Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 34. Only 8 days to go. So good.

Blood pressure much higher today 136/80 pulse 78. Strange. Wonder what's happened?

Ketones still as 16 mmol/L. Weight 93.1 kg same as yesterday. Lost nothing last 24 hours. Wonder again what's happening? Can't be the scales. So careful with them. Blood/glucose 4.1 mmol/L down a bit. Might try a Pico flush.

Oh my God that tastes disgusting. Yuck yuck.

My first job this morning was fixing a copier in a hospital. The customer told me his name was Ram, a Sanskrit name for 'pleasing'.

My next job was in a Baptist church. No sooner had I arrived the pastor gave me a bottle of water with the name Rams on it, a home loans company. Ahh I thought, I know what I am going to write about tonight, arse.

Actually I'm not. I meant to write Mars but I missed the 'M' so I added an 'e' for the hell of it. Though Hitlers arse does pork itself later into this story.

What I wanted to write about is how planets are formed. Boring you reckon? Just hang in there Martians. (My God I'm already playing to an audience.)

Science looks at moons, planets and stars as non living entities. Large lumps of rock, some very hot others cold. But we now know different don't we? Everything is alive because everything is God and God is very much alive. Always has been, always will be, same as ourselves 'cos we're all God.

Well at some point I realised that planets were born, just like us. It happened when I read how spiral galaxies passed through each other supposedly without touching (99.99% empty same as ourselves) so the chances of touching are pretty remote. But that doesn't mean magnetic fields don't interact, again same as us. And the best of it is that when they separate, in the tails of their outer spiral arms are fields and fields of brand new young blue stars. Baby stars. Obviously galaxies mate and are intelligent.

Now that left me with a few clues, which for me solved the problem why the stars closest to the galactic black hole are the oldest and why stars roughly in the middle have planets most likely with abundant life forms. The old ones are sucked in and in the process they pull the spirals behind them, closer to the hole. Meanwhile those in the middle give birth to planets. As they age they reabsorb their offspring and end up inside the black hole furnace where they too are reduced to light. And because there is only one Singularity the energy from their demise can be passed into the new blue stars to feed them without traveling any distance using faster than light speed, which is not possible according to Einstein.

Everything gets recycled, forever. Well obviously some galaxies are really ugly and can't find a partner and end up turning into a single star and being totally absorbed by their now internal resident black hole which collapses into a neutron star then probably into a rapidly rotating pulsating body called a pulsar. And what do we know is at the centre of every rotating body? A Singularity. And inside the Singularity, the Nothing. The final Equalizer. And if you reach equality, the Nothing will explode and a supernova is born which emits more energy in 5 seconds than a thousand suns and lasts maybe months. Well that's what I think anyway.

But now I come to Mars.

To speed this up our sun I think gave birth to each of its planets by somehow possibly churning some of its mass so fast within itself that it managed to create a Singularity without an event horizon which is the doorway into a black hole. A naked Singularity, through which a wormhole was connected like an umbilical cord to its mother. Given enough time it then popped out from its mother as a small orb but was held in place in a nursery orbit by its mothers gravity and the feeding tube wormhole. There it fed off her until it was large enough to move into a close orbit by itself. Interestingly many star systems are binary stars often with one much smaller than the other. Mummy and her baby.

Now there is a fairly well known scientific axiom called Pauli's Exclusion Principle which states that 2 separate entities cannot occupy the same space so one has to leave. When Mercury, the youngest planet left the nursery orbit around the Sun it forced Venus to jump up an orbit which in turn forced Earth to push Mars into the orbit where it now lives. The current Earth orbit is best suited for multiple life forms. ( Interestingly this jumping is roughly how lasers work.) Now Mars already had a diverse biosphere which was all ripped from its surface with the jump and much of it deposited in cold storage space. Possibly some of it is still there but doubtful. Too much cosmic radiation.

After the Earth solidified and cooled down it was possibly seeded by meteors carrying genetic material from the Mars catastrophe so the whole thing started up again, here on Earth.

I'm convinced that there would be remnants of a Martian civilization that if underground might have remained there and was not cast into space when the jump happened. I reckon on a delta where the rivers met the sea it could be possible to find such evidence. I want to go there and find it but first I would need to build a huge space port above Earth, so big it would actually be a hotel for many thousands of holidaymakers at a time. They would produce the profit to make it all possible. Especially if they were CashRamSpam clients.

More about Mars the God of War and Hitler's arse later.

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