Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 58  pf

 Once more the weight stays the same at 101.6 kg. Hopefully it is some sort of leveling out going on.

Blood/glucose setback at 8.6 mmol/L. Could see a return to diabetes in the near future.

Strange BP drops 20 points 118/74 pulse 97 as blood/glucose goes up. Have to watch this.

Just bought 154 iodine tablets of 130 mg strength for US$120 from Ambex USA for nuclear radiation protection. Though as much as I don't think it will happen I need to take precautions as Putin is being forced into a corner and all of Russia is pushing him forward. Poor bastard. He's for the chop and he must know it by now so he could do something really stupid like start a nuclear war in the northern hemisphere now he believes Russia has superior nuclear weaponry.

Plus at that 130 mg dosage they might just stop breast cancer. Never know who's going to get tit. I see the DEA has stopped kilo gram sales of iodine by reclassifying it from List 2 to List 1, 2 years after it became known to have major therapeutic advantages.  I wonder who helped them make that decision?

Also great for colds and longer living and I can't see why I can't live for another 400 years. Maybe longer as long as I don't have a significant price on my head by then.

David Sinclair the scientist originally from UNSW Sydney, alarmed a lot of American AMA members when he disclosed that he had discovered what caused the ageing process. The trials he started to test his theories on sirtuins called SIRTS 3 and 4 were shut down before completion and much debate raged regarding his belief he was on to something that could stop people from ageing.

Can you imagine the panic. No old people. Old people keep many doctors and associate industries employed. Old people generate enough work to account for something like 20% of any Socialist economy. When Hitler killed all the insane and permanently infirm in German hospitals he came close to killing the German economy as well because so many people were suddenly out of a job. So he put them to work building bombs which also killed people or by killing healthy people who owned 7 candle candelabras. There was roughly 6 million of them.

But Sinclairs not the only one to run foul of the various AMA's though the American one is the biggest money maker. Any doctor who does not perform their treatment according to the guidelines issued by the governing bodies run a good chance of losing their permit to practise medicine. The guidelines are called the 'Standard Practice' and all must follow.

'Standard Practice'--and all must follow. Remember that. Very important.

So forget about Allopurinol stopping mothers dying from eclampsia.

Forget about Multiple Sclerosis being treated by CCSVI treatment. My God can you imagine the money made from MS sufferers alone-billions. The way they shut that idea down in the US and Canada and Australia was as good as the way the Federal Reserve keeps the price of gold artificially low. Stamp on it quickly like it was on fire.

But my favourite one of all, and there's lots of them, is-- HIV Aids.

Having read Peter Duesberg's book 'Inventing the Aids Virus' I have no doubts whatsoever that it is the greatest fraud ever brought into existence by the medical community. Putin would be proud to be part of this scam. Maybe he is already?

Duesberg has the distinction of being awarded a prize from the NIH for being the US of A's top medical researcher. Imagine their horror when he exposed the whole Aids thing as being 'jobs for the boys'. It's such a beautifully written book and reads like a super intelligent detective story that I'm not going to reveal anymore of the plot. Buy the book for yourself. He'll sign it if you ask him nicely.

By the way I noticed the other day that the $10,000 of gold I gave to my family to take to Japan is now worth roughly $11,000. Pity it's still in Japan.

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