Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Maybe not.
Wednesday 14 Dec 2016

I'm lost.

Monday, November 28, 2016


too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.'


No words in any known language which could be used to describle..

Too much visual stimuli and insufficent memory capability resulting in no possible sufficent image recall ..

How come the word ineffale exists? It attempts to describe Nothing.

So Nothing is actually indescribable in known words. Zero possibly isn't even on the same street.

Friday, November 18, 2016

All Hail King Donald.

This is so interesting. I wrote a few years ago that should the US economy collapse then a few things could happen. Here's what I wrote in 'What is the Primary Fundamental Right?'

"During the transition into a full User Pays society it will be interesting to see which of these elites emerges as the natural leader of their group. Justifiably they might be able to claim the right to be the first US monarch or Lord Protector, and they could even attempt to institute a monarchical republic with a hereditary head of state. For that to succeed this new monarchical republic would also need to be constructed using the tenets of the Primary Fundamental Right otherwise the whole calamity would probably repeat itself within 100 years. After the no voting 15 years is over, a vote would need to be taken by all the citizens to either keep the incipient monarchy or not.
Canada would possibly also lose its fiat currency in the collapse of the American dollar so the opportunity could be taken for Canada to be united with the USA, thereby creating the USNA, the United States of North America. The presence of the more personal freedom loving Canadians to the USNA could help temper the overtly militaristic Americans and dampen their excessive patriotism for their police state. Initially it probably would be better if Quebec was left as a sovereign country but not Nunavut the Inuit territory of northern Canada. Also Mexico should try and align itself more to its south. At some point all borders should disappear.
If a monarchial system was decided upon by the American elites then a Canadian could also be possibly picked to be the new King or Queen. Whoever was picked means their whole family then becomes royalty. Their children would become princes and princesses and they would need to create a nobility adorned with barons, knights, palaces etc, and the royal retinue. This would all be funded by the monarch so they would need to be of excellent independent means as they should not be legally ever be able to collect compulsory taxes to support their extravagant life style under the Primary Fundamental Right and Capitalism Democracy.
If the US Constitution is ever suspended or even scrapped then the UK Crown might be tempted to lay claim to the land covered now by both the US and Canadian territories. It should be remembered that Queen Elizabeth is still the head of state of the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand and a few other dominions and if any of those governments collapsed then possibly legally she can resume direct control. To back her up in the events of calamities the Royal Family has always kept a strong presence within her supposedly loyal UK armed forces. The collapse of the UK economy could see a temporary return to an absolute monarchy.
For thousands of years direct rule by the strongest family within any group has probably been the norm. If there is a world wide collapse of the world fiat monetary system then quite naturally the wealthiest families might assume their traditional role again. It could be argued that even republics naturally tend to produce royal dynasties. Supposedly the Bush family have genealogical ties with the British Royals and Winston Churchill through a 15th century Henry Spencer. Plus royalty and the gold standard have had a very long association."

King Don already lives in a splendid palace lavished with much gold. Tick that box.

Friday, October 7, 2016

This week I saw the Andrew Wakefield's documentary 'VAXXED'. Amazing.

At the end of said piece they have a scientist from MIT calculated the progression of the endemic and she came up with the figure of 1 in 2 will be badly affected by the current MMR regime by 2032. Horrific figures.
Today I went on the website of the films promoter and left this comment;
What an excellent documentary.
It is replete with incontrovertible evidence pointing towards a total cover up of a mass scourge at the highest levels of government.
Putting aside the impact this endemic has on large amounts of families especially those of African descent it also highlights the perverse corruption of the media on all levels. Truly the age of investigative journalism is moribund. Compliance to big advertiser wishes is paramount especially if there is a sliver of doubt thrown to the dogs of hyperbole.
More over the actions of these dogs to encite rage at those who ask for independent review shows to me the progression of a world wide attraction to fascism. This is to be expected as the death throes of rampant Socialism coalesce downwards eventual totalitarianism.
The denial of parents to assess for themselves the benefits of MMR vaccinations and to postpone said injections is a basic right of their person. Either you own your own body or you don’t and you are a slave in the truest sense of the word. One only has to look at government mandated restictions on animal fats in our diets and the obesity epidemic that missive caused to see how important it is we all refrain from letting big government engourge themselves on our freedoms.
Looks like we freedom riders lost this one.
For now anyway.

I love the PFR.
My baby. Pity about the spelling.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

!st day of spring here in the Antipodes. Weather great at 20 degrees C. Had the whole afternoon to do something interesting but instead re-watched episodes of Mr Robot. I meet the storyline halfway. My idea on the ending of the current financial system is similar to theirs but I don't expect it to happen through the activities of disgruntled hackers, bringing down the worlds largest corporation(s). I want a peaceful transition from fiat paper money to digital gold and silver facilitated by the sale-(for precious metal)-of all government owned resources with the proceeds being evenly distributed to each citizen regardless of their age.
Dreamer #1 calling planet Earth. Do you read me?
Anybody there?


