Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 54  pf

 7 am testing.

Ahha. Weight the same as yesterday 101 kg.

Blood/glucose still excellent at 6.6 mmol/L .
BP 135/77  pulse 90 . Diastolic still below 80 coupled with low blood/glucose.

I was reminded today of something I noted 30 odd years ago. Why is the Christian/Judaic god always a male? Surely in a universe as diverse as it is the chance must exist where the supreme creator could be female?

Once I had an idea about the composition of the universe. Supposedly roughly 75% of the universe is made up of Hydrogen and 24% is Helium and everything else is in the remaining 1%. Now if everything in the universe is god then the male side of it is Helium which is chemically denoted as 'He'. That so far is easy. So if the rest is Hydrogen which is denoted as 'H' or aitch and pronounced as 'Her' that means 75% of the universe is a Her and 24% is a He. So the female to male ratio is 3 to 1 in size, not necessarily always in quantity.

Now remembering that we ourselves are all god and everything is god then it doesn't take much imagination to see that that ratio is fairly common in my life anyway. I had a wife and 2 daughters in 3 'marriages' and at the moment I have 3 female and 1 male dog. I fix printers in a few retirement homes and it looks at a glance to be about a 3:1 figure of survivors over the age of 75(?). Supposition I know but interesting anyway. Now this brings me on to another observation.

All males are actually 'slaves' to the females. Look around wherever you are and notice that virtually nothing is designed and built by females. Not the floor not the walls not the equipment you are using. Nothing. But everything males build has a primary objective to make a woman happy. Happy enough to lay down with a male who pleases her and can look after her and her children with that male. And as the old saying goes;

'When money stops coming through the door loves goes out the window.'

Probably most marriages fail when the male cannot support his partner and his children properly. That's why usually it is the female who decides when a relationship is over. She always needs security and that and freedom only comes with money. The more money you have the better your security and freedom.

The rate your money is taxed is your freedom rate so if you pay 30% tax then your freedom rate is 70%. This is why in the past there was more freedom. In the USA in 1900 the personal tax rate was 4% meaning Americans were 96% free. Now with state and federal taxes they are lucky to be 40% free. The more money you have the freer you are to do the things you want to do. Unfortunately the US 16th Amendment passed in 1913 along with the Federal Reserve Act allows the US Congress the right to tax at any rate they want so therefore all monies is owned by the government so everyone who earns money should realise it is not their money and so like slaves they are all owned by congress as is the congress itself.

So who owns us all? The same people who own all the banks and all the land and all the houses.

But not for long. A debt jubilee is now unavoidable.

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