Thursday, July 28, 2016

Contrary to popular belief the public performance of the worlds elite athletes is not a display of the best naturally gifted but in actuality it is an exposure of their representative countries gene pools. Pools being the operative word simply because some countries have more than one gene pool.

For many countries their pools are actively producing hybrids so in theory they should be at the fore front of their local peers if they were to en-mass represent their country but again this would be unrepresentative and a comparison could be drawn with that of an individual drug cheat who just seeks glory for themselves.

In commercial team sports such as soccer the purpose is for them to win the prize and getting there is all that counts so team managers have the right to 'buy' great athletes from anywhere consequently some European teams often have a preponderance of sub-Saharan players who's physical abilities rival those of the pale drug cheats. But this is the difference, soccer is about cash profit, 4 yearly sports meets is about politics and re-election prospects. And who's got the best armies.

The original games held in Olympia between the 8th and 4th centuries was possibly all about saving lives. The Greeks were smart enough to realize that 2 evenly matched armies could eliminate each other leaving no winner so the idea of a hero was developed, often a fearless giant who would be pitted against another fearless giant and the winning side could claim the spoils with minimal bloodshed. So instead of mustering thousands of peasants and making them all expensive swords and amour, just have a contest where all the hero's could meet and combat with-out spilling blood so even these hero's could survive intact and go home to their worried families and adoring supporters. The result was all the usually warring city states could see who had the best hero's and they could then offer them a contract if they were for hire. Mercenaries were the rock stars of ancient world and the Elvis of them all was Achilles.

Now these rock stars did not have to routinely give their own blood samples though they often fought other rock stars into submission by venting some from their opponents. This was business and truly cut throat. War was and still is the most profitable business and all other businesses stem from there. Because of the poliferation of beautiful nuclear weapons there is no more major wars so all the world's business making becomes global enterprises and poverty and its accompaning diseases are now in freefall. God bless the middle classes and their spending habits and fear of Muslims who keep the modern armies in training and profitable. Consumerism equals peace, enviromentalism equals war. Performance enhancing drugs will rule the day as long as the local science is advanced enough.

When we are all free and there is no more War on Drugs then the world will see the greatest hero's ever.

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