Saturday, January 31, 2015

Day 63    pf

Weight continues at 101.6 kg.  Blood/glucose still good at 6.9 mmol/L. BP starting to act silly again. 144/83 pulse 79. Must be something to do with the amount of liquid in the stomach increasing the pressure inside the stomach so the BP is actually not a measurement of the blood pressure per se but a measurement of the interior pressure of the stomach via the pressure exerted on the arteries and veins by the required pump pressure of the heart. So coming back from the lungs after depositing their oxygen the blood cells are not so full so take up less space returning with CO2 in the veins. And not forgetting that CO2 is taking away a carbon atom.
"This allowed them to come up with the final figure of 84 percent of a fat molecule’s atoms being exhaled as carbon dioxide, and the remaining 16 percent ending up as water."

 I'm missing something here. So a diuretic increases the amount of water being urinated thereby decreasing the stomach pressure on the blood vessels but in the process it makes the remaining urine more concentrate which in turn helps make more uric acid resulting in gout. I'm fed up with health. I'm going back to wealth.

Tomorrow maybe.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 62  pf

I know it's too early to say this with any certainty but the current projection of my weight gain stabilization (101.2 kg) over the last 10 days coupled with a low blood/glucose (6.3 mmol/L) by themselves could indicate that I've possibly found Professor Richard Johnson's reset switch propounded in his book 'The Fat Switch'. And as predicted on Day 22 the answer for me is 42.

Just 42 days of fasting using 900 -1200 mg of Allopurinol a day can stabilize weight for a 71 year old man who's starting weight was 113 kg and resulting in a finishing weight of 101 kg. Plus an apparent recovery from diabetes mellitus (honey) type 2.
Note: You can smell the honey in the urine of a diabetic. No, I never felt the urge to taste it.

Now the BP ( 137/76 pulse 79 ) seems to be of less importance as long as the weight and blood/glucose is good. I often take 2 or more BP measurements and the variation in the systolic (higher one) can be as much as 40 but the diastolic as long as it remains around 80 appears to be the more important indicator.  According to my ex-doctor (as of today), ( he lost his cool when I tried to tell him about the NIH research paper showing how Allopurinol is the only known treatment for pre-eclampsia poor fellow.) that in the past the diastolic was considered the more important. Me thinks it still is.

Last but not least in the morning if I don't eat I can jest squeeze my gut into the 42 inch belt hole as hoped for also on Day 22.

Tonight I was going to write about the world's oldest banking system but I'm a bit tired. Later. Maybe.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day  61  pf

Here we go, weight back down to 100.6 kg.

Blood/glucose 6.5 mmol/L.   BP 132/68  pulse 77. Watch this space.

The creation of wealth is our basic method of survival. Without wealth there is no profit and no profit means no money and a lack of money is the root of all evil.

Our need to accumulate a 'working capital' is essential if the objective is to increase our share of freedom and improve our chances of reproduction, after all it's all about reproduction. And even the final act of reproduction is an immense competition between sperms and competition lurks where you lest expect it. The shape of the head of the penis, known as the helmet, is designed not only to project its missiles deep towards their target but to also scoop out any competitors.

So what are the chances of accumulating sufficient 'working capital' even before we attempt to utilize it to produce profit? Negligible really if our sole means of income is from working as a 'vassal' for someone else. But this is the clue. The most common way of getting together capital is by employing someone to produce profit then paying them a percentage of what they earn and use what's left to to add to the 'working capital' fund. Day Labourers are the simplest form of this method. This is where union heavies will always be found. Just more competition.

Possibly most business failures occur within 3 years of start up and the number 1 cause of failure is probably insufficient 'working capital'. Insufficient to last the onslaught of competitors. Surprisingly this figure is around 60% of startups and the competition most ignored is from family requiring attention. Especially from wives with small children.

The consequential failure of a marriage can destroy any incentive to keep going which is a paradox when the main reason to start a business was to make the family more secure. So the time involved to promote a business must be calculated against the backdrop of a possible failed marriage. Remember when money stops coming through the door love goes out the window.

Tomorrow the difference between Interest and Discount and modern banking.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 60   pf

Possibly, just possibly, my weight has reached its zenith. Or there abouts. There is a marked decline from yesterday of 1.1 kg to the grand figure of 101.3 kg.

Blood/glucose also down to 6.4 mmol/L.  Even BP was down to 113/74, pulse 84. I'll live to be 471 yet.

Might keep going with this blog for another 24 days. Finding it hard to write about anything that isn't associated with health. Bored by health. Want to concentrate on wealth. Time to become extremely wealthy. Now that cheers me up.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 59 pf

I've been ill with the flu and bronchitis these last few days and was fairly heavily dosed up with antibiotics and codeine derivatives so...

Weight includes 2 x constipation 102.4 kg or 0.8 gain.  Blood/glucose at 6.9 mmol/L yipee. BP 147/80 pulse 90. Scarey.

I'm back taking 600 mg of Allopurinol a day and I really don't know why unless I think it could make me more something or another.

Got permission today to take 3 months holiday starting Feb23rd. Have to promote CashRamSpam.

Times are a running out.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 58  pf

 Once more the weight stays the same at 101.6 kg. Hopefully it is some sort of leveling out going on.

Blood/glucose setback at 8.6 mmol/L. Could see a return to diabetes in the near future.

Strange BP drops 20 points 118/74 pulse 97 as blood/glucose goes up. Have to watch this.

Just bought 154 iodine tablets of 130 mg strength for US$120 from Ambex USA for nuclear radiation protection. Though as much as I don't think it will happen I need to take precautions as Putin is being forced into a corner and all of Russia is pushing him forward. Poor bastard. He's for the chop and he must know it by now so he could do something really stupid like start a nuclear war in the northern hemisphere now he believes Russia has superior nuclear weaponry.

Plus at that 130 mg dosage they might just stop breast cancer. Never know who's going to get tit. I see the DEA has stopped kilo gram sales of iodine by reclassifying it from List 2 to List 1, 2 years after it became known to have major therapeutic advantages.  I wonder who helped them make that decision?

Also great for colds and longer living and I can't see why I can't live for another 400 years. Maybe longer as long as I don't have a significant price on my head by then.

David Sinclair the scientist originally from UNSW Sydney, alarmed a lot of American AMA members when he disclosed that he had discovered what caused the ageing process. The trials he started to test his theories on sirtuins called SIRTS 3 and 4 were shut down before completion and much debate raged regarding his belief he was on to something that could stop people from ageing.

Can you imagine the panic. No old people. Old people keep many doctors and associate industries employed. Old people generate enough work to account for something like 20% of any Socialist economy. When Hitler killed all the insane and permanently infirm in German hospitals he came close to killing the German economy as well because so many people were suddenly out of a job. So he put them to work building bombs which also killed people or by killing healthy people who owned 7 candle candelabras. There was roughly 6 million of them.

But Sinclairs not the only one to run foul of the various AMA's though the American one is the biggest money maker. Any doctor who does not perform their treatment according to the guidelines issued by the governing bodies run a good chance of losing their permit to practise medicine. The guidelines are called the 'Standard Practice' and all must follow.

'Standard Practice'--and all must follow. Remember that. Very important.

So forget about Allopurinol stopping mothers dying from eclampsia.

Forget about Multiple Sclerosis being treated by CCSVI treatment. My God can you imagine the money made from MS sufferers alone-billions. The way they shut that idea down in the US and Canada and Australia was as good as the way the Federal Reserve keeps the price of gold artificially low. Stamp on it quickly like it was on fire.