Monday, August 22, 2016

A preliminary look at the medal results of the Rio Olympics appears to show that even though the USA remains the country with the strongest armies the combination of the Russian and Chinese armies could evenly match the USA for gene pool strength. Where the USA wins in the event of a showdown would be from its original gene pool the UK who in turn tows behind it the non-nuclear gene pools of Australia and New Zealand while the enfeebled Canadian gene pool would probably be of little help to the USA in a full on confrontation. That is unless the USA subsumed Canada and somewhere sent it into the fray to act as a sacrificial pawn.

Leadership rumblings in Russia could cause Putin to commit to an offensive war against the NATO countries unless he can be stopped by his own centurions who are continually under pressure to show their loyalty. In such an event the Chinese might attack Japan causing North Korea to invade their southern brothers. Whatever the outcome the US dollar will be destroyed and gold will eventually become the main currency, which both China and Russia have good stockpiles of while the USA, UK, Canada and Australia and New Zealand who sold off or leased out their gold stocks in compliance to their false religion of fiat currencies, will become bankrupt.

In the event of nuclear radiation fall out problem it should soon become aware that the level of radiation is not as dangerous as previously thought. Professor Wade Allison in his book 'Radiation and Reason' says that the perceived safe levels as regulated are way out and need to be realized as much higher than currently employed. So the benefits of a nuclear war are yet to be determined but some 'high' radiation could be quite healthy.

Iosat is a US chemical company that produces Potassium Iodide Tablets, 130mg, that are used by radiation workers to block thyroid damage. One a day seems to do the trick with the added bonus of the iodine helping to stop numerous cancers especially breast cancer from forming. Great for common colds too. Can be bought online for reasonable price.

Friday, August 12, 2016

This week has been momentous for one particular reason. Tuesday the 9th August 2016 was supposed to be the day the Australian government had its census but due to technical problems it was still having it by Friday the 12th. The computer system of the statistics department went down which in turn negated the main point of the exercise which was to see a fair representation of Australian life over a period of a few hours. Instead the data will have to be analysed more broadly but either way it doesn't really matter because the main use of that data won't be recognized for some time yet. That use will be critical for determaining who owns what property after the rams horn is blown 3 times.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Contrary to popular belief the public performance of the worlds elite athletes is not a display of the best naturally gifted but in actuality it is an exposure of their representative countries gene pools. Pools being the operative word simply because some countries have more than one gene pool.

For many countries their pools are actively producing hybrids so in theory they should be at the fore front of their local peers if they were to en-mass represent their country but again this would be unrepresentative and a comparison could be drawn with that of an individual drug cheat who just seeks glory for themselves.

In commercial team sports such as soccer the purpose is for them to win the prize and getting there is all that counts so team managers have the right to 'buy' great athletes from anywhere consequently some European teams often have a preponderance of sub-Saharan players who's physical abilities rival those of the pale drug cheats. But this is the difference, soccer is about cash profit, 4 yearly sports meets is about politics and re-election prospects. And who's got the best armies.

The original games held in Olympia between the 8th and 4th centuries was possibly all about saving lives. The Greeks were smart enough to realize that 2 evenly matched armies could eliminate each other leaving no winner so the idea of a hero was developed, often a fearless giant who would be pitted against another fearless giant and the winning side could claim the spoils with minimal bloodshed. So instead of mustering thousands of peasants and making them all expensive swords and amour, just have a contest where all the hero's could meet and combat with-out spilling blood so even these hero's could survive intact and go home to their worried families and adoring supporters. The result was all the usually warring city states could see who had the best hero's and they could then offer them a contract if they were for hire. Mercenaries were the rock stars of ancient world and the Elvis of them all was Achilles.

Now these rock stars did not have to routinely give their own blood samples though they often fought other rock stars into submission by venting some from their opponents. This was business and truly cut throat. War was and still is the most profitable business and all other businesses stem from there. Because of the poliferation of beautiful nuclear weapons there is no more major wars so all the world's business making becomes global enterprises and poverty and its accompaning diseases are now in freefall. God bless the middle classes and their spending habits and fear of Muslims who keep the modern armies in training and profitable. Consumerism equals peace, enviromentalism equals war. Performance enhancing drugs will rule the day as long as the local science is advanced enough.

When we are all free and there is no more War on Drugs then the world will see the greatest hero's ever.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Just watched Series 2 Episode 3 of Mr. Robot. After the intro the first scene at 1:10 is two men walking past a Santa Claus soliciting alms outside a closed up Nathans Famous Hot Dogs stand on the winter boardwalk at Coney Island.

The plot of the story is that a small group of computer hackers have attempted to bring down the American banking system and have apparently caused enough serious damage so now most people can't access their money as the banks have no record of their accounts. Chaos reigns.

Interesting for me is I am waiting here for the collapse of the same said banking system and have in place my alternative banking system that so far has nothing going for it to allow it to perform such a task. Sure it's there but it needs large amounts a gold and silver 'bank' deposits and that, 'it ain't got' -well for now anyway. There again maybe it 'don't need' large deposits.

Things might change anyway after next Friday if I get to speak at the ABC precious metals symposium.

More converging Quantum Fields.

