Sunday, February 28, 2016

Trying a new fast.

Fast 6 days, Sunday night till Saturday night. Saturday night eat heartily  (in my case a beautiful steak) then another steak on Sunday night (with an egg) then back into the fast using 900 mg a day of Allopurinol of course. So far I've lost 6 kilo in 6 days, maybe more. Stomach already looking smaller. Truth is I couldn't finish either of my steaks and only managed a third/quarter of each of them. Just too full up

Blood sugar looking good at 6.6 ml and no pills.

Had to go back to the quack for more pain killers and I asked him about my chances. Of course he was non-committal. so I took that non-commital and headed up the Cross where the Bong-Tree grows.

I asked a large old spruiker outside what I thought was a night club if he knew where I might buy some heroin and he kindly took me down a dark hallway where we were met by a very attentive lady, taller than myself, and she put an arm around my shoulder and led me into a nearby bedroom asking what was I after darling. She sat me on her bed and stood over me and told me she had ice and cocaine but no heroin and why did I want heroin?

I explained I was possibly about to die from a very painful stroke so I wanted to buy a syringe filled with heroin the greatest pain killer known to mankind, with the idea of overdosing on the onset of the stroke and hopefully recapturing an opioid dream I once had. I thought about the cocaine but the $500 was out of my comfort zone which is telling in itself, so I told her I wanted to try the government run injecting room to see if I could score there.

She warned me about ripoffs and rubbed my back and sent me on my way.

As I came close to the target I started to panic a bit as the place looked empty from the outside. I dived into a shop close by and pretended to browse. The attendant there was a man in his 40's with a kindly face so I told him what I was doing. To my amazement he told me he had recently had a PE, a Pulmonary Embolism, a clot in the lungs and it was extremely painful. He had spent 4 days in hospital where they pumped him full of thinners. I was stunned, was this some form of divine intervention? Here was a survivor of the worst death possible and I had found him meters away from my self-inflicted youth in Asia.

We talked for over an hour between customers. Turned out he was having trouble with alcohol, lost his family, business etc.( been there done that), in fact we had so much history in common it appeared we were both following the same script. He was impressed with my 29 years abstention and I offered to be his AA sponsor and take him to a meeting that day but as it turned out he had tried AA before and the 12 steps but it hadn't clicked for him. Took me years until I hit the bottom. Also, it's years since I last went to a meeting.

I gave him my Primary Fundamental Right card should he change his mind and introduced him to the PFR concept which he grasped straight away.

After I went to check my parking and saw I'd missed a few calls from my daughter who urgently needed my help further dragging me away from my objective. Really all I want is to try Kabul again and go back to Mars. I was really happy there for a brief moment.

And all this was before I possibly found out my father isn't my father.

As I drove away I noticed my lady friend patrolling the street area close to her bedroom.

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