But my favourite one of all, and there's lots of them, is-- HIV Aids.

Having read Peter Duesberg's book 'Inventing the Aids Virus' I have no doubts whatsoever that it is the greatest fraud ever brought into existence by the medical community. Putin would be proud to be part of this scam. Maybe he is already?

Duesberg has the distinction of being awarded a prize from the NIH for being the US of A's top medical researcher. Imagine their horror when he exposed the whole Aids thing as being 'jobs for the boys'. It's such a beautifully written book and reads like a super intelligent detective story that I'm not going to reveal anymore of the plot. Buy the book for yourself. He'll sign it if you ask him nicely.

By the way I noticed the other day that the $10,000 of gold I gave to my family to take to Japan is now worth roughly $11,000. Pity it's still in Japan.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day 57  pf

Interestingly weight the same as yesterday 101.6 kg so over the last 5 days only 0.6 kg gain.

Blood/glucose 7.6 mmol/l. Still within the ideal range which stretches from 6.1 to 8.0 mmol/L. Yesterday was 7.1.

BP 134/74 pulse 95. Pretty close to yesterdays 134/79 pulse 92.

Noticed a rise in acid levels. Took a pantoprazole called Ozpan. Dangerous things. Can mask stomach cancer.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 56 post fast 14 days.

My dream of a stabilizing weight dissolved today with a 0.6 kg increase. Now 101.6 kg. And it's all liquid I'm sure.

"To illustrate both views, the adult male human body is approximately 57% water, and water is 11% hydrogen by mass but 67% by count of atoms (i.e. 67 atomic percent). Thus, most of the mass of the human body is oxygen, but most of the atoms in the human body are hydrogen atoms."

What I'm thinking is that fasting reduces fat to water which is then expelled as CO2 as per the research at   

But when you stop fasting the oxygen you breath in combines with the resident 10% hydrogen and Wallah!!

So fat is water in a semi solid state.

Could be. Who knows. The amazing Marni Nixon sang not only Natalie Wood's role but also a second one at the same time in 'West Side Story' and was supposedly not credited for either. As she was in 'The King and I' singing Debra Kerr's  role and Audrey Hepburn's Eliza in 'My Fair Lady'. She's 84 and looks 10 years younger.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Day 55  pf        9 am

Another day for celebrating! Weight still at 101 kg, 3 days in a row. I noticed today my feet are looking a little bit plump. See tomorrow, worry then.

BP continues its upward journey. 141/73 pulse 73 while the blood/glucose continues to thrill at 6.8 mmol/L.

On Thursday I was fixing a printer in the delivery ward of a large hospital. I over heard one of the nurses talk about a mother to be who had

"preeclampsia, a serious condition in which high blood pressure and protein in the urine develop after the 20th week of pregnancy"

 and they were worried. My second youngest daughter had to be induced last March because she had it severely and we were all very scared. That same week one of the check out women in the local supermarket died from it leaving 3 young children without their mummy poor things. I asked one of the staff if anybody knew what caused it yet but she didn't know. My daughters only pre existing condition that might have contributed to the disease was that this was her first birth. Nothing else. Really scary.

So. While writing this essay it occurred to me if allopurinol--- the cheapest and possibly best wonder drug there is for reducing uric acid--- and about 50 years old without any patents to limit its supply--could help.

Here's what I found at


Hyperuricemia is a common finding in preeclamptic pregnancies evident from early pregnancy. Despite the fact that elevated uric acid often pre-dates the onset of clinical manifestations of preeclampsia, hyperuricemia is usually considered secondary to altered kidney function. Increased serum uric acid is associated with hypertension, renal disease and adverse cardiovascular events in the non-pregnant population and with adverse fetal outcomes in hypertensive pregnancies. We hypothesize that an elevated concentration of uric acid in preeclamptic women is not simply a marker of disease severity but rather contributes directly to the pathogenesis of the disorder. Using epidemiological and experimental evidence, gained largely outside of pregnancy, we will propose pathogenic roles for uric acid in preeclamptic pregnancies. Uric acid's ability to promote inflammation, oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction will be highlighted with discussions of the potential impact on placental development and function and maternal vascular health.

Then this in the same research paper.

1.4. Uric Acid as a Pathogenic Vascular Factor

Evidence for a pathogenic role of uric acid is increasing. In the non-pregnant population hyperuricemia is an independent predictor of cardiovascular and renal disease in both the general population and in subjects with chronic hypertension []. Uric acid is also a marker for adverse cardiovascular events in patients with established cardiovascular disease [].
Experimental studies also support a pathogenic role for uric acid. Rats rendered experimentally hyperuricemic through administration of oxonic acid, an uricase inhibitor, develop crystal-independent renal injury and vascular disease in addition to glomerular and systemic hypertension. Inhibiting elevations in uric acid pharmacologically with allopurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, prevented these changes [].

Interesting uh.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 54  pf

 7 am testing.

Ahha. Weight the same as yesterday 101 kg.

Blood/glucose still excellent at 6.6 mmol/L .
BP 135/77  pulse 90 . Diastolic still below 80 coupled with low blood/glucose.

I was reminded today of something I noted 30 odd years ago. Why is the Christian/Judaic god always a male? Surely in a universe as diverse as it is the chance must exist where the supreme creator could be female?

Once I had an idea about the composition of the universe. Supposedly roughly 75% of the universe is made up of Hydrogen and 24% is Helium and everything else is in the remaining 1%. Now if everything in the universe is god then the male side of it is Helium which is chemically denoted as 'He'. That so far is easy. So if the rest is Hydrogen which is denoted as 'H' or aitch and pronounced as 'Her' that means 75% of the universe is a Her and 24% is a He. So the female to male ratio is 3 to 1 in size, not necessarily always in quantity.

Now remembering that we ourselves are all god and everything is god then it doesn't take much imagination to see that that ratio is fairly common in my life anyway. I had a wife and 2 daughters in 3 'marriages' and at the moment I have 3 female and 1 male dog. I fix printers in a few retirement homes and it looks at a glance to be about a 3:1 figure of survivors over the age of 75(?). Supposition I know but interesting anyway. Now this brings me on to another observation.

All males are actually 'slaves' to the females. Look around wherever you are and notice that virtually nothing is designed and built by females. Not the floor not the walls not the equipment you are using. Nothing. But everything males build has a primary objective to make a woman happy. Happy enough to lay down with a male who pleases her and can look after her and her children with that male. And as the old saying goes;

'When money stops coming through the door loves goes out the window.'

Probably most marriages fail when the male cannot support his partner and his children properly. That's why usually it is the female who decides when a relationship is over. She always needs security and that and freedom only comes with money. The more money you have the better your security and freedom.

The rate your money is taxed is your freedom rate so if you pay 30% tax then your freedom rate is 70%. This is why in the past there was more freedom. In the USA in 1900 the personal tax rate was 4% meaning Americans were 96% free. Now with state and federal taxes they are lucky to be 40% free. The more money you have the freer you are to do the things you want to do. Unfortunately the US 16th Amendment passed in 1913 along with the Federal Reserve Act allows the US Congress the right to tax at any rate they want so therefore all monies is owned by the government so everyone who earns money should realise it is not their money and so like slaves they are all owned by congress as is the congress itself.

So who owns us all? The same people who own all the banks and all the land and all the houses.

But not for long. A debt jubilee is now unavoidable.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 53 pf.

Another 0.6 kg of added weight in 1 day making my weight at 101 kg. This is almost preposterous if it wasn't so interesting.

