Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day 68   pf

Again weight  101.6 kg.  Must change tomorrow. I've hardly stopped eating all day.

Blood/glucose 7.4 mmol/L same as yesterday.

BP sudden drop 121/75 pulse 77. See what I mean? BP does not make sense when this sort of thing happens.

Back in 2009 I built an alternative patent system at that hopefully will come into its own sometime this year.

It is my belief that the existing patent system keeps most of the world poor because innovation is stifled and monopolies hold reign over too much of the world's wealth. The long life of patents granted only to those who can afford to keep a large legal department whose sole job is protect the monopoly practises of its pay master, keeps 95% of the world on the edge of poverty. This is not how the world works best.

One of the great innovations of the western business system was the legal introduction of the 40 hour week shortly after the WW2  though many countries had implemented shorter hours over 100 years ago for skilled labour many unskilled worked much longer without compensation. What was discovered if workers had a decent income and shorter working time then consumerism became a driver of economies. Many companies rely on Christmas present buying to post a profit so the religious significance is overshadowed by its commercial importance. What this indicates is that a much shorter working week could be of great benefit to employers as well as employees.

Henry Ford's doubling of his workers wages to $5 a day and the lowering of their hours worked to 40 had such an impact on Ford Motor Company that within 3 years they more than doubled their profit. Other manufacturers soon followed suit.

In today's restrictive and regressive working methods few employers could afford to double employees wages and lower their working hours. This can be blamed fully and squarely on the existing patent system which hinders innovation and thereby production methods and costs. Not until the existing patent system is taken out of government hands and placed into the hands of industry with a maximum grant of no more than 5 years can the restrictive monopolies be brought to heel.

We must prepare for the coming robot societies. We must prepare for greater leisure. We must prepare for living to 150-200 years. We must prepare for unprecedented wealth.

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