Wish I could see the link between Diving Reflex, Sleep Apnea, hibernation, DVT, lactos, lower leg cramp, blood clots, big stomaches on men and large thighs on women especially the amazing African Hottentot women with their huge hips and butts which are used as food reserves when travelling long distances. Umm. And the unusually large amounts of thinnish joggers who fall over dead.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

My journey to Parramatta took 2 hours instead of 1 due to heavy traffic. I forgot how every car is on the roads on Saturday in Sydney.

Unfortunately the hot dogs were different from how I remembered them as were the hamburgers. This was I was told by the Nathans area manager for the Antipodes, Caribbean and East Coast USA, because of the stricter Australian regulations regarding fat content in meat products plus a ban on imports of American sauces. It seems Australians still cling to the belief that saturated fat is bad for you so much so that the ozzy Heart Foundation website says 7% saturated fats should be the maximum consumed if you want to avoid heart attacks. So far over 70 studies have supposedly found this is a big fat (saturated) lie and fat is actually good for us.

Yesterday I had a scan of my leg to see how it's faring after my 8 inch (20cm) DVT, deep vein thrombosis probably caused by lactose induced leg cramps and the result was excellent, all gone and without the use of rat poison blood thinners. I'm so fucking clever.

What's left to say now?

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Writing a blog is a bit like looking at a nice picture of yourself. You look at it a few times, put it away, look at it again, wonder if a stranger would find it attractive and the joke is there is only you to see it so in a sense a blog is writing a letter to yourself. Sounds like vanity but is it? Or is it an act of purest companionship? After all who else knows you better and likes you to boot.  I get by knowing I like me.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Waking up groggy this morning I went into full body stretch mode but my CRAMPS alert signal instantly started flashing before my eyes. Quickly I started folding my legs up towards me before the stretch wave which had just left my stem brain on its journey to kill me got into a high enough gear. It struck me that I am creating this wave which gloriously travels down my spine passing over my buttocks with its opiate like pleasure before going into my legs where my waiting calf muscles will try to separate from their bone moorings. Apparently my id has no problems with this while my super ego watches it like a hawk except this morning. My id obviously wants me to go towards the light. Sounds like a massive apoptosis, all cell destruction instead of just a single cell suicide. Rarely trust your primitive brain. It's out to get you.

Many years before I was sitting in my kitchen in Canberra after smoking a rare weed when something inside me took over my eyes and saw my world for the first time. Ignoring inanimate objects it first saw a talking head on the television which shocked it but then it turned away and really freaked out at a quadruped running towards me waving its arms yelling the noise 'Daddy Daddy'. The sight of the swinging arms and 2 mobile lower appendages joined to an upright torso was bad enough but the attached excited sound emitting head caused it to quickly disappear and return from whence it came I guess. My 4 year old daughter Amanda and my visiting sub-conscious provided me with the amazing emotion of instant abject fear at seeing a living alien being for the first time. Maybe I'm the only one on Earth properly prepared to welcome our Martian Overlords.

Only 8 more hours and I can eat again for 2 whole days. Wonderful. Off to Parramatta tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Trying this new fast, eat weekends fast weekdays. Got to Wednesday and decided to eat so new fast as of today- food weekends and Wednesday. Hurrah for flexiblity and weekness. Interesting misspelling.

Last week I saw that Nathans hot dogs of Coney Is. NY had its 100 birthday which was celebrated by a hot dog eating contest. My first adult girlfriend took me-and her portly 11 yold brother-there back in '62 and introduced me to the world of instant gratification. To this day I think I remember that taste, nothing like it I thought at the time. After reminiscing I wondered if Nathans ever made it to Australia and to my delight I saw that they actually open their first Australian store tomorrow (14th July) in Westfield Shopping Town Parramatta a mere 1 hours drive away. (How's that for controlling local Quantum Fields). But I'm supposed to be on a fast. I supposed I could go and just have one dog to check my memories credibility. Probably need 2.
Suppose I could wait until Saturday unless I utilize my flexibility and weakness attributes.

Quantum Fields converging. Today I had a Linkedin query regarding said ex-girlfriend and on her links was her little 65 yold portly brother. History repeating after 54 years.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

This wave idea has got me thinking. What if the wave is not an energy force that has been identified such as an electro-magnetic or sound wave or gravity wave but something yet to be discovered. A silent noise that permeates everything but isn't actually there. A moving zero point. An all powerful nothing.

What can be there and not there at the same time. A Saggitarius A singularity. Works both ways. Singularity A Saggitarius A. Worm hole.

Saggitarius A is the power source of this whole galaxy. Saggitarius A is a massive black hole exterior hiding an infinitely small Singularity =WHERE does it's ability to create waves out of Nothing come from? How is this done?   Seeing that everything is created out of Nothing means maybe the waves are not there. Huh?

I really want to go back to watching the Larry Sanders Show and not try to figure this out. It makes me ache in my shoulders. I see the show's star Garry Shandling died 24th March from a sudden heart attack the day after complaining about pains in his leg and shortness of breath. He spoke recently of being diagnosed as having 'ParaThyroidism' a condition where the calcium is removed from the bones and haunts the blood stream. Sounds more like blood clots to me. Leg cramps caused by too much calcium? Maybe a lack of Iodine? Just going to take another iodine tablet here and see if I wake up in the morning.

