Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 33. Jan 1 2015. Magic 9 days left.

Weight 93.1 kg. A whole kilo lost in 24 hours. How is that possible? I haven't done any exercise except for a tiny bit of weed pulling an hour ago. I've been sunbaking and sleeping mainly. And I'm not dehydrated.

So in total I've lost 20 kg or 44 pounds in 33 days. And though I generally feel fine I am feeling a bit weak today. Pulling the ivy weeds out was quite hard. Anyway back to work tomorrow. That can be quite hard as sometimes.

BP 119/80 pulse 79, blood/glucose 4.3, ketones 16.

On day 14 I wrote about my app which I call CashRam Wallet and as I explained it's designed to allow for payment in Aussie dollars, gold or silver. Customers can take their pick which they'd prefer. 

Putting dollars and metal into an account is very simple after opening a free CashRamSpam account. Just put in any currency via the payment gateway and then purchase metal using Australian dollars once inside CRS. CRS gets to hold the dollars and metal until it is spent or clients want it back, minus handling charges. 

CRS isn't just a way to spend money it's also designed to help clients earn money. With CRS clients can charge whatever they like to receive email and can even sell their personal data to the highest bidder. Advertisers can pay CRS clients to watch their ads. In fact lots of ways are available for CRS clients to prosper, once there are enough clients. So far there's not. It's very like the same predicament as fax machines when they first came out. The only people who bought them were home bound deaf people and big shops. But now this situation is different. 

Unless a significant amount of people spend their paper money on buying sufficient amounts of gold and silver while it is still possible to do so then sometime in the near future many people will not have the necessary means to buy food and drink. The current world's monetary system is coming to a close. It has been in operation since 1971 but since that date it has not been backed by gold so governments world wide took the opportunity to print all the money they thought they needed to pay people to vote for them. Now the world is flooded with bits of coloured paper that are quietly getting close to being worthless.

At the moment there is a lull before the storm and precious metal dealers are still accepting coloured paper in exchange for gold and silver. But having metal does not make it easy to buy things. Giving the butcher an ounce of gold for a kilo of sausages when the gold's value is close to $15,000 makes dealing impossible. Only using a app such as CashRam Wallet which allows payment to 4 decimal places of a gram (there are 31.1 grams in an ounce of gold and silver) can a local transaction be successful.

This is a win win situation right now. Even if the collapse is delayed as it was in 2008 (it's the same collapse still going on) the price of gold and silver will become much higher as the storm deepens. There's not many places you can buy as little as AUS$50 of precious metal, if any, other than CRS. 
And if you haven't got an Android phone you will need one, thanks to Apple.

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