Saturday, May 16, 2015

day 5 of revised..

10 am

Blood/glucose 7.4 an increase of 1.8 in the last 11 hours though I haven't eaten anything. Strange brew look what's inside of you. Maybe the potassium dye.

Weight 113 kg same as last night.

BP 140/84 pulse 80 a little bit more than last night but still good.

Will eat again tonight. Allopurinol 600 mg a day. Stopped taking Metformin against doctors advice. Want to see if its the cause of my lactic acid type pain in my left thigh. Having a nuclear scan in 30 minutes to see if it is bone cancer.

Negative. Nothing a good shot of cortisone won't fix.

Blood/glucose 6.1. Yipee.

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