"Too little potassium, calcium or magnesium in your diet can contribute to leg cramps" Mayo Clinic.

Nothing about lactose.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Just finished a 5 day fast. I plan to eat from Frday night to Sunday night then start another 5 day fast and of course utilizing the wonder drug Allopurinol ( 900 gms per day). My weight went down around 5 kilo in 5 days. Probably back there by Monday morning. Though it just feels so good when I fast.

On Monday I took delivery of a sock puller on I bought on Ebay as I can't bend my right leg enough but even after 5 days it already seems easier without the amazingly simple sock it to me.. Maybe wasted $9 but it is so clever I would have bought it anyway. Must expect to get fatter.

First ex-wife went into hospital yesterday with asthma problem. Not looking good. Supposedly doctors think she might have American Flu and are awaiting results and if positive will give her Tamiflu, the single greatest con since the so-called Aids epidemic. Lots of research showing this drug not only does not work as intended but has terrible side effects for many people, some causing death.

"In Japan the government has banned the giving of the anti-bird flu Tamiflu to school children aged between 10 and 19. A Kyodo News article in the Daily Yomiuri on the 27th April 2007 reported that 70 people (children?) have now died in Japan after taking Tamiflu capsules. World wide supposedly only 140 deaths (May 2007) have been recorded from the actual disease. Meanwhile there are growing doubts it will even be effective in any avian flu outbreak. Supposedly similar problems have appeared in South Korea and elsewhere but apparently these governments are keeping it quiet.

While in the hospital I told my 40 year old daughter Debs that just as fish live under a sea of water we live under a sea of air. A nurse over heard this and remarked, "that's interesting. I never thought of it like that.". This reminded me of an un-intended  experiment I did in the parking area of old school at Bondi Junction some 30 years ago.  I had been hired as a painter and after cleaning up I took the plastic drop sheet outside to shake it out. It was a big sheet and a gust of wind lifted it up but I held on tight and as a consequence saw the outline of the waves of wind as they flowed under the sheet. It was exactly the same as the sea waves that make it to the sand so it was obvious to see that the wave of air carried on after the wave of water had broken up on the beach. The crest of the air waves at similar intervals was repeated just like it is on the sea. Beautiful to watch especially those under water.

Waves are strange things. I don't think anybody really understands them. They are everywhere. They remind me of Queen Substance that is passed around the hive in waves so the workers know the queen is there and it also 'modifies' their behaviour. I'm sure waves do the same for us and getting close to them down the beach is calming for me, thereby modifying my conduct, abit like resetting my switches.

It occured to me just now that waves, which are invisible energy that can only be seen when they pass through a medium, might possibly be the Dark Energy that everyone is looking for but can't see because space is basically empty, except when waves deliver large amounts of cosmic radiation which if excited might be the elusive Dark Matter. Have to think about this.

It's almost 4 o'clock in the morning. Don't really want to go to bed but my yawns are coming in waves now.

Don't know what this line is but it won't go away.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Today is the 24th June 2016, the day of Brexit or not.  A momentous time actually in the history of Europe. Either way the result will cause hostilities. I laughted how Putin asked why did they allow a referendum to take place anyway? A 101 lesson in dictatorship verses independent thinking.

Continuing the lactose intolerance idea that results in blood clots I came across a research paper that intimates over 90% of people are lactose intolerant a few years after weaning. Also that lactose is now a major 'filler' in many processed foods and is virtually unavoidable and finally the test for LI needs to be much longer.

I applied to 2 venture capital companies for funds to get CashRamSpam main line. So far neither of them have responded at all. In guess I'm too unconventional. Re-reading my application to Carthona Capital Sydney one could have doubts about my sanity I suppose. More for me then.

"Dear Guys,

Hi. My name is Bernard Palmer and I am the sole owner of Pariis Pty Ltd trading as

CashRamSpam (CRS) is possibly the first spam free email system which I built here in Sydney back in 2002. It must also be the best kept secret on the internet since it has been going for 14 years without a break and few seem to know about it.  ( Lots of changes since this article.)

I heard you on radio national last week regarding Paddy's ion engine. Interesting stuff. Yasmin said you are looking for something "to change the world". I think CRS is it but not just as an anti spammer. Over the years I've been adding more parts and only since around 2012 did I realize what I had partially built. It's actually an alternative banking system based on the Real Bill Doctrine (RBD) of Adam Smith and maths Professor Antal Fekete RBD, and I'm adding my own Primary Fundamental Right 'user pays' system to boot.

As financial men you more than most must guess what could easily happen to the present financial system, especially you Dean as an ex-arbitrageur/economist/mathematician.

Actually this website probably won't change the world but it could be ready should the world change back to using metal money. Obviously you are both trained in Keynesian theory but the truth is that it has faltered badly and is likely heading towards fail. As an accountant I'm hopeful you James will see the logic of Fekete's article should you read it.

As you can see from the home page I will sell amounts of gold and silver from as little as AUS$50  which is added to the CRS clients micro payment account in multiples of grams up  to 4 decimal places giving them the ability to make payments to another CRS client in metal or oz dollars.

