Friday, February 20, 2015

Day  83  pf

Last but one day, day penultimate. Horribly cumbersome word penultimate.

Weight down slightly, 106.5  kg.  Blood/glucose 7.6 mmol/L and BP 137/85 pulse 83.

Today I received an email from the ABC radio national.

"Dear Bernard,

Thank you very much for your information on Preeclampsia I have passed it on to the Health Report.


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-----Original Message-----
From: Bernard Palmer []
Sent: Thursday, 19 February 2015 2:13 AM
To: Radio National Enquiries
Subject: Preeclampsia

Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by Bernard Palmer ( on Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 02:13:27

program_name: The Health Report

comments: Last year I almost lost my daughter to preeclampsia.  The same week a mother of 3 who worked at our local supermarket died from its complications. Supposedly there is no known cure for this condition.  I would like you to read this NIH research paper showing that Allopurinol the medicine used for gout can treat this disease and to broadcast this fact.


We'll see where that goes.

Another interesting thing happened this week. In my final week as a photocopier repairman I was sent on Tuesday to a machine at the David Read Memorial Laboratory at the University of Sydney. 

Back in the early 1980's David Read was regarded by many SIDS researchers to be at the forefront of the pack trying to crack the mystery. On the off chance he'd speak to me I went to Sydney Uni late on a Friday afternoon. He  was very receptive and we talked about an hour. He said he thought I was correct in my hypothesis when I said that SIDS was caused the Diving Reflex and by the previously unknown action of the tongue acting as a valve and blocking the airways. He brought out autopsy photos of the babies trachea showing pink dots called petechiae as evidence of suffocation.

He was quite old, I guess in his 80's. He asked me to call him the following week without saying for what reason. When I called his upset secretary told me he had suddenly died a few days before.

He'd spent much of his life trying to find the cause of SIDS. My sentiment was that he was probably happy to go once he knew the answer.

This time while I was fixing their copier I began talking to a man in the office named Mark. I thought he was the IT guy because some one there was asking him IT questions. He said he was a researcher in Sleep Apnea so I told him the story of my last visit 30 years ago. While he was talking about his research I realized that sleep apnea could well be a form of Diving Reflex so I asked if any of his dead victims had petechiae. He said yes. 

So I told him about Richard Johnson's book 'The Fat Switch' and how he thought that Metabolic Syndrome was a form of hibernation and also I told him about Sam Parnia 'Dr. Lazarus' who could relive fat dead people intact as long as they had only been dead less than 6 hours. And then I told him that the SIDS diving reflex victims were probably still alive until their autopsy. He was visibly taken back a bit by that thought or so it appeared to me.

As I left I mentioned my instruction to my wife to bury me with my fully charged mobile phone, just in case. He made a meek sort of laugh.

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