Blood/glucose still good at 6.9 mmol/L.  BP still heading the wrong direction @131/77 pulse 85. Stomach distending again.

Still thinking.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day  52  post fast

More increase in weight. Now at  100.4 kg, a 0.8 kg increase in 1 day.  Now this is really a phenomena. It's not fat I'm gaining daily, it has to be fluid obviously water or could it be a form of reverse osmosis? When I breathe in I'm breathing in oxygen and hydrogen. Water in gaseous form. Here's what I wrote on Day 31.

"Day 31.

Big drop in weight- 94.5 kg , 1.1 kg lost since this time yesterday. Never moved the scales. Same place last 4 days. Must admit felt a bit weak most of the day. But where did that fat go? I haven't excreted it, I've just been doing my normal job fixing photocopiers. Here's some research that purports to show I breathed 84% of it out as CO2 and the rest as water.                 

I must have breathed an awful lot today."

Here's a telling excerpt from the research paper.

"We put on weight when excess carbohydrates and proteins that we've eaten are converted into triglycerides (compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) and are then stored in lipid droplets inside fat cells. To lose weight, you need to break down those triglycerides to access their carbon.The results showed that in order to completely breakdown 10kg of human fat, we need to inhale 29 kg of oxygen (and somewhere along the way, burn 94,000 calories). This reaction produces 28 kg of CO2 and 11 kg of water.“Our calculations show that the lungs are the primary excretory organ for fat,” the team writes in the paper.However, they couldn’t work out exactly what was happening to the fat cells in this reaction. After months of research, Brown discovered a formula from a paper published in 1949 that solved the problem - it showed that oxygen atoms are shared between the carbon and hydrogen in fat at a ratio of 2:1 (forming carbon dioxide and water)This allowed them to come up with the final figure of 84 percent of a fat molecule’s atoms being exhaled as carbon dioxide, and the remaining 16 percent ending up as water."

Have to think about this. Something odd happening here.

Meet a man today who has twin daughters and 1 of them is anorexic and weighs just 37 kg. I suggested he tries to get her interested in over ripe fruit which has large amounts of fructose which in turn through the liver tells you to eat more as you're still hungry. Couldn't find any reference on Google to treating anorexics with HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) or medical marijuana which usually gives users the famous munchies.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 51  pf

6.30 am.  Weight 99.6 kg. Adding another 0.3 kg.

Blood/glucose 7.8 mmol/L. Drank a glass of Russian grape juice last night, tasted like pure glucose.

Blood Pressure 138/81 pulse 85. Now everything increases.

Cough coming back. Stomach still flat for now.

I asked my youngest daughter to look up for me 'Why do we feed horses 'oates' and what effect does it have on them?  She couldn't find the answer but she did find this article about the obesity and diabetes epidemic in horses.Here's an excerpt.

"Now before I close I want to discuss one more very important supplement that is needed – GOOD FAT!

Now I know I am picking on commercial feeds here but in my humble opinion they need it - pretty much all commercial feeds contain JUNK FAT! AND this is probably the biggest reason we have so many overweight, insulin resistant horses today. Junk fat is in our horse feed just like it is in our food! JUNK FAT IS KILLING US AND OUR HORSES! Processed, hydrogenated vegetable oils (flax, corn, etc.) are destroying our cells internally and even messing with our nervous systems – nerves and cells are all surrounded by fat membranes. It has the effect of making all such membranes impermeable, like plastic balls.

Today, diets are higher in fat than they were in years past, especially senior feeds and “low carbs” type diets, BUT THE PROBLEM is the type of fat they are using is awful. If your feed says only vegetable oil or doesn’t say that it is NOT HYROGENATED, chances are it is – and, again, awful for our horse.

The same goes for your food, especially snacks - read the labels and avoid these fats. BUT remember - horses do need fat. It should be a great source of omega fatty acids (they need omega 3, 6 and 9, by the way, not just 3). These fats “slow” the absorption of grain, oats or otherwise making the digestion process slower, and obviously will help lubricate the gut as well (great for sandy conditions,too).

In addition, these good fats are great because they nourish the cells.

I prefer to use crude, cold pressed, NON hydrogenated, NON refined soybean oil.

Have you ever heard the expression that “the only way to burn fat is with fat” – well I do believe it is true, because these fat horses (and people) do get better when the good fat is used to displace the bad. I have no doubt that cells, overall, just start to function better n conjunction with these fats because the membrane’s major function is to allow the good stuff to get in and the junk to get out.

I suggest good fats for all horses as both a preventive and a treatment.

Yes, too much can make a fat horse, but a couple ounces per day of our GMO-Free Weight Check Oil, that meets all of the preferred criteria set forth above can make all the difference in the health of a horse. You can actually see the difference in just a few weeks.

I also think that any metabolic, even EPM, neurodegenerative horses require lots of good oil. I have a sneaky suspicion that many “super bugs’ such as those that cause EPM get trapped in fats cells and good fats can flush them out, so to speak. Regardless, they are healthy – commercially used fats are generally not!  "

Makes you wonder what is happening.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day 50   pf

9 am. Weight 99.3 kg and still it increases, up half a kilo from yesterday. This is truly amazing.

Blood/glucose 6.0 mmol/L going down.  BP 132/75 pulse 77  diastolic still low same as blood/glucose.

Here's what I wrote for Day 21

Day 21

Half way. I'ts gone so quickly. Hard to believe it.

Blood/glucose 3.9 Feel fine. Been weeding again today.  Ketones at about 8 mml/L.  BP at a new low 118/74, pulse 77. Wow. I'm a teenager again. Gut still large at 47.5 inches. Strange that but my belt in down to the last hole which is about 3 inches and I look slimmer, much slimmer. Got into a pair of jeans yesterday that I bought but were too small. Weight by the new scales is 99.6 kg. 

The similarities are weight 99.3 against 99.6, diastolic blood pressure 75 to 74, pulse the same at 77.
21 days to reach this weight, 7 days to regain it. Have to think about this.

Brought allopurinol dose down to 300 mg a day as of yesterday. Still not feeling hungry. Had a small late dinner, small snack at 4 pm, no lunch or breakfast. Drinking about a litre and a half of milk a day. Love milk.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day 49  pf

8 am. Weight 98.8 kg, added 6 kilo in 3 days. Over 9 kg returned in a week. If I didn't feel so good I could easily get despondent. Total loss now down to 15 kg from 24 kg just a week ago.

Blood/glucose 7.1 mmol/L still amazingly perfect.

Blood Pressure 133/73 pulse 82 so the BP systolic goes up as the weight increases but the diastolic stays low. Strange. I wonder if there is a link between low blood/glucose levels and low diastolic pressure.
A quick look through Google suggests there is.

When Russia took over the Crimea last year it was considered a crime. See that. Crimea = a crime. Always had to be paid for.

I suppose Putin has to retire now he's got everything in such a mess. Then the new leaders would need to pay Ukraine for the Crimea but they should be allowed to keep it. Something like 25 years of free energy needs and a cash payment of say 50 tonnes of gold and US$50 billion and all Russians out of the Ukraine within 1 year and fair compensation paid to the families and owners of MH17 and those Ukrainians who lost family and home through Putin's war on Rus.
Rus Putin.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 48  pf

Weight gain might be slowing down now at 97.5 kg, a 1 kilo increase from yesterday and a 0.4 drop from 2 days ago. Roughly 8 kg back in 6 days.

Blood/glucose 7.3 mmol/L.  BP 120/76 pulse 76. A huge Huntsman spider just ran across my monitor. It took up half the screen. I guess its sitting on the warm back though the room temperature is over 28 degrees C right now.

