Thursday, July 14, 2016

Waking up groggy this morning I went into full body stretch mode but my CRAMPS alert signal instantly started flashing before my eyes. Quickly I started folding my legs up towards me before the stretch wave which had just left my stem brain on its journey to kill me got into a high enough gear. It struck me that I am creating this wave which gloriously travels down my spine passing over my buttocks with its opiate like pleasure before going into my legs where my waiting calf muscles will try to separate from their bone moorings. Apparently my id has no problems with this while my super ego watches it like a hawk except this morning. My id obviously wants me to go towards the light. Sounds like a massive apoptosis, all cell destruction instead of just a single cell suicide. Rarely trust your primitive brain. It's out to get you.

Many years before I was sitting in my kitchen in Canberra after smoking a rare weed when something inside me took over my eyes and saw my world for the first time. Ignoring inanimate objects it first saw a talking head on the television which shocked it but then it turned away and really freaked out at a quadruped running towards me waving its arms yelling the noise 'Daddy Daddy'. The sight of the swinging arms and 2 mobile lower appendages joined to an upright torso was bad enough but the attached excited sound emitting head caused it to quickly disappear and return from whence it came I guess. My 4 year old daughter Amanda and my visiting sub-conscious provided me with the amazing emotion of instant abject fear at seeing a living alien being for the first time. Maybe I'm the only one on Earth properly prepared to welcome our Martian Overlords.

Only 8 more hours and I can eat again for 2 whole days. Wonderful. Off to Parramatta tomorrow.

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