Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day  52  post fast

More increase in weight. Now at  100.4 kg, a 0.8 kg increase in 1 day.  Now this is really a phenomena. It's not fat I'm gaining daily, it has to be fluid obviously water or could it be a form of reverse osmosis? When I breathe in I'm breathing in oxygen and hydrogen. Water in gaseous form. Here's what I wrote on Day 31.

"Day 31.

Big drop in weight- 94.5 kg , 1.1 kg lost since this time yesterday. Never moved the scales. Same place last 4 days. Must admit felt a bit weak most of the day. But where did that fat go? I haven't excreted it, I've just been doing my normal job fixing photocopiers. Here's some research that purports to show I breathed 84% of it out as CO2 and the rest as water.                          

I must have breathed an awful lot today."

Here's a telling excerpt from the research paper.

"We put on weight when excess carbohydrates and proteins that we've eaten are converted into triglycerides (compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) and are then stored in lipid droplets inside fat cells. To lose weight, you need to break down those triglycerides to access their carbon.The results showed that in order to completely breakdown 10kg of human fat, we need to inhale 29 kg of oxygen (and somewhere along the way, burn 94,000 calories). This reaction produces 28 kg of CO2 and 11 kg of water.“Our calculations show that the lungs are the primary excretory organ for fat,” the team writes in the paper.However, they couldn’t work out exactly what was happening to the fat cells in this reaction. After months of research, Brown discovered a formula from a paper published in 1949 that solved the problem - it showed that oxygen atoms are shared between the carbon and hydrogen in fat at a ratio of 2:1 (forming carbon dioxide and water)This allowed them to come up with the final figure of 84 percent of a fat molecule’s atoms being exhaled as carbon dioxide, and the remaining 16 percent ending up as water."

Have to think about this. Something odd happening here.

Meet a man today who has twin daughters and 1 of them is anorexic and weighs just 37 kg. I suggested he tries to get her interested in over ripe fruit which has large amounts of fructose which in turn through the liver tells you to eat more as you're still hungry. Couldn't find any reference on Google to treating anorexics with HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) or medical marijuana which usually gives users the famous munchies.

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