Just reading that Russia has today cut off gas supplies to a cold Europe in its war against the Ukraine.and the USA.

Competition. I love it.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 47 pf

7 am. Blood/glucose 6.9 mmol/L. BP 122/73 pulse 100.  Weight 96.5 kg, a drop of 1.4 kg from yesterday. Going to leave 2 day fast till next week when I don't have so much expensive food in fridge.

Interested to see where my weight stabilizes if it does. Daughters and Matt leave Japan tomorrow to return home by Saturday. Masako to stay on. 19 year old Stella wrote an amazing food poem in Japan.

On a moonlit Mediterranean night
Under antipasto shaped star light
Lady Lasagna and Pizza Pete
Danced the cha cha with their feet

They gazed into each other's cherry tomato eyes
And both felt happy and cheesy inside
But with horror and shock they both saw
The chefs face peeking through the oven door

"Senora your feast is ready" the chef cried
And both their hearts sank with their sure demise

Lady Lasagna held Pizza Pete tightly
And kissed his pepperoni cheeks ever so lightly
"We will see each other again" she quietly said
"When the Senora's stomach is full and in bed"

And surely enough when the clock struck eleven
The senora's belly was transformed into a cha cha heaven
Where Lady Lasagna and Pizza Pete
Danced even lighter than before
On their gooey mush feet

copyright 2015
Stella Palmer

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Day 46 pf

Saw doctor. Said everything in blood test looks really good. Diabetes looks to be gone. Told him about sudden weight gain and he said that was to be expected as fluid coming back. 6 kg? More to come maybe.

Weight 97.9 kg. 8.1 kg gain since base level. Blood/glucose 6.2 mmol/L at 6 am. Just ate late dinner 8.8.

BP 123/67 pulse 86 . Midnight . Start 2 day fast till Saturday morning.

Fixed a photocopier this morning and one of the office women came out to check my work. As she was inspecting the printout I casually asked her if she was born in either the months of March or April. She looked at me real strange and asked if we knew each other. No, I said. So why did you say that? You look like a child of Mars my answer. Why? Well you've got dark skin and you are wearing Hitler's favourite colours red and black, Hitler being the last manifestation of the God of War and plus you've got a little mo but obviously I didn't tell her the last one even though I love little moes on ladies. Just so gorgeous.

She remained calm then freaked out and ran into the kitchen and I could hear her saying something excitedly then another lady came out slowly from the kitchen with her following closely, a grin from ear to ear. What am I said lady number 2. I've got know idea. I'm Gemini. Nobody can tell Gemini they're 2 people. Anyway all Gemini's are mad. She laughed. She liked being mad.

I see tonight I've got a recall. I wonder why.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 45 pf

  Blood/glucose 6.7 mmol/L. How can this get any better!  Taken @7.30am no breakfast. Weight 92.5 kg.

Now tonight at 10.50 pm after having the most fantastic bangers and mash for lunch. Home cooked chicken thighs x 2 for dinner (yuck) plus a lamb sandwich an hour ago = 6.0 mmol/L. What the hell!

Weight 95.8 kg  A 6 kg gain in 3 days ?? 3.3 kg just today. Impossible. Have to check again in the morning.

BP 106/62 pulse 82. The mystery deepens.

Family's coming home this weekend after 5 weeks in Japan. All coming home fatter supposedly. Me too.
I wonder what the correlation is between my suddenly super efficient pancreas's Islets of Langerhans and my instant weight increase and lower blood pressure?

Gotta get up early to get blood results from Android my doctor. So efficient. Rarely talks but he told a joke last week. Must have a new programmer. Not sure if I like it.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Day 44 pf

As'd promised I took my blood/glucose at 8 am today and the reading was  7.3  mmol/L. Bloody brilliant.

Not feeling hungry and very tired ( I'd spent half the night in the toilet straining) I didn't eat until I got home at 5 pm. I'd like to digress here for a paragraph or 2.

Whilst waiting at my elder brothers house in Ascot in 1970 for the $20 ticket to fly to Australia he had guests arrive from Sydney, a fairly well known metals recycler and wife and daughter. (My brother was a trader on the London metal exchange.) It was suddenly like having 3 Bazza McKenzies bobbing around and the strine was thick and plentiful. They were very colourful to say the least. When I told the father I was hoping to leave before Christmas he said that he had to tell me the best kept secret before I went. True to his word a few late nights later and with lots of cigars smoked and empty whisky bottles filling up desk paper bins he told me the secret, and I was impressed.

"If you've got piles" he said "and everybody does", long pause, "you use your thumb to push them back up again otherwise they'll hurt like buggery" an apt comparison I was sure. I'd long suffered in silence with a small pile. My father had a grape vineyard hanging from his arse and once when visiting me in hospital after I'd had a burst appendix he asked me why was the man in the next bed crying into his pillow and I told him he had had his piles cut off 3 days earlier. He was so upset he left early. I'd knew he'd been thinking about it. Until he died at 63 he was forever boiling underwear.For those with piles you must push them back up, I use my longest finger and cover them in something like 'Proctosedyl cream' and they're usually gone for months. I am forever grateful for learning that secret. No doctor in England ever mentioned it once to me.

After a small meal of eggs and a prawn at 6 pm I checked my BP 99/59 pulse 93. Lowest yet.

Blood /glucose 7.6 , weight down to 92 kg, slight drop. Ketones gone.

I sometimes wonder if British doctors still use the knife or have they finally admitted that the rubber band as used in Australian sheep castration is painless and by far the best method.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 43 post fast

As planned the huge piece of pork  (5.89 kg) was cooked to perfection, even the fat was wobbly.  I carved myself 2 modest slices adding 2 small roast potatoes and 2 whole brown onions, just following apart obviously trying to impress me.

I ate 2 halves of a roast potato, 3 rings from an onion succulent as could be and a teaspoon of the glorious fat with a small strand of pig attached. And that was it. I couldn't eat anymore. I felt full but I wasn't to be beaten. I then had a cup of Echo and a whole hot cross bun with heaps of butter ( there's never enough butter). But today there was. Suddenly I had a reflux. Not too strong but this a warning type one. I was mortified.

I slept sitting up. My cough that had been gone for almost 6 weeks returned by morning, windpipe damaged by acid. Went back to sleep for 5 more hours woke up feeling sickly then had a shower. I felt much better. Phoned up number 4 daughter and accepted her offer to drive her to the best cheap chinese restaurant in Sydney Yong Jings Kitchen Enlightenment in Kingsford and to pay the bill. I was very grateful. She brought along her aunt and her aunts young daughter from the country. We ordered 6 meals, prawns in an omelette, crispy chicken, brisket beef in a broth, various beans and cabbage, seriously ripped beef in Suchan spices and a pancake which I never tried plus a container of steaming rice. $93. We took away 3 doggy containers, 1 was rice.

We then went on a pleasant drive around the eastern suburbs beaches finishing up on the reservoir plateau at Dover Height. Amid lots of oohs and amazings we took the required amount of pics then down to Harry's Cafe on Wheels sitting in front of Australian warships docked in Garden Island. There I shared a few chips and gravy taken from the still hungry adolescent. Home by 9.30 and a thin slice of gluten free Christmas cake followed by some unimpressive Swiss cheese and a banana. Oh I forgot and half a 600 ml bottle of Solo and half a cup of Echo with milk and cream.Cough gone again but can feel a rising acid. Took 1 Quick-Eze.

