Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 42   end of fast.

And here I am 2.5 hours away from eating my first food for the last magic 42 days. Hope I don't over cook the roast pork and roast potatoes and roast whole onions.
Well there's always Vic Churchills $78 steak if I do.. Still don't feel hungry. Maybe for a while I will stay on the daily 600 mg of Allopurinol. See tomorrow.

Weight same as yesterday 89.8 kg. Strange. Ketones 16 mmol/L.  BP 124/76 pulse 82. Blood/glucose 4.6 mmol/L. The real interesting thing will be these readings tomorrow night.

I went shopping at Westfield Hurstville this afternoon. I enjoy crowds though I was closer to being in Hong Kong than I was to Sydney by the looks of it. I wanted to check to see if it was true that Peters Meats was cheaper there than anywhere else. One of their butchers told me this.

They had quarters of leg ham from between 9 and $14. The same thing in Coles was around $24. Joe's Meats next door had better looking ones for around $15.  So maybe it is true, wherever the Chinese shop the food is usually fresher and cheaper. Oh, Joe's was selling Pork Roasts for $3.99 kg. I paid $5.99 in Peters Meats in Marrickville Metro, 50% more. Mind you Woolies Marrickville was asking for $8.99 for the same thing.

Now what I'm writing about here is competition. I love competition. As I wrote on day 25,  competition is the elimination of the weak and the consolidation of the strong but it's a continual process. As always the strong eventually become the weak and they too are eliminated just like star systems drawn into the black hole in the centre of our galaxy, in our case the 'Super Massive Black Hole' (SMBH), designated Sagittarius 'A'. It's power is greater than the combined power of hundreds of trillions of star systems. Too large to comprehend yet we are all part of this process and processed we will be when our time comes.

And we have yet to discover the Universe Eliminator, the final No-thing that swallows everything leaving just nothing and in the state of No-thing there is absolutely nothing, not even time, so for the No-thing to become the Some-thing again, no time has passed because there was none. So everything is continual for ever and ever. Off and On, binary, just like our computers but smoother.

So the whole universe is a massive calculating machine. Therefore I am asking the Universal Eliminator, if you can hear me, what does 42 mean? And I don't even have to say please even though I have been programmed to do so.

I think I got it. I wrote a book called Two Winks. If I take 2 off forty two winks then I am left with 40 winks.

Just enough time to have a snooze before dinner.

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