Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 35. One week left.

Weight 92.4 kg down 0.7 from yesterday. Caught myself in a different mirror today. Fore arms and legs much thinner. Too thin actually. Will possibly do some weight training after the 42 days are up. Gut still too big though according to my belt I've lost about 5 inches. (1.3 cm). Feel like I've pulled a muscle in my back.

Blood/glucose 4.3,  0.2 higher than yesterday. BP  110/72 pulse 85. Much lower. Ketones 16. Same.

Most of the day I spent reading, mainly about food. I've decided to eat again at 12:05 am on January 11th. I can't make up my mind what will the first morsel to delight my tongue. I've been thinking of making it a pizza with heaps of different cheeses, blue cheese, cheddar, edam and whatever is left in my fridge. This is after seeing a photo of the world's chessiest pizza. So delicious looking.

But I can't get the idea out of my head for a hot roast pork feast with maybe roast beef with horseradish and some creamy roast potatoes. All this before bacon, eggs, mushrooms, fried tomatoes and onions and greasy fried bread and soggy black pudding for breakfast 8 hours later. My tongue better be up to it. Otherwise what a disaster! What a waste of 42 days. But what a waist.

Interesting things tongues. Apart from the fact without them the amount of food tasting buds would be much less and therefore the taste of your food probably wouldn't be as good so most of the delights of delicious food would be gone. Otherwise on rare occasions they can also kill you when you least expect it.

Many people think that it is possible to swallow your tongue so they will place something in the mouth of someone having a epileptic fit to stop them from dying from suffocation. This is hogwash according to the online health advisors. (Here we are back to pigs again). In this situation the tongue is completely harmless. So why is this myth so well believed? It seems there might be some foundation in fact after all. Tongues can suffocate you given the right circumstances as I once found out.

When my 4th daughter was born with cerebral palsy hemiplegia I was determined to find a cure. Having spent a year studying to be a vet in New York where I had some small training in medical research, I began reading everything I could find. We were living in Canberra and I owned a small ready mixed concrete trucking company that was failing during the recession following the dismissal of the Prime Minister Gough Whitlam by the Queen's Governor General. Things were tough at home with me drinking and little money coming in resulting in my then wife taking the children to stay at a friend's in Sydney until she found her own place. After about 4 months I locked up the plant and moved up there myself but she didn't want me anymore and asked me to go back home to England.

I managed to sell what was left of the business and after giving her the house in Canberra and some cash I left but I bought an around the world ticket so I could visit different brain researchers in Europe and the USA on my way back. No way I was going to leave my children for long.

Sir Geoffrey Howe in England had invented the CAT scan and his assistant helped me see a doctor who read her brain scan differently to the Australians and said the image showed the tissue was there but shrunk. I needed to find a way to inflate that tissue. Lasers seem to be the answer so I became interested in laser and particle physics.

It was my interest in particle physics that lead me to contemplate the breakup crescendo of subatomic particles one moonlit night in the backyard of my flat in Ultimo after having a smoke of Colombian Gold. Instead of following the crescendo down I went back up and realised that there was a Singularity at the centre of the intact particle and after the impact that same Singularity was at the centre of each those particles making up the crescendo. And then it hit me. Every rotating body has the Same Singularity. There is only one single Singularity in the whole universe.

I was so impressed with myself as I sat there Moon baking and watching the cirrus stratus drift slowly by. So beautiful. Eventually I started to hallucinate. Suddenly there was a small face in one of the lumps of cloud. I moved to another lump to get away from it and there was another face just looking intently at me. Then another appeared behind the first. My experience with marijuana had on occasions been scary but this was totally different. I soon saw dozens of faces all over the clouds watching and obviously waiting for my performance to begin. This was an audience and I was in front with intense stage fright. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I tried to get away by looking at the whole sky and instead I saw the most amazing sight anyone can ever see.

Now I have never been religious. I was asked to leave Sunday school when I was about 9 or 10 after only 2 attendances. My mother thought it would be good for me, but me and religion was not meant to be and still isn't. And what I saw in the clouds that night had nothing to do with any religion. Now as funny as it may seem my brain will not let me remember any detail of what I saw, just a general outline. Only one word describes it and that word is awful. Full of awe and awe is terrifying beyond comprehension and I was just seeing a reflection. There is no way in my opinion is it possible to gaze upon the Face of God if a reflection is so intense. Our face.

I remember He had no age, His beard and hair were beautiful waves combining behind Him and in them I looked down into infinity and had a glimpse of how big it really is. That I remember, was the most terrifying thing. I saw the actual distance to stars and galaxies and it goes on forever.

Not being that brave I bolted for my room in my garden flat. After a while I reasoned that I was a coward and should take the opportunity to verify what I saw so I went back out and hesitantly looked skywards. He was still there and I became frozen in fear. I could not move. I looked into His face and I know I saw every detail of his ultimate beauty. I was still watching when one eyelid started slowly moving downwards. Then it moved back up. He'd winked at me. I managed to bolt back into my room again. He was terrifyingly alive...

Now what has this got to do with killer tongues? Probably No-thing. Maybe find out later.

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