Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day  64   pf

Today has been an eye opener.   Yesterday I drank 1 litre of Solo 32% sugar and 750mls of Bundaberg Ginger Ale 45% sugar and my blood/glucose has been zooming today from 12.3 mmol/L down to 7.7 mmol/L over a period of 16 hours. So much for my diabetes cure. Funny though there was no smell of honey.

Weight went down 1.3 kg to 100.3 kg. Did the sugar burn up more water? Interesting.

A bit of a rise in BP 142/83 Pulse 77 .

 As noted previously religions are a magnificent way to make real money.

The oldest religion is the Jewish one so Jews have been collecting wealth for around 4,000 years though they have lost it all a few times over. At the moment they are possible at one of their higher points. They did well out of reparations from WW2 and their sons have been the backbone of the US film industry since the 30's but the Japanese have taken a fair share of the pickings since the 80's. Still their brothers in the UK control most of the worlds banking system though if the truth be known possibly that's more of a liability than an asset right now with the approaching GFC 2.

Because since WW1 banks have been allowed on patriotic grounds to list War Bonds at face value instead of actual value banks account records have been in decline for over 100 years so many banks are technically bankrupt and have been since 2008. They have been glued together by quantitative easing but the glue is very runny and any hot day soon they will all come unstuck. Only gold can sort this problem out and fortunately the Sons of Israel probably own as much as 35% of the world's gold and probably much of it is stored under the streets of the City of London, a square mile of banks and pleasure. A city state within a state, same as the Vatican where coincidently the world's oldest banking system still exists.

The Nicholas the 5th building next to the Pope's Palace is the bank of the Roman Catholic Church. It too has been looted a few times since the first Pope St Peter previously known as Saul the banker started the Christian religion 2000 odd years ago. At the moment it appears to be in a bit of a mess with the last pope quitting mid term because he had little control over the Curia, the Mafia affiliated governing body who run the bank now known as the IOR as both a criminal organization laundering illegal proceeds and as the collector of alms for the poor who rarely see any of it.

Actually it is probably no worse than Goldman Sachs or J P Morgan both who conduct nefarious activities with it under the cloak of the US Federal Reserve Bank. Might even be cleaner. Their dislike for theft had them execute a thieving colleague by hanging him from the Blackfriars Bridge in the City of London in 1982.
Swift symbolic justice Mafia style.

Now bankers are no more crooked than anyone else trying to make a quid in a highly competitive industry, its just they make more so it is noticed more. But ask a banker what's the difference between Discount and Interest and he'd be hard pressed to give a lucid answer for now but soon he's going to know exactly what it is if he wants to survive.

Up until about the 15 century all 3 religions officially banned Interest also known as usury. This might have had something to do with the Miracle of Compound Interest. Usury means making excessive profit and for lenders compound interest probably had more Jews killed by Gentiles than anything else. And it all had something to do with Zero.

More tomorrow maybe.

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