 Here are the results. Blood/glucose 11.6 mmol/L @midnight. Take again in the morning.   Ketones 0 /negative. Weight 92.4 kg, a gain of 2.6 kg in one day. Blood Pressure 101/67 pulse 95. Much lower than yesterday. Funny that.

 I feel bloated.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 42   end of fast.

And here I am 2.5 hours away from eating my first food for the last magic 42 days. Hope I don't over cook the roast pork and roast potatoes and roast whole onions.
Well there's always Vic Churchills $78 steak if I do.. Still don't feel hungry. Maybe for a while I will stay on the daily 600 mg of Allopurinol. See tomorrow.

Weight same as yesterday 89.8 kg. Strange. Ketones 16 mmol/L.  BP 124/76 pulse 82. Blood/glucose 4.6 mmol/L. The real interesting thing will be these readings tomorrow night.

I went shopping at Westfield Hurstville this afternoon. I enjoy crowds though I was closer to being in Hong Kong than I was to Sydney by the looks of it. I wanted to check to see if it was true that Peters Meats was cheaper there than anywhere else. One of their butchers told me this.

They had quarters of leg ham from between 9 and $14. The same thing in Coles was around $24. Joe's Meats next door had better looking ones for around $15.  So maybe it is true, wherever the Chinese shop the food is usually fresher and cheaper. Oh, Joe's was selling Pork Roasts for $3.99 kg. I paid $5.99 in Peters Meats in Marrickville Metro, 50% more. Mind you Woolies Marrickville was asking for $8.99 for the same thing.

Now what I'm writing about here is competition. I love competition. As I wrote on day 25,  competition is the elimination of the weak and the consolidation of the strong but it's a continual process. As always the strong eventually become the weak and they too are eliminated just like star systems drawn into the black hole in the centre of our galaxy, in our case the 'Super Massive Black Hole' (SMBH), designated Sagittarius 'A'. It's power is greater than the combined power of hundreds of trillions of star systems. Too large to comprehend yet we are all part of this process and processed we will be when our time comes.

And we have yet to discover the Universe Eliminator, the final No-thing that swallows everything leaving just nothing and in the state of No-thing there is absolutely nothing, not even time, so for the No-thing to become the Some-thing again, no time has passed because there was none. So everything is continual for ever and ever. Off and On, binary, just like our computers but smoother.

So the whole universe is a massive calculating machine. Therefore I am asking the Universal Eliminator, if you can hear me, what does 42 mean? And I don't even have to say please even though I have been programmed to do so.

I think I got it. I wrote a book called Two Winks. If I take 2 off forty two winks then I am left with 40 winks.

Just enough time to have a snooze before dinner.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Day 41.  

Only 27.5 hours left and I've achieved my goal. No food for 6 whole weeks. Perfect, as my doctor said about my blood pressure and glucose this morning.

Ketones up again 16 mmol/L.  Blood/glucose 4.4 mmol/L.  BP 109/67 pulse 89. And the big one; Weight is...89.8 kg. I've cracked the 90. Yipee!!

 Now to explain what this is all about.

As any health professional will say obesity is an epidemic in the western world. But why? And where's the Darwinian aspect?

Richard Johnson in his book 'The Fat Switch' say's that Metabolic Syndrome, the malady that appears with a high everything, is in fact the body preparing to hibernate. Big clue that one. And in that preparation just about everything you eat becomes part of your stored energy. Fat glorious fat. Hear him here.

He points out that just about all animals get MS, even some fish. And prior to that they usually eat many sweet things and the sugar found in fruit, fructose, has the ability to change your metabolism to make it more efficient in storing fat.

Now fructose like caffeine appears to be addictive. Look how many children love their fruit drinks which is mainly fructose. So the initial problem is fructose. And then the body will make its own fructose out of glucose if its not getting enough so were're at a loss either way. As a consequence of all this activity our uric acid levels increase which appears to be the main cause of Chronic Kidney Disease and high blood pressure so all my readings of low blood pressure are also an indication of my low uric acid levels. Thank you Allopurinol.

Fructose causes you to get fat. High uric acid levels kills you. So that's the why, where's the Darwinian reason?

Since the 1800's there has been a huge increase in sugar production. This has resulted in an average consumption around 2 kg annually a 100 years ago to 50 kg today. Wow. So what are the advantages of becoming obese?  Obese people tend to move less, rarely reproduce, keep many doctors employed, and in total use huge amounts of resources in comparison to lean people. They help keep food prices low.

Now in any group there is what used to be called a Bell Curve. About 2.5 % is allocated to either ends. One end leanies the other the fatties. So 95% stay roughly in the middle. But now about 12.5 % are obese and 35 % are overweight. Chances are there are more lean people as well so the leanies and the fatties possibly make up 25%,  leaving 75% and 35% of those are overweight, leaving 40% of 'normal' sized people.

These are possibly the most productive both economically and fecundity wise.

So as more jobs are automated less people are needed and more over weight people become redundant and their low income makes them less attractive for breeding. Sugar is also the best for killing libido so many don't get to pass on their inherited characteristics anymore. And if you're old and get fat there is nothing like a beer belly for turning off the good looking fertile women. Less competition for the stupid young guys.

There is an alternative thought.

The is plenty of reputable research showing the lack of sunspots is the prelude to an incoming Ice Age. Due around 2040 or before. Snow everywhere for 100+ years.

Fatties will be useful if food supplies run low. God eating God.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 40.  

What a buzz.  Just 2 more days and the next one starts in 3 hours. Boy has this been a long time coming.

Weight 90.7 kg same as yesterday. What a disappointment. Still this happened on days 36 and 37.
There's not that much fat left to come off I don't think. Who am I kidding? There's probably at least 3-5 kg hidden away around my ribs somewhere. Another day.

Texas ribs.

BP 100/64 Pulse 88. Blood/glucose 4.5. Ketones about 12 I think. Difficult to tell. Tape measure says I'm down 3 inches but belt says 4.5.  I know my pants look ridiculous. Have to wear my work shirt outside to hide the bunched up waistline.

Gave myself an excuse to go Thursday night shopping. Spent $171 on meat, mind you 10 of that was for the dogs. My 310 grams of Blackmores Full Blood Wagyu Sirloin at $249.99 a kilo cost me $77.50. Not very big but wow. Thank you Victor Churchill. Also I bought a huge shoulder of pork for $34 from Peters Meats. The other $60 was on hand made sausages, black pudding, chicken thighs and cheese and some Russian condiments and a cream cheese with sultanas called Pashka I think from the Russian Deli on Bondi Road. Nice interesting shop. I actually went to Sam the Butcher next door where I got the fabulous goose but he was closed till next week.

I want to cook it all and lay it out on the table by midnight Saturday. And then at 5 past I will try to eat it all. My family's back from Japan Saturday week so if there is any left over they'll soon finish it. Ravens.

Oh, I yet have to buy half a smoked ham from the Meat Emporium in Alexandria on Saturday where they have the biggest collection of good meats I've ever seen. Some a bit pricey for me but they often have really good reductions. Last January I got a whole ham about 10 kg for $30. The taste was amazing. You have to wear a freezer jacket as it's inside a huge cool room.On Saturday mornings they usually have a free barbeque obviously outside. Ben the manager and his family own the biggest meat exporting business in Australia. I asked last year for a leg of mutton but he forgot twice so he gave me 2 for free. Great customer relations.

I have other interests beside meat. I just can't think of any right now.

Got to be up early for my blood test at 6am at the Waterloo Medical Centre. Great doctors there. Andrew and Tony and a few others. They help look after the disadvantaged people of Redfern. There are always some interesting characters in the waiting room. I love it. And the Hot Bread shop a few doors down make a great pork and salad roll for $4 and their bread is delicious and they make their own cakes and pies. So good.

