away.

After I went to check my parking and saw I'd missed a few calls from my daughter who urgently needed my help further dragging me away from my objective. Really all I want is to try Kabul again and go back to Mars. I was really happy there for a brief moment.

And all this was before I possibly found out my father isn't my father.

As I drove away I noticed my lady friend patrolling the street area close to her bedroom.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

My first grandson was born 4 days ago. He's a little beauty.
His big sister will be 2 next month and she's my first grandchild that I know about anyway.
Glad I managed to stay around and to be with them both.

Supposedly 1 in 2000 pregnancies end with a DVT injury caused through leg cramp.  Out of that figure roughly 1 in 750 will need serious help usually blood thinners such as the rat poison Warfarin.
The risk of getting a blood clot are highest 3 weeks after giving birth.  Cesareans are higher again.
The  lack of manganese and calcium are implicated somewhat but not definitely nor is bromide except maybe here.

"What is BVO?
Brominated vegetable oil is a synthetic chemical that is created when vegetable oil is bonded to the element bromine. Bromine is heavy, and it keeps the oil from floating to the top of water-based solutions, like soft drinks."

Recently I have engaged in conversation with ABC bullion company hopefully to get them to give me some cash so  I can get CashRamSpam spruced up to attract customers to buy gold and silver.
These last few weeks have been pretty convincing to me that the tsunami is on its way. They (ABC)  seem to have run away but not to worry. It will happen anyway.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Had another ultrasound look at my legs and supposedly most of the DVT clots have already gone and that's without taking the rat poison so --great .  The only thing was that the pressure exerted by the technician to find the remaining clots was so heavy I'm scared they are on the move again. Having shooting pains in chest area. Not good.
Not to worry, I'll use quantum mechanics to make it all better.

Just been reading the blog of investor and author Jim Rogers. Say's not long now before the great collapse arrives. Suggests buying a farm because nobody is learning agriculture. All busy getting banking degrees instead plus all the old farmers are dying out leaving their land to fallow.

About 10 years ago I tried to get him interested in running for president but his wife wrote to me asking me not to write to him anymore citing his weak heart. So I never did. He'd have made a brilliant US President I believe if his wife would have let him. He was all for stopping the Drug Wars etc. And all the wives are American.

Heaven and Hell joke.

In Heaven

All the cooks are French
All the police are British
All the wives are Japanese
All the houses are American
All the lovers are Italian
And everything is organized by the Germans

Got to buy more emergency food tomorrow. Tinned stuff is best especially fish like sardines and cheap oily salmon.