Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 65   pf

Weight 101.3 kg. Still hanging around the 101 mark. Maybe I should call this blog 'Fasting 101'.

Blood/glucose 6.6 mmol/L. Lovely.

BP 126/77 pulse 80 even more lovely. Its so weird the way my BP changes. One day it's off to the Moon next day fine. Just fine.

So what gives? I don't know. Does'nt make sense.

But wealth does. I hope.

Tithe and Tithing. Since time immemorial humans has paid roughly 10 % of their worth or yearly earnings to someone else in exchange for something such as peace or protection or acceptance into a specific group such as a religion. Tithing is the reason many religions exist. It's a showtime spectacular and many attended their church hoping to get a glimpse of God inside His own house and often they got to breathe in some fragrance laced with a mild psychedelic that let them see whatever they wanted. Nothing like satisfied customers to keep the business end of things going especially if the competition was strong.

Criminal gangs gave a nice variation of the tithe game by getting lots of people to buy 'lottery' tickets voluntarily and then using preset random numbers would pay back 60% of total earnings and keeping 40% for themselves.  Very profitable and much sort after. Even back in the 14 century this was supposedly known as the Italian Numbers Game.

So in truth all religions, all insurance policies, all taxation, all lotteries is a form of gambling hoping for a better life or death. Imagine the relief that comes from knowing your body and soul will be buried in 'consecrated grounds' so Satan can't drag it down in hell to be tortured forever. Some people pay big money for that.

So whenever you get money accumulating it tends to 'bank' up in neat piles of banks of money. Money banks. Banks. And if the banks of money get too high then lend it out and charge Interest or use a Discount.

Now the greatest invention bankers made was that it was possible to make money breed. Money makes money through gambling and the earliest banking messages was invest your money wisely (minimum risk) and it will return you extra money.

The first banking advertisement appears in the Bible when Matthew 25:29  says either you invest your money or you will lose it. And this is good. It helps commerce and creates a circulating currency without which we all die of starvation. But back then Interest was a big NO NO. Only the devil uses Interest. Wise men make profit using Discount. So what's the difference? The difference is the amount of risk involved.

The old religions had lots of experience with both Interest and Discount because they were the peoples banks and they noted that they often lost money if they lent it out on a Interest repayment system but if they lent it out on a Discount repayment system then they usually did better. This was maybe to do with their own greed. Compound interest is more exciting than simple interest and only the 'bankers' were trained in mathematics so only they and some of the Elites knew what was going on. The Sanskrit Sunya or zero was added to calculations by Brahmagupta in the 7th century but it took the travelling diasporic Jewish bankers about 300 years to introduce it to European clients to enable decimal compound interest repayments.

Robbery. By the banks for the banks. As always. Actually they are just following their creed to let the money get together and hopefully breed. But unfortunately large amounts of unemployed money doesn't breed. It creates poverty on a grand scale. Money needs to circulate and only gold is real money and at the moment it is not circulating at all. But it soon will be.

So in the 20's the 'bankers' came up with a great idea. Create artificial money (by fiat) and call it credit. Credit can be created out of thin air so if it fails it can disappear almost as easily as it was created. And credit works best with Interest, much bigger returns through bigger gambles. Credit allows money to be loaned out with very little paperwork especially if it's money used to build a house, a theoretical very tangible asset. In contrast Discount works best with gold (solid, hard money) so as it is more valuable than credit backed paper money and is best employed in projects that offer a guarantee that they will succeed such as in food production. People will always buy food.

Possibly the greatest amount of wealth ever collected was by Victorian England who used gold and the Discount system of money propagation called the Real Bill Doctrine as elucidated by Adam Smith in his 1776 book 'The Wealth of Nations' as their blueprint. As excessive credit always fails then at some point the world has to return to gold and Discount even if only for 50 odd years.

See more examples of Discount and Interest at:

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