No wonder I was so fat. But not anymore after just 40 days and allopurinol. Forgot. Reduced dose to 600 mg yesterday. Still no bowel activity. Will be on Monday.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 39.  Only 3 days to go. So wonderful.

I'm having a blood test at 6am Friday morning. I noticed that's 42 hours before I finish my fast. Nothing really significant about that I suppose. Just another coincidence.

Blood/glucose 4.4 mmol/L. BP 120/67 pulse 87. Ketones 8 mmol/L dramatic drop. I had 2 multivitamins yesterday. I wonder if that's related. Also a pain going across my back is still there.

Forgot to weigh myself. 90.7 kg. 0.4 loss from yesterday. I was gardening in the hot afternoon sun today.
Surprised I lost so little.

I think I'm just about all talked out. Looking forward to shopping on Saturday. Still don't know what to eat.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 38.  4 days and all I can think of is what am I going to eat. 4 days and I can eat anything I want.

Weight 91.1 kg.  Down 0.6 over the last 2 days. Total loss so far 22 kg and it looks like it too. I have empty skin hanging down just about everywhere.

Blood pressure 104/67 pulse 90. Blood/glucose 4.2 mmol/L. Ketones around 12 mmol/L

I intend to keep recording after I start eating again. For a while anyway.

Just want to finish off about dangerous tongues.

As I already said I was looking for a cure for my 4th daughter's porencephalic cyst which left a hole in her left hemisphere about the size of a golf ball. By now she was about 10 years old and living with her mother and sister and step father to be. I'd kept up to date with what research I could find by spending occasional Sunday afternoons in the Sydney University medical library. I was sharing a house in Spicer st Woollahra with a crazy artist who's girlfriends middle name was Dolly. His middle name was Lloyd and I pointed out they were anagrams of each other. They parted not long after.

Now for whatever reason I noticed that in some research there were similarities between my daughters condition and a condition called 'Diving Reflex' where children trapped under ice for hours even days had been resuscitated intact using a slowly blood warming technique. What had happened was their bodies had gone into deep hibernation caused by the cold water triggering nerves on their face which made highly oxygenated blood shunt around their heart and brain effectively protecting those organs from damage. This is boring me.

Now I think I had all but given up mary jane due to a real scary incident which was actually good when I think back. For a few weeks I noticed if I smoked I could feel a sort of whitish haze above my head. A light of sorts. But one Saturday afternoon my flatmate brought everyone back from the local pub for a smoke. Now with a room full of people puffing away, one was a temporary girlfriend,  I ended up getting stoned and the light came down onto my head and it was tight, very tight. It moved down my head like a huge elastic band and across my right shoulder and bang the room was full of light. I vomited into the empty fireplace.

I knew what it was. My Nanna had told me my mother had died giving birth to me. I was stuck in the canal but they pulled me out. They managed to bring her back but she was forever weak and spent most of my childhood in and out of hospitals until she died when I was ten. They would not let young children into the hospitals in those days so I only saw her sometimes through outside windows. I first grieved for her when I was about 60.

Anyway back to the main story. Want to get it over with as quickly as possible.

One weekend, house to myself, I put a cold towel on my face while having a relaxing smoke. Suddenly my tongue flattened out and lodged itself hard up against the back of my throat. I could not breathe and I had just exhaled. My tongue would not move. I knew I had only seconds before I passed out. On the table there was a pencil or an empty biro metal case and I jammed it down the side of my mouth between my jaws. The tongue gently relaxed. Notice I say 'the tongue' not my tongue. The bastard tried to kill me.

Now what was that? My success in initiating a 'diving reflex' gave me a clue. Obviously deep diving mammals would need to seal their airways otherwise they couldn't open their mouths to catch their prey. I searched the libraries but no mention of the 'deep water' tongue anywhere. I phoned up the vet at Taronga Zoo who specialized in seawater mammals and strangely enough her wonderful name was Miss Mammary from US of A and no she did not have any info for me.

It was about then I guessed that Cot Death or SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) might be a diving reflex as most children die in cold weather usually in unheated homes. I then spent 3 winters in Hobart because the small town next to it called Bridgewater had the highest death rate from SIDS in the world. I got an unpaid job at the University of Tasmania with a professor trying to link SIDS to secondhand smoke. He wasn't really trying but it paid well. He let me see all the mortality data. It was obvious that there was a link to a freshwater lake in the town centre that at winter nights gave off a cold mist called the Bridgewater Gerry. All the death were close to it.

I passed on my information to the local medical establishment who listened for a while but on my 3rd year of badgery nicely asked me, the truck driver from Sydney, to quit. So I wrote a letter to the Hobart Mercury voicing my concerns about cold pillows or damp faces on babies. A few months later a Japanese woman wrote to the same paper that they had no SIDS in Japan because they always put the babies to sleep on their backs. Then a young Sydney doctor came to Hobart and helped organized mothers of newborns to put them on their backs. The results were dramatic.

The real problem still is in my view that the babies aren't dead until they do an autopsy.

And that's why many fat men who die from Metabolic Syndrome effects can be resuscitated intact. They've gone into deep hibernation possibly using a different form of the diving reflex otherwise there's no way their brains wouldn't be damaged after 6 hours. Or so I think.

So what was the link between diving reflex and a cure for my daughter? Well I reckon if she breathed a mixture of helium and oxygen, same as deep water scuba divers it just might help her. But she'd learned to live a life she enjoyed with her disability and wasn't interested in my crazy experiments so there was no point.

Or was all for my benefit?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 37.  5 days to go. Hurry hurry.

Weight the same as yesterday 91.7 kg. Maybe something to do with all the exercise yesterday. Ketones are also down to about 12 mmol/L.  Blood/glucose 4.2 mmol/L.  BP119/70 Pulse 85. I fill all these figures out in the evenings usually around 9pm.

Very busy in work today. Everyone's back from holidays. Flat out.

I just want to finish writing about Hitler's arse.

Just over 18 years ago I wrote an essay on flight. My father was born in 1903 the year the Wright brothers made their historic powered and controlled flight in a dangerous box kite material contraption that crashed several times. It was 60 years later that he flew for the first time, in a Boeing 707 Air India jet to see me in New York and his meals were served by smiling hostesses. He was enchanted.

Powered flight is possibly the most important event in human evolution so far and under Hitler's regime it improved immensely by the development of the jet engine. One of those engines carrying a bomb exploded at the end of our street in Epsom Surrey supposedly throwing me from my pram into the garden.

Hitler's scientist made the V2, the first man made vehicle to enter space. Their next generation ended up carrying nuclear warheads which has allowed for a peace like no one ever dreamed of, previously all being used to continual wars between large nations. When I was a boy just about every classmate I knew had apparently lost a member in a battle somewhere. Our's was Uncle Bill the sailor.

Because it was feared his scientist were close to building an atomic weapon the Americans and British and Canadians got together and formed the Manhattan Project culminating in the explosion of the first atom bomb on July 16th 1945. Its timing was perfect and its consequential use a month later on 2 Japanese cities ended a war that was going to last a long time otherwise. Now because of MAD or Mutual Assured Destruction there has been no major world wars since. Difficult to know who to thank for that.

Anyway Hitler's main claim to infamy is his treatment of European Jewry having had somewhere around 6 million of them slaughtered. It can be argued that this slaughter precipitated the fleeing of Jews out of Europe and the subsequent establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. I find it wonderfully coincidental that Hitler filled the role of Messiah who according to legend was to lead the Jews back to their ancient homeland. Is pushing the same thing? If it is then the word messiah can be broken down to Me--SS-- I--AH.

