Monday, February 29, 2016

If it was anybody else I would say they were screwed up but it's me and I know I am not screwed up though I might be little entangled at times but I usually work it out. Interesting choice of words 'entangled'.

An entangled pair of electrons is said to be the greatest puzzle facing quantum physics today. Supposedly nobody can solve the riddle of how one electron when split from its partner can communicate instantly with the other partner from anywhere in the universe thereby violating Einstein's Relativity law that nothing can travel faster than light.

I solved this problem back in 1986 (?) when I realised that there was only 1 Singularity throughout the whole of existence so every centre of every rotating body (and all bodies are rotating) have the same centre though some centres would appear to be larger than others but entangled pairs are the same sized centre so the communication is instant. That's when I was patted on the back by the cosmos and winked at from a billion faces even though I didn't know then it was such a huge problem.

Funny enough some time later I was staying at a friends house near Sydney airport and I was on the back veranda looking at all the bright stars after having a nice smoke when my mind played 'connect the dots' without telling me, and suddenly smiling down at me was Albert's huge face complete with flailing hair, and he took up just about the whole left side of the sky to do it. For me that was definite proof that everyone is God and because the image was probably over 100,000 light years across, probably the biggest modern image ever seen from Earth. And naturally it was of crazy Albert.

But it is all these other things that are pissing me off. Can't get anyone to accept them. Things such as the Primary Fundamental Right which is so clever in its simplicity yet virtually nobody gets it.

Cot Death caused through Diving Reflex seems to jump over many hurdles and putting babies on the backs has stopped the mayhem though no-one knows why. Except me who knows it's the tongue acting as a sea valve and that the babies are not really dead until an autopsy is done. Leave the cooled child for at least 2 weeks to see if it wakes up by itself.

AIDS and HIV are constructs yet few outside of microscopy know and believe that though the evidence is overwhelming. But still the greatest medical fraud of all time continues untouched by logic. According to some estimates over 250,000 have died from the deadly medicine prescribed to treat this non-existent disease.

If vaccines aren't dangerous why is there a US federal department called National Vaccine Injury Compensation Board which has handed out over 2.5 billion dollars to the injured?

Allopurinol is a fifty-year-old drug that has no patent attachment so is so cheap it would be the most effective panacea ever if it were used as a treatment for obesity, rheumatism, pre-eclampsia, and gout. All these maladies are caused by excessive uric acid in the blood which in turn is a mystery possibly associated with super gluten as well as purines.

The real horror that has been happening for the last 80 years possibly is the unexpected sudden deaths of people from blood clots. This is a pandemic yet virtually no research or very little at best is being conducted to try and find out why so many people are getting leg cramps which in turn creates the DVT, Deep Vein Thrombosis from the leg muscles crushing the blood flowing through the veins. This 'dead' blood then coagulates and ends up either in the lungs, heart or brain where it kills. It doesn't make sense. This condition should not exist. It appears that something that we eat depletes certain minerals from our diets which in turn causes cramps. Magnesium tablets supposely helps with the limiting of the stretch reflex.

Bread conditioners which are added to flour in the manufacturing process to increase the action of gluten seem to be the main suspect, especially the loss of iodine in western diets but this needs further research. When iodine was replaced with bromide back in the 60's as the dough conditioner breast cancer rates exploded and have never come down possibly because of insufficient iodine in the western diet.

The only treatment for clots appears to be blood thinners though drinking lots of water might be safer.

Should a clot develop and death is near or arrived  it might be a good idea to spray the victim with a CO2 fire extinguisher thereby quickly reducing body temperature. Special aim should be taken at the facial trigeminal nerves as this might initiate a Diving Reflex response and quickly lower body temperature while shunting oxygenated blood to the heart and the brain. Once in a 'frozen' state remedial surgery could take place followed by a revitalizing warming cycle. Care should be taken to avoid the eyes when using the extinguisher. Supposedly 6 hours is the maximum time a person can be brought back from a stroke.

The coming financial collapse of the western world will soon bring bigger problems while maybe getting rid of some of the current ones like obesity. Maybe disease is an integral part of being alive. Makes us think. Makes us into problem solvers. I like it.

Pass the CO2 extinguisher please. I need a deep deep sleep.

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