Sunday, February 8, 2015

Day 71  pf

Fluctuations.  Weight 103.7 kg.  Blood/glucose 7.6 mmol/L. BP 149/82 pulse 82.

Little bit of alarm bells going off especially as my gut is also making a return though I can see it's pure liquid. This isn't fat this is ballast. One 5 day fast and its all gone again for another couple of weeks. So whats its purpose?

Just 3 nights ago I fell down some concrete steps while taking out the garbage in the dark and somehow landing underneath the back end of a car parked in the driveway. I hit the hard ground with some force yet I wasn't injured at all. My youngest reckoned it's because I'm a lizard person.

Had a look at Real Bills and immediately saw its huge potential. How amazing it is. I have an idea how to get it some interested partners. Will talk to some of my contacts in the metal engineering trade tomorrow.

When I was living in Woollahra some 30 odd years ago I sometimes went trekking through the Royal National Park between Cronulla and Wollongong taking a few days sleeping in the bush or on one of the beaches, fishing and cooking over a driftwood fire. It was good for the soul.

Once I found a hidden Arcadia deep in the densest part of the undergrowth far from the walking tracks where a small stream meandered  through a miniature beach and in places was deep enough to allow me to swim underwater. Just perfect. I never felt safe enough to strip off before but I did here and slept on the warm golden sand after having a nice little smoke from a Thai buddha stick.

My long sleep was interrupted by a large fly of a sort I'd never seen before. It looked like a common English Blue Bottle but it was much much bigger and with a beautiful golden orb in the centre of each wing. It was getting late and I had plans in Sydney that night so I followed the stream until I reached a small road then headed north.

I'd been walking for some time and I came to a checkpoint near the entrance of the park and I saw 2 police cars parked there. I figured they were looking for planters and as I had some seeds in my stick I figured it would be wiser to skirt around them so I headed back into the scrub and came out in a picnic area further up the hill.

There was a big family BBQ in progress and my furtive movements saw some of the diners call out to the police even though they were quite some way away. I could hear their cars start up so I ran as fast as I could towards the hill jumping over a fairly wide stream and racing through the bushes all the time going up the hill.

I heard them yelling something to me but I just kept going. Eventually I'd left them far behind and I continued to climb through the scrub towards the top. Being a bit puffed out I looked for an easier route and suddenly I came across some stone steps with 2 stone posts on either side carved out of the natural stone. There was only about 10 steps in all but someone had recently carved them from the rock, that was obvious.

The steps lead onto a animal track which lead onto a large plateau where I stopped to get my bearings. All I could see was this large open space with lots of bushes that had been pulled out of the ground for some strange reason. And I had no idea where I was.

There was a small cliff face towards the end of the flat land and I could see about 200 metres away that something shiny was there so I headed towards it. As I approached I realised it was the XPT, an inter city express train but I could only see the engine, the rest was hidden behind the cliff face. Why was a yellow XPT up here? I knew of no train lines on top of large hills anywhere in that area.

As I was walking I was trying to make out the markings on the side of the engine. The marking seemed to move so I stopped to get a clearer view. To my horror they weren't markings, they were an eye, a huge eye and it was attached to a huge head the size of the XPT train. I froze.

For some reason I figured it was a 4 toed skink, a very large one at that. They look just like snakes except the have 4 legs and I remembered that they hunt by listening for the vibrations of their prey through the 4 toed pads on their feet. I stayed still for about 3 minutes I think until I was sure it hadn't seen or heard me. Then I carefully stepped backwards avoiding twigs.

After about 20 metres I was close to some scrub going over the edge of the hill so I turned and ran and jumped over the edge and rolled through the scrub until I could get up and just kept jumping downwards about 5-10 metres at a time. This time I gone over a different way from whence I came and at the bottom I came across a small billabong with a recess into the cliff face and I hid in there for about 30 minutes until it got dark.

Now I realised why so many bushes were uprooted on the plateau.

After walking through the scrub as quietly as possible on a moonless night for about 30 minutes I think I came across the main Illawarra railway line to Wollongong so I followed it until I came to Waterfall station. I frightened the ticket clerk because I came from behind to get a ticket and the only entrance was from in front which he was usually watching plus I probably looked a bit dishevelled.

Once I got back to Sydney I made plans to return. And I did and what happened was totally unexpected.

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