Now I guess you've bet big on ABRA and CRS is a sort of ABRA but ABRA also has competition from World Remit and I'm sure there are probably more out there, so apart from the fact I'm selling metal I also have an app that works when both the Internet and the mobile phone system is not available. Interestingly World Remit gives us all a price point of at least US$120 million.

My main problem is my website is old and needs a major make-over and a team of marketeers to get it massive exposure. Australians in particular really need to know  that they can buy small amounts of gold and silver through CRS  either as an investment or to use as money with other CRS clients, and by using CRS they get many other benefits such as the ability to be paid to read some ones message and also able to sell their own data which seems to be the big thing at the moment. One of the drawbacks is that it is a closed system but that also means it's free from much of the internet contagions.

To my knowledge in the 14 years of its existence no spam has ever gotten through into CRS, not that a great deal of activity has been happening in that time.

If there is to be a total monetary collapse as some think possible then CRS can maybe prevent a real catastrophe.while in the meantime earning  profit, possibly by utilizing P2P lending allowing clients to buy gold and silver on credit while all the time CRS keeps the actual metal. Supposedly up to 4 US states could soon allow trading using gold and silver.
I'm not sure how much money needs to be invested in CRS  though on the professional management side that would be your baby but most important I think is the purchasing of large quantity of gold and silver bullion before the price increase really starts. If the bull run on metal has started then this itself could help finance CRS.As a successful minor gold bug I anticipate gold going much higher.

On a side note, like Elon Musk I'd love to go to Mars and Paddy's Ion Drive could be just what I and maybe Elon Musk would need. CRS possibly has the ability to fund such a venture.

Obviously there is a lot more to tell you about CRS but only if there is a stated interest from you. As it is right now we are rivals but hopefully that can change.




I'm just not business friendly I guess. Plus the fact CRS has never made any money or filled a tax return must be a factor one might assume. Looks like no trips to Mars for me, either type of trip.
Back to the quantum field drawing board.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Just reread my last post from 2 months ago about 'Bernie's baby'. So sad. I wanted so much to help. Such a beautiful child.

I have my 2 grandchildren now and I am so scared something awful could happen to them which is good because a few months ago I went with their mother my daughter Gemma, to visit my first ex-wife Dianne and my 39-year old daughter Deborah. They have a swimming pool and sure enough, 2-year old Aiya disappeared so I raced outside to the pool area just in time to see her jumping in. She went straight under and I jumped in about 5 seconds after her. She appeared to be swimming underwater which made me hesitate before lifting her out. Brave little girl. Doesn't quite understand she needs the arm floaties.

Still can feel the remnant blood clot in my leg I think though I try not to think about it. A few weeks ago I had a message from my niece Sue in the UK telling me my 80-year old sister has had a stroke and I should get in touch with her. I had an argument with both my elder sisters about 3 years ago and told them I would never speak to them again. Shame really as today I think I might have discovered what causes my leg cramps which in turn causes blood clots which could be the reason why the clot is still there. It appears I'm mildly lactose intolerent and lactose supposedly causes cramp as well as bloating and gas and diarrhoea which fits my job description attributes as well as being stupidly inflexible.

I'm now taking some lactase enzymes to help correct the problem. Love my milk and cheese and cream. Probably have to give them up as the Lacteeze pills are very expensive.

Makes me wonder, if the DVT epidemic is caused by lactose intolerance surely some medico's would have figured it out by now. It's not rocket science. And how come I went my whole life being lactose tolerant until now? What changed?

Sunday, March 6, 2016

e-Mail sent to Joe Plasecki Editor of the Argonaut a 30,000-circulation weekly in the Southland Publishing family. Los Angeles on the 4th March 2016

Dear Joe Piasecki,
My name is Bernard Palmer and I live here in Sydney, Australia.
Today I saw the sad news about  Oliver Jack Carter Lomas the Bernie's Baby from Venice who has become a victim of SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
My reason for writing to you is because 30 odd years ago I believe I discovered the cause of SIDS while experimenting on myself trying to find a cure for my young daughters Cerebral Palsy.
What I discovered is that the tongue is a deep sea water valve which if initiated by cooling the facial trigeminal nerves, will spring up and totally block the air passage suffocating the child. This also explains why the tongue is the strongest muscle in our bodies.
Once the sufforcation is completed the tongue relaxes leaving the tell tale symptom of SIDS, little pink dots on the inside of the windpipe called petechiae. This is why in the earlier days many parents were charged with murder.
Now the really sad thing is that if the child has entered a Diving Reflex then they are possibly not dead but in a deep form of hibernation where the oxygenated blood collects around the heart and lungs and no life signs are discernable. But if an autopsy is performed then they probably die then.  If not cut open the child will sometimes wake up days later without any sign of damage other than hunger and thirst.
I see that little Oliver will be given a wake. The reason they are called 'wakes' is because people would sometimes come back to life, actually awaken. This can take up to 2 weeks or maybe even more. But no point if autopsied.
I'm not sure why I'm telling you this. I was hoping if you could find out if an autopsy was done. If it wasn't I was going to suggest you get the parents to slap Olivers backside very hard while holding him upside down. Newborns often come out in a Diving Reflex state and that's the method often used to bring them out of it. Otherwise to keep him cool and wait for a while.
I'm a retired photocopier repairman though I did build the world's first spam free email system   and I discovered the Primary Fundamental Right  but I have no medical training but back in the 80's I was probably instrumental in getting the Tasmanian Health Service to get mothers to put their babies on their backs only,  with the result that Hobart went from being SIDS capitol in the world to being SIDS occassionally.