How coincidental is that?

Now if you are into Greek and Roman mythology you might be able to make a connection between Hitler and Mars the Roman god of war. Hitler was born on April 20th, on the cusp of  the sign of Aries, March 21st though to April 19th. So his final month In situ was under the influence of the planet Mars, if you believe these thing. And I do..sometimes sort of.

I find it amazing that the anagram of Mars is Rams, supposedly the favourite animal of Mars and its star sign. And if I invert the 'M' I get the word Wars. Also I can get the word Arms otherwise known as weapons. Now if I place the 'M' to look like the Greek letter sigma I can get ARES, the Greek name for Mars. Last but not least Hitler was a closeted gay thus the ARSE.

Now try and remember this. Everyone is God. War is God killing God. Peace is God appreciating God. No-thing really matters.And the Universe has a sense of humour. Laugh sometimes and you'll easily see the jokes.

Now to wrap this story up. After I finished the essay I went looking for a picture of Mars. I found one on NASA's website and I downloaded it onto my essay, 'Mars little boy Adolf'  found at CashRamRadio.

If you look hard you'll see it's a caricature of Adolf. And he's winking.

A clue, his nose and mustache is at 5 o'clock. What an arse.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 36. Just 6 long days left.

Weight 91.7 kg. Another 0.7 off from yesterday.  BP 100/72  pulse 98. I've just come in from 4 hours of digging in the garden. Blood/glucose 5.3 mmol/L, interestingly higher than usual. Gone back down to 900 mg of Allopurinol a day as I come towards the end of the fast. Ketones still 16 mmol/L.

I went into Aldii's yesterday to get some more dog food. I queued behind a young couple getting their weeks supplies by the looks of it. They acted as if they they needed to get a room quickly, he could hardly keep his hands off her. He was tall and strong looking while she had a pretty face but was obese, a good 30 kg overweight. It just reminded me of the way the courting rituals are usually played out.

Usually the males are attracted to the females and then the females takes their pick of who they want to keep. This is Darwinism 101. Then once the sex starts the male is hooked by his access to her vagina and becomes oblivious to any obvious faults she may have. Colloquially the males become 'pussy slaves'.

Now ideally she should become pregnant and the male then takes up his position of providing for the expectant mother. But since the advent of easy contraception and abortion the ground rules have changed considerably. Thus in the western civilizations the amount of children being born has plummeted to such lows that whole races including the Japanese and the white Europeans and the Eastern Slavs now face extinction with birth rates so low as to possibly be unrecoverable. Yet because of racial laws this collapse of the local genetic pools is hidden when immigrant births are recorded as part of the whole country.

The question is 'should anything be done about this'? And the best outcome for every body is 'No'.

When genetic pools become weak they are either absorbed or eliminated. It's always been that way. This is the way hybrids come into existence and hybrids are usually better than either of the originals. This is why the Holstein-Friesian cows are the best dairy and beef cows in the world. Interbreeding. Nothing like it.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 35. One week left.

Weight 92.4 kg down 0.7 from yesterday. Caught myself in a different mirror today. Fore arms and legs much thinner. Too thin actually. Will possibly do some weight training after the 42 days are up. Gut still too big though according to my belt I've lost about 5 inches. (1.3 cm). Feel like I've pulled a muscle in my back.

Blood/glucose 4.3,  0.2 higher than yesterday. BP  110/72 pulse 85. Much lower. Ketones 16. Same.

Most of the day I spent reading, mainly about food. I've decided to eat again at 12:05 am on January 11th. I can't make up my mind what will the first morsel to delight my tongue. I've been thinking of making it a pizza with heaps of different cheeses, blue cheese, cheddar, edam and whatever is left in my fridge. This is after seeing a photo of the world's chessiest pizza. So delicious looking.

But I can't get the idea out of my head for a hot roast pork feast with maybe roast beef with horseradish and some creamy roast potatoes. All this before bacon, eggs, mushrooms, fried tomatoes and onions and greasy fried bread and soggy black pudding for breakfast 8 hours later. My tongue better be up to it. Otherwise what a disaster! What a waste of 42 days. But what a waist.

Interesting things tongues. Apart from the fact without them the amount of food tasting buds would be much less and therefore the taste of your food probably wouldn't be as good so most of the delights of delicious food would be gone. Otherwise on rare occasions they can also kill you when you least expect it.

Many people think that it is possible to swallow your tongue so they will place something in the mouth of someone having a epileptic fit to stop them from dying from suffocation. This is hogwash according to the online health advisors. (Here we are back to pigs again). In this situation the tongue is completely harmless. So why is this myth so well believed? It seems there might be some foundation in fact after all. Tongues can suffocate you given the right circumstances as I once found out.

When my 4th daughter was born with cerebral palsy hemiplegia I was determined to find a cure. Having spent a year studying to be a vet in New York where I had some small training in medical research, I began reading everything I could find. We were living in Canberra and I owned a small ready mixed concrete trucking company that was failing during the recession following the dismissal of the Prime Minister Gough Whitlam by the Queen's Governor General. Things were tough at home with me drinking and little money coming in resulting in my then wife taking the children to stay at a friend's in Sydney until she found her own place. After about 4 months I locked up the plant and moved up there myself but she didn't want me anymore and asked me to go back home to England.

I managed to sell what was left of the business and after giving her the house in Canberra and some cash I left but I bought an around the world ticket so I could visit different brain researchers in Europe and the USA on my way back. No way I was going to leave my children for long.

Sir Geoffrey Howe in England had invented the CAT scan and his assistant helped me see a doctor who read her brain scan differently to the Australians and said the image showed the tissue was there but shrunk. I needed to find a way to inflate that tissue. Lasers seem to be the answer so I became interested in laser and particle physics.

It was my interest in particle physics that lead me to contemplate the breakup crescendo of subatomic particles one moonlit night in the backyard of my flat in Ultimo after having a smoke of Colombian Gold. Instead of following the crescendo down I went back up and realised that there was a Singularity at the centre of the intact particle and after the impact that same Singularity was at the centre of each those particles making up the crescendo. And then it hit me. Every rotating body has the Same Singularity. There is only one single Singularity in the whole universe.

I was so impressed with myself as I sat there Moon baking and watching the cirrus stratus drift slowly by. So beautiful. Eventually I started to hallucinate. Suddenly there was a small face in one of the lumps of cloud. I moved to another lump to get away from it and there was another face just looking intently at me. Then another appeared behind the first. My experience with marijuana had on occasions been scary but this was totally different. I soon saw dozens of faces all over the clouds watching and obviously waiting for my performance to begin. This was an audience and I was in front with intense stage fright. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I tried to get away by looking at the whole sky and instead I saw the most amazing sight anyone can ever see.

Now I have never been religious. I was asked to leave Sunday school when I was about 9 or 10 after only 2 attendances. My mother thought it would be good for me, but me and religion was not meant to be and still isn't. And what I saw in the clouds that night had nothing to do with any religion. Now as funny as it may seem my brain will not let me remember any detail of what I saw, just a general outline. Only one word describes it and that word is awful. Full of awe and awe is terrifying beyond comprehension and I was just seeing a reflection. There is no way in my opinion is it possible to gaze upon the Face of God if a reflection is so intense. Our face.

I remember He had no age, His beard and hair were beautiful waves combining behind Him and in them I looked down into infinity and had a glimpse of how big it really is. That I remember, was the most terrifying thing. I saw the actual distance to stars and galaxies and it goes on forever.

