Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day  61  pf

Here we go, weight back down to 100.6 kg.

Blood/glucose 6.5 mmol/L.   BP 132/68  pulse 77. Watch this space.

The creation of wealth is our basic method of survival. Without wealth there is no profit and no profit means no money and a lack of money is the root of all evil.

Our need to accumulate a 'working capital' is essential if the objective is to increase our share of freedom and improve our chances of reproduction, after all it's all about reproduction. And even the final act of reproduction is an immense competition between sperms and competition lurks where you lest expect it. The shape of the head of the penis, known as the helmet, is designed not only to project its missiles deep towards their target but to also scoop out any competitors.

So what are the chances of accumulating sufficient 'working capital' even before we attempt to utilize it to produce profit? Negligible really if our sole means of income is from working as a 'vassal' for someone else. But this is the clue. The most common way of getting together capital is by employing someone to produce profit then paying them a percentage of what they earn and use what's left to to add to the 'working capital' fund. Day Labourers are the simplest form of this method. This is where union heavies will always be found. Just more competition.

Possibly most business failures occur within 3 years of start up and the number 1 cause of failure is probably insufficient 'working capital'. Insufficient to last the onslaught of competitors. Surprisingly this figure is around 60% of startups and the competition most ignored is from family requiring attention. Especially from wives with small children.

The consequential failure of a marriage can destroy any incentive to keep going which is a paradox when the main reason to start a business was to make the family more secure. So the time involved to promote a business must be calculated against the backdrop of a possible failed marriage. Remember when money stops coming through the door love goes out the window.

Tomorrow the difference between Interest and Discount and modern banking.

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