61 414 267 303

Forgot to check the spelling. OMG.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

New fast going well. Lost 7 kg and blood sugars very low. Now in 10th day. 900 mg Allopurinol daily.

It sounds a bit awful to deny Alfred John Palmer the right to be my biological father. But I'm guessing his younger brother Bill might have slipped one in there while he was off at the race tracks and anyway the DNA codec would be pretty much the same so it really doesn't matter that much plus it gives my Mum a new respect.

What if she and Bill had a secret love affair? I remember waking up in her bed when I was about 6 and they were standing close together by the door looking fondly at me. He was in his police sergeant's uniform and he had the bobby hat on so I was surprised to see a pig trying to scare me in my own home so he quickly took it off and pushed a wry smile my way. She deflected too fast by saying "Your Uncle Bill's come to see you after he heard you are sick," but the ruse was up. I saw a connection between them above and beyond a familial bond. They were up to something and she knew I knew it. They scarpered downstairs quickly after briefly discussing tea.

She once told me I was named after WW2  Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery (Monty) and my middle name William because she liked it. Why did she like it? Was it my fathers name?

Just before he died of stomach cancer Bill came out to Australia to see his son Brian in Melbourne. He made the effort to see me in Canberra for a week before he returned to the UK. We got on better than I ever did with Alf with whom I was always fighting. It was good fun.

Years later after my marriage was over and I was driving a truck in Sydney and sharing a house in Woollahra with an artist name Dave I went up the shops for a haircut. When I got back I could see I'd been given a 'gays' haircut so I got in the shower and shaved my head. Walking past the hallway mirror I was stunned to see my Uncle Bill staring back at me.

Monday, February 29, 2016

If it was anybody else I would say they were screwed up but it's me and I know I am not screwed up though I might be little entangled at times but I usually work it out. Interesting choice of words 'entangled'.

An entangled pair of electrons is said to be the greatest puzzle facing quantum physics today. Supposedly nobody can solve the riddle of how one electron when split from its partner can communicate instantly with the other partner from anywhere in the universe thereby violating Einstein's Relativity law that nothing can travel faster than light.

I solved this problem back in 1986 (?) when I realised that there was only 1 Singularity throughout the whole of existence so every centre of every rotating body (and all bodies are rotating) have the same centre though some centres would appear to be larger than others but entangled pairs are the same sized centre so the communication is instant. That's when I was patted on the back by the cosmos and winked at from a billion faces even though I didn't know then it was such a huge problem.

Funny enough some time later I was staying at a friends house near Sydney airport and I was on the back veranda looking at all the bright stars after having a nice smoke when my mind played 'connect the dots' without telling me, and suddenly smiling down at me was Albert's huge face complete with flailing hair, and he took up just about the whole left side of the sky to do it. For me that was definite proof that everyone is God and because the image was probably over 100,000 light years across, probably the biggest modern image ever seen from Earth. And naturally it was of crazy Albert.

But it is all these other things that are pissing me off. Can't get anyone to accept them. Things such as the Primary Fundamental Right which is so clever in its simplicity yet virtually nobody gets it.

Cot Death caused through Diving Reflex seems to jump over many hurdles and putting babies on the backs has stopped the mayhem though no-one knows why. Except me who knows it's the tongue acting as a sea valve and that the babies are not really dead until an autopsy is done. Leave the cooled child for at least 2 weeks to see if it wakes up by itself.

AIDS and HIV are constructs yet few outside of microscopy know and believe that though the evidence is overwhelming. But still the greatest medical fraud of all time continues untouched by logic. According to some estimates over 250,000 have died from the deadly medicine prescribed to treat this non-existent disease.

If vaccines aren't dangerous why is there a US federal department called National Vaccine Injury Compensation Board which has handed out over 2.5 billion dollars to the injured?

Allopurinol is a fifty-year-old drug that has no patent attachment so is so cheap it would be the most effective panacea ever if it were used as a treatment for obesity, rheumatism, pre-eclampsia, and gout. All these maladies are caused by excessive uric acid in the blood which in turn is a mystery possibly associated with super gluten as well as purines.

The real horror that has been happening for the last 80 years possibly is the unexpected sudden deaths of people from blood clots. This is a pandemic yet virtually no research or very little at best is being conducted to try and find out why so many people are getting leg cramps which in turn creates the DVT, Deep Vein Thrombosis from the leg muscles crushing the blood flowing through the veins. This 'dead' blood then coagulates and ends up either in the lungs, heart or brain where it kills. It doesn't make sense. This condition should not exist. It appears that something that we eat depletes certain minerals from our diets which in turn causes cramps. Magnesium tablets supposely helps with the limiting of the stretch reflex.