Not being that brave I bolted for my room in my garden flat. After a while I reasoned that I was a coward and should take the opportunity to verify what I saw so I went back out and hesitantly looked skywards. He was still there and I became frozen in fear. I could not move. I looked into His face and I know I saw every detail of his ultimate beauty. I was still watching when one eyelid started slowly moving downwards. Then it moved back up. He'd winked at me. I managed to bolt back into my room again. He was terrifyingly alive...

Now what has this got to do with killer tongues? Probably No-thing. Maybe find out later.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 34. Only 8 days to go. So good.

Blood pressure much higher today 136/80 pulse 78. Strange. Wonder what's happened?

Ketones still as 16 mmol/L. Weight 93.1 kg same as yesterday. Lost nothing last 24 hours. Wonder again what's happening? Can't be the scales. So careful with them. Blood/glucose 4.1 mmol/L down a bit. Might try a Pico flush.

Oh my God that tastes disgusting. Yuck yuck.

My first job this morning was fixing a copier in a hospital. The customer told me his name was Ram, a Sanskrit name for 'pleasing'.

My next job was in a Baptist church. No sooner had I arrived the pastor gave me a bottle of water with the name Rams on it, a home loans company. Ahh I thought, I know what I am going to write about tonight, arse.

Actually I'm not. I meant to write Mars but I missed the 'M' so I added an 'e' for the hell of it. Though Hitlers arse does pork itself later into this story.

What I wanted to write about is how planets are formed. Boring you reckon? Just hang in there Martians. (My God I'm already playing to an audience.)

Science looks at moons, planets and stars as non living entities. Large lumps of rock, some very hot others cold. But we now know different don't we? Everything is alive because everything is God and God is very much alive. Always has been, always will be, same as ourselves 'cos we're all God.

Well at some point I realised that planets were born, just like us. It happened when I read how spiral galaxies passed through each other supposedly without touching (99.99% empty same as ourselves) so the chances of touching are pretty remote. But that doesn't mean magnetic fields don't interact, again same as us. And the best of it is that when they separate, in the tails of their outer spiral arms are fields and fields of brand new young blue stars. Baby stars. Obviously galaxies mate and are intelligent.

Now that left me with a few clues, which for me solved the problem why the stars closest to the galactic black hole are the oldest and why stars roughly in the middle have planets most likely with abundant life forms. The old ones are sucked in and in the process they pull the spirals behind them, closer to the hole. Meanwhile those in the middle give birth to planets. As they age they reabsorb their offspring and end up inside the black hole furnace where they too are reduced to light. And because there is only one Singularity the energy from their demise can be passed into the new blue stars to feed them without traveling any distance using faster than light speed, which is not possible according to Einstein.

Everything gets recycled, forever. Well obviously some galaxies are really ugly and can't find a partner and end up turning into a single star and being totally absorbed by their now internal resident black hole which collapses into a neutron star then probably into a rapidly rotating pulsating body called a pulsar. And what do we know is at the centre of every rotating body? A Singularity. And inside the Singularity, the Nothing. The final Equalizer. And if you reach equality, the Nothing will explode and a supernova is born which emits more energy in 5 seconds than a thousand suns and lasts maybe months. Well that's what I think anyway.

But now I come to Mars.

To speed this up our sun I think gave birth to each of its planets by somehow possibly churning some of its mass so fast within itself that it managed to create a Singularity without an event horizon which is the doorway into a black hole. A naked Singularity, through which a wormhole was connected like an umbilical cord to its mother. Given enough time it then popped out from its mother as a small orb but was held in place in a nursery orbit by its mothers gravity and the feeding tube wormhole. There it fed off her until it was large enough to move into a close orbit by itself. Interestingly many star systems are binary stars often with one much smaller than the other. Mummy and her baby.

Now there is a fairly well known scientific axiom called Pauli's Exclusion Principle which states that 2 separate entities cannot occupy the same space so one has to leave. When Mercury, the youngest planet left the nursery orbit around the Sun it forced Venus to jump up an orbit which in turn forced Earth to push Mars into the orbit where it now lives. The current Earth orbit is best suited for multiple life forms. ( Interestingly this jumping is roughly how lasers work.) Now Mars already had a diverse biosphere which was all ripped from its surface with the jump and much of it deposited in cold storage space. Possibly some of it is still there but doubtful. Too much cosmic radiation.

After the Earth solidified and cooled down it was possibly seeded by meteors carrying genetic material from the Mars catastrophe so the whole thing started up again, here on Earth.

I'm convinced that there would be remnants of a Martian civilization that if underground might have remained there and was not cast into space when the jump happened. I reckon on a delta where the rivers met the sea it could be possible to find such evidence. I want to go there and find it but first I would need to build a huge space port above Earth, so big it would actually be a hotel for many thousands of holidaymakers at a time. They would produce the profit to make it all possible. Especially if they were CashRamSpam clients.

More about Mars the God of War and Hitler's arse later.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 33. Jan 1 2015. Magic 9 days left.

Weight 93.1 kg. A whole kilo lost in 24 hours. How is that possible? I haven't done any exercise except for a tiny bit of weed pulling an hour ago. I've been sunbaking and sleeping mainly. And I'm not dehydrated.

So in total I've lost 20 kg or 44 pounds in 33 days. And though I generally feel fine I am feeling a bit weak today. Pulling the ivy weeds out was quite hard. Anyway back to work tomorrow. That can be quite hard as sometimes.

BP 119/80 pulse 79, blood/glucose 4.3, ketones 16.

On day 14 I wrote about my app which I call CashRam Wallet and as I explained it's designed to allow for payment in Aussie dollars, gold or silver. Customers can take their pick which they'd prefer. 

Putting dollars and metal into an account is very simple after opening a free CashRamSpam account. Just put in any currency via the payment gateway and then purchase metal using Australian dollars once inside CRS. CRS gets to hold the dollars and metal until it is spent or clients want it back, minus handling charges. 

CRS isn't just a way to spend money it's also designed to help clients earn money. With CRS clients can charge whatever they like to receive email and can even sell their personal data to the highest bidder. Advertisers can pay CRS clients to watch their ads. In fact lots of ways are available for CRS clients to prosper, once there are enough clients. So far there's not. It's very like the same predicament as fax machines when they first came out. The only people who bought them were home bound deaf people and big shops. But now this situation is different. 

Unless a significant amount of people spend their paper money on buying sufficient amounts of gold and silver while it is still possible to do so then sometime in the near future many people will not have the necessary means to buy food and drink. The current world's monetary system is coming to a close. It has been in operation since 1971 but since that date it has not been backed by gold so governments world wide took the opportunity to print all the money they thought they needed to pay people to vote for them. Now the world is flooded with bits of coloured paper that are quietly getting close to being worthless.

At the moment there is a lull before the storm and precious metal dealers are still accepting coloured paper in exchange for gold and silver. But having metal does not make it easy to buy things. Giving the butcher an ounce of gold for a kilo of sausages when the gold's value is close to $15,000 makes dealing impossible. Only using a app such as CashRam Wallet which allows payment to 4 decimal places of a gram (there are 31.1 grams in an ounce of gold and silver) can a local transaction be successful.

This is a win win situation right now. Even if the collapse is delayed as it was in 2008 (it's the same collapse still going on) the price of gold and silver will become much higher as the storm deepens. There's not many places you can buy as little as AUS$50 of precious metal, if any, other than CRS. 
And if you haven't got an Android phone you will need one, thanks to Apple.