Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 40.  

What a buzz.  Just 2 more days and the next one starts in 3 hours. Boy has this been a long time coming.

Weight 90.7 kg same as yesterday. What a disappointment. Still this happened on days 36 and 37.
There's not that much fat left to come off I don't think. Who am I kidding? There's probably at least 3-5 kg hidden away around my ribs somewhere. Another day.

Texas ribs.

BP 100/64 Pulse 88. Blood/glucose 4.5. Ketones about 12 I think. Difficult to tell. Tape measure says I'm down 3 inches but belt says 4.5.  I know my pants look ridiculous. Have to wear my work shirt outside to hide the bunched up waistline.

Gave myself an excuse to go Thursday night shopping. Spent $171 on meat, mind you 10 of that was for the dogs. My 310 grams of Blackmores Full Blood Wagyu Sirloin at $249.99 a kilo cost me $77.50. Not very big but wow. Thank you Victor Churchill. Also I bought a huge shoulder of pork for $34 from Peters Meats. The other $60 was on hand made sausages, black pudding, chicken thighs and cheese and some Russian condiments and a cream cheese with sultanas called Pashka I think from the Russian Deli on Bondi Road. Nice interesting shop. I actually went to Sam the Butcher next door where I got the fabulous goose but he was closed till next week.

I want to cook it all and lay it out on the table by midnight Saturday. And then at 5 past I will try to eat it all. My family's back from Japan Saturday week so if there is any left over they'll soon finish it. Ravens.

Oh, I yet have to buy half a smoked ham from the Meat Emporium in Alexandria on Saturday where they have the biggest collection of good meats I've ever seen. Some a bit pricey for me but they often have really good reductions. Last January I got a whole ham about 10 kg for $30. The taste was amazing. You have to wear a freezer jacket as it's inside a huge cool room.On Saturday mornings they usually have a free barbeque obviously outside. Ben the manager and his family own the biggest meat exporting business in Australia. I asked last year for a leg of mutton but he forgot twice so he gave me 2 for free. Great customer relations.

I have other interests beside meat. I just can't think of any right now.

Got to be up early for my blood test at 6am at the Waterloo Medical Centre. Great doctors there. Andrew and Tony and a few others. They help look after the disadvantaged people of Redfern. There are always some interesting characters in the waiting room. I love it. And the Hot Bread shop a few doors down make a great pork and salad roll for $4 and their bread is delicious and they make their own cakes and pies. So good.

No wonder I was so fat. But not anymore after just 40 days and allopurinol. Forgot. Reduced dose to 600 mg yesterday. Still no bowel activity. Will be on Monday.

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