Bread conditioners which are added to flour in the manufacturing process to increase the action of gluten seem to be the main suspect, especially the loss of iodine in western diets but this needs further research. When iodine was replaced with bromide back in the 60's as the dough conditioner breast cancer rates exploded and have never come down possibly because of insufficient iodine in the western diet.

The only treatment for clots appears to be blood thinners though drinking lots of water might be safer.

Should a clot develop and death is near or arrived  it might be a good idea to spray the victim with a CO2 fire extinguisher thereby quickly reducing body temperature. Special aim should be taken at the facial trigeminal nerves as this might initiate a Diving Reflex response and quickly lower body temperature while shunting oxygenated blood to the heart and the brain. Once in a 'frozen' state remedial surgery could take place followed by a revitalizing warming cycle. Care should be taken to avoid the eyes when using the extinguisher. Supposedly 6 hours is the maximum time a person can be brought back from a stroke.

The coming financial collapse of the western world will soon bring bigger problems while maybe getting rid of some of the current ones like obesity. Maybe disease is an integral part of being alive. Makes us think. Makes us into problem solvers. I like it.

Pass the CO2 extinguisher please. I need a deep deep sleep.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

My youngest daughter showed me photo of my father taken shortly after the war on the street where we lived in Epsom in Surrey. Number 6 Laburnum Road. Tele; Epsom 2777. I supposed I was about 5 then so it was about 1949.

He was very dapper looking man wearing what appears to be modern clothing though he himself was a gentleman's tailor, actually the sales manager of a very conservative elite clothes outlet for men in Oxford street London. And a mad gambler to boot which was probably the reason why we lived in Epsom with the famous Epsom Downs race track and the Queens Derby Day racing.  I just realised where he probably got most of his racing tips, from his well to do customers. At this point I'd like to remember that my best clothes were expensive herringbone and Harris Tweed and I can remember being very aware of that until the age of 15 when he went to Ford open prison for embezzlement.

Now my memories aren't all that fond of him though I do remember loving him and wanting to see him but we rarely met as I recall and after my mother died when I was 10 he went to work in London and I was sent to my grandmother who loved me dearly which made my drunk 80-year-old grandfather very jealous. My 18-year-old sister also went to my grandparents house but she soon got married and moved out.

Dad would come to Cardiff at least once a month for the weekend and we would often spend that time at a dog race or a point to point horse race track or a rugby game at Cardiff Arms Park where my aunt had the catering contract.

Anyway it wasn't a bad life just boring standing outside pubs with a lemonade and a packet of crisps for hours at a time waiting for him to stumble out. Does that still happen today? Never see kids outside pubs anymore.

But this picture I saw of him brought back odd memories. Was he really my father? I look nothing like him to my way of thinking plus my 2 sisters and elder brother do and because of their age difference there was wasn't the closeness between us all except for my mother who loved me the most because I was her youngest.

I never cried really when she died but when visiting my eldest sister some 50 years later she mentioned how close mum and I were and I suddenly burst into tears of grief which I obviously been holding in for all that time much to my sisters distaste. She had also been farmed out when she was about 6 to a childless rich relative who treated her as a princess for many years whilst my mother was in and out of hospital with heart disease. Later as a young man I was closer to her husband my brother-in-law than I was to her and I know she missed her mum dearly and I was the thing that kept them further apart so I deserved what I got and I accept that.

I think she thought I saw mum in her but I never did. She was just my eldest sister who had great kids.

To be continued...

Trying a new fast.

Fast 6 days, Sunday night till Saturday night. Saturday night eat heartily  (in my case a beautiful steak) then another steak on Sunday night (with an egg) then back into the fast using 900 mg a day of Allopurinol of course. So far I've lost 6 kilo in 6 days, maybe more. Stomach already looking smaller. Truth is I couldn't finish either of my steaks and only managed a third/quarter of each of them. Just too full up

Blood sugar looking good at 6.6 ml and no pills.

Had to go back to the quack for more pain killers and I asked him about my chances. Of course he was non-committal. so I took that non-commital and headed up the Cross where the Bong-Tree grows.

I asked a large old spruiker outside what I thought was a night club if he knew where I might buy some heroin and he kindly took me down a dark hallway where we were met by a very attentive lady, taller than myself, and she put an arm around my shoulder and led me into a nearby bedroom asking what was I after darling. She sat me on her bed and stood over me and told me she had ice and cocaine but no heroin and why did I want heroin?

I explained I was possibly about to die from a very painful stroke so I wanted to buy a syringe filled with heroin the greatest pain killer known to mankind, with the idea of overdosing on the onset of the stroke and hopefully recapturing an opioid dream I once had. I thought about the cocaine but the $500 was out of my comfort zone which is telling in itself, so I told her I wanted to try the government run injecting room to see if I could score there.

She warned me about ripoffs and rubbed my back and sent me on my way.

