Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 45 pf

  Blood/glucose 6.7 mmol/L. How can this get any better!  Taken @7.30am no breakfast. Weight 92.5 kg.

Now tonight at 10.50 pm after having the most fantastic bangers and mash for lunch. Home cooked chicken thighs x 2 for dinner (yuck) plus a lamb sandwich an hour ago = 6.0 mmol/L. What the hell!

Weight 95.8 kg  A 6 kg gain in 3 days ?? 3.3 kg just today. Impossible. Have to check again in the morning.

BP 106/62 pulse 82. The mystery deepens.

Family's coming home this weekend after 5 weeks in Japan. All coming home fatter supposedly. Me too.
I wonder what the correlation is between my suddenly super efficient pancreas's Islets of Langerhans and my instant weight increase and lower blood pressure?

Gotta get up early to get blood results from Android my doctor. So efficient. Rarely talks but he told a joke last week. Must have a new programmer. Not sure if I like it.

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