Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 47 pf

7 am. Blood/glucose 6.9 mmol/L. BP 122/73 pulse 100.  Weight 96.5 kg, a drop of 1.4 kg from yesterday. Going to leave 2 day fast till next week when I don't have so much expensive food in fridge.

Interested to see where my weight stabilizes if it does. Daughters and Matt leave Japan tomorrow to return home by Saturday. Masako to stay on. 19 year old Stella wrote an amazing food poem in Japan.

On a moonlit Mediterranean night
Under antipasto shaped star light
Lady Lasagna and Pizza Pete
Danced the cha cha with their feet

They gazed into each other's cherry tomato eyes
And both felt happy and cheesy inside
But with horror and shock they both saw
The chefs face peeking through the oven door

"Senora your feast is ready" the chef cried
And both their hearts sank with their sure demise

Lady Lasagna held Pizza Pete tightly
And kissed his pepperoni cheeks ever so lightly
"We will see each other again" she quietly said
"When the Senora's stomach is full and in bed"

And surely enough when the clock struck eleven
The senora's belly was transformed into a cha cha heaven
Where Lady Lasagna and Pizza Pete
Danced even lighter than before
On their gooey mush feet

copyright 2015
Stella Palmer

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