As I came close to the target I started to panic a bit as the place looked empty from the outside. I dived into a shop close by and pretended to browse. The attendant there was a man in his 40's with a kindly face so I told him what I was doing. To my amazement he told me he had recently had a PE, a Pulmonary Embolism, a clot in the lungs and it was extremely painful. He had spent 4 days in hospital where they pumped him full of thinners. I was stunned, was this some form of divine intervention? Here was a survivor of the worst death possible and I had found him meters away from my self-inflicted youth in Asia.

We talked for over an hour between customers. Turned out he was having trouble with alcohol, lost his family, business etc.( been there done that), in fact we had so much history in common it appeared we were both following the same script. He was impressed with my 29 years abstention and I offered to be his AA sponsor and take him to a meeting that day but as it turned out he had tried AA before and the 12 steps but it hadn't clicked for him. Took me years until I hit the bottom. Also, it's years since I last went to a meeting.

I gave him my Primary Fundamental Right card should he change his mind and introduced him to the PFR concept which he grasped straight away.

After I went to check my parking and saw I'd missed a few calls from my daughter who urgently needed my help further dragging me away from my objective. Really all I want is to try Kabul again and go back to Mars. I was really happy there for a brief moment.

And all this was before I possibly found out my father isn't my father.

As I drove away I noticed my lady friend patrolling the street area close to her bedroom.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

My first grandson was born 4 days ago. He's a little beauty.
His big sister will be 2 next month and she's my first grandchild that I know about anyway.
Glad I managed to stay around and to be with them both.

Supposedly 1 in 2000 pregnancies end with a DVT injury caused through leg cramp.  Out of that figure roughly 1 in 750 will need serious help usually blood thinners such as the rat poison Warfarin.
The risk of getting a blood clot are highest 3 weeks after giving birth.  Cesareans are higher again.
The  lack of manganese and calcium are implicated somewhat but not definitely nor is bromide except maybe here.

"What is BVO?
Brominated vegetable oil is a synthetic chemical that is created when vegetable oil is bonded to the element bromine. Bromine is heavy, and it keeps the oil from floating to the top of water-based solutions, like soft drinks."

Recently I have engaged in conversation with ABC bullion company hopefully to get them to give me some cash so  I can get CashRamSpam spruced up to attract customers to buy gold and silver.
These last few weeks have been pretty convincing to me that the tsunami is on its way. They (ABC)  seem to have run away but not to worry. It will happen anyway.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Had another ultrasound look at my legs and supposedly most of the DVT clots have already gone and that's without taking the rat poison so --great .  The only thing was that the pressure exerted by the technician to find the remaining clots was so heavy I'm scared they are on the move again. Having shooting pains in chest area. Not good.
Not to worry, I'll use quantum mechanics to make it all better.

Just been reading the blog of investor and author Jim Rogers. Say's not long now before the great collapse arrives. Suggests buying a farm because nobody is learning agriculture. All busy getting banking degrees instead plus all the old farmers are dying out leaving their land to fallow.

About 10 years ago I tried to get him interested in running for president but his wife wrote to me asking me not to write to him anymore citing his weak heart. So I never did. He'd have made a brilliant US President I believe if his wife would have let him. He was all for stopping the Drug Wars etc. And all the wives are American.

Heaven and Hell joke.

In Heaven

All the cooks are French
All the police are British
All the wives are Japanese
All the houses are American
All the lovers are Italian
And everything is organized by the Germans

Got to buy more emergency food tomorrow. Tinned stuff is best especially fish like sardines and cheap oily salmon.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Following the trail of DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and the mysterious outbreak of strokes and heart attacks over the last 60 years it appears that it all starts with excessive amounts of stomach acid possibly caused by the removal of Iodine, the conditioner once used in the bread-making process and the substitution of another halogen- the evil Bromide, a gluten booster. And as a consequence the late 80's brought about the mass production of PPI's or Protein Pump Inhibitors a medicine which reduces the amount of gut acid. PPI's are now implicated in CKD (chronic kidney disease).

Bromide irritates the gut flora and somehow supposedly removes magnesium and calcium from the nervous system which in turn promotes leg cramps, probably the largest cause of DVT. The thrombus or blood clot then moves with time into the heart or lungs causing a stroke or a heart attack.

The loss of Iodine in the western diet has possibly produced many cancers including the massive increase breast cancer.

In the 90's both Canada and the UK stopped using Bromide as bread conditioner so around 2040 these illnesses should peter off after those born from the 1930's up to the 1980's die off, me included hypothetically.

Also, must not forget the use of rat poison blood thinners could be a contributor.

I'm starting to think that the major causes of death is our food and medicines. One more reason to look forward to the incoming economic collapse.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

4 months since my last entry. Blood clot seems resolved without rat poison medication. A triumph of modern cynicism.

No luck becoming an opiate addict. Simply not trying I guess. Not interested in needles. I wonder if in Afghanistan it's possible to buy opium and hash mixtures for an e-cigarette?

Here in Australia nicotine extract is  prohibited for e-fags so it's necessary to purchase such delights from the good old US of A. I love how the remnants of freedom still percolate sometimes in the US while the bureaucrats nirvana called Europe tries to tie everyone down who dare exhibit individualism. Canada bans it but it's still on sale. Australia bans just about everything it appears sometimes. Too many public servants.