Wednesday, July 20, 2016

My journey to Parramatta took 2 hours instead of 1 due to heavy traffic. I forgot how every car is on the roads on Saturday in Sydney.

Unfortunately the hot dogs were different from how I remembered them as were the hamburgers. This was I was told by the Nathans area manager for the Antipodes, Caribbean and East Coast USA, because of the stricter Australian regulations regarding fat content in meat products plus a ban on imports of American sauces. It seems Australians still cling to the belief that saturated fat is bad for you so much so that the ozzy Heart Foundation website says 7% saturated fats should be the maximum consumed if you want to avoid heart attacks. So far over 70 studies have supposedly found this is a big fat (saturated) lie and fat is actually good for us.

Yesterday I had a scan of my leg to see how it's faring after my 8 inch (20cm) DVT, deep vein thrombosis probably caused by lactose induced leg cramps and the result was excellent, all gone and without the use of rat poison blood thinners. I'm so fucking clever.

What's left to say now?

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