Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 62  pf

I know it's too early to say this with any certainty but the current projection of my weight gain stabilization (101.2 kg) over the last 10 days coupled with a low blood/glucose (6.3 mmol/L) by themselves could indicate that I've possibly found Professor Richard Johnson's reset switch propounded in his book 'The Fat Switch'. And as predicted on Day 22 the answer for me is 42.

Just 42 days of fasting using 900 -1200 mg of Allopurinol a day can stabilize weight for a 71 year old man who's starting weight was 113 kg and resulting in a finishing weight of 101 kg. Plus an apparent recovery from diabetes mellitus (honey) type 2.
Note: You can smell the honey in the urine of a diabetic. No, I never felt the urge to taste it.

Now the BP ( 137/76 pulse 79 ) seems to be of less importance as long as the weight and blood/glucose is good. I often take 2 or more BP measurements and the variation in the systolic (higher one) can be as much as 40 but the diastolic as long as it remains around 80 appears to be the more important indicator.  According to my ex-doctor (as of today), ( he lost his cool when I tried to tell him about the NIH research paper showing how Allopurinol is the only known treatment for pre-eclampsia poor fellow.) that in the past the diastolic was considered the more important. Me thinks it still is.

Last but not least in the morning if I don't eat I can jest squeeze my gut into the 42 inch belt hole as hoped for also on Day 22.

Tonight I was going to write about the world's oldest banking system but I'm a bit tired. Later. Maybe.

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