Monday, May 11, 2015

day 1 of a revised method of fasting.

Monday morning 8am AEST

BP 156/88/ pulse 81  
Blood/glucose 9.2
Weight 117.5 kg

Going to try something else to get my weight down. Not sure what I'm doing yet.

In the beginning of this year I water fasted for 42 days and lost 24 kg.

My diabetes was apparently gone when I last weighed 101 kg and without medication but for the past 2 weeks I'm taking 2000mg of  Metformin and sometimes 3000mg a day and the diabetes still seems out of control. Usually the readings are around 9 to 12.

13 hours later. Nothing to eat or drink except 600 mg Allopurinol and 90 mg codeine for leg pain. Last of the codeine.

BP   156/92 pulse 83 still bad
Blood/glucose  7.1- wow.
Weight  115. Lost 2.5 kg already and no bowel activity? Amazing.

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