Friday, January 9, 2015

Day 41.  

Only 27.5 hours left and I've achieved my goal. No food for 6 whole weeks. Perfect, as my doctor said about my blood pressure and glucose this morning.

Ketones up again 16 mmol/L.  Blood/glucose 4.4 mmol/L.  BP 109/67 pulse 89. And the big one; Weight is...89.8 kg. I've cracked the 90. Yipee!!

 Now to explain what this is all about.

As any health professional will say obesity is an epidemic in the western world. But why? And where's the Darwinian aspect?

Richard Johnson in his book 'The Fat Switch' say's that Metabolic Syndrome, the malady that appears with a high everything, is in fact the body preparing to hibernate. Big clue that one. And in that preparation just about everything you eat becomes part of your stored energy. Fat glorious fat. Hear him here.

He points out that just about all animals get MS, even some fish. And prior to that they usually eat many sweet things and the sugar found in fruit, fructose, has the ability to change your metabolism to make it more efficient in storing fat.

Now fructose like caffeine appears to be addictive. Look how many children love their fruit drinks which is mainly fructose. So the initial problem is fructose. And then the body will make its own fructose out of glucose if its not getting enough so were're at a loss either way. As a consequence of all this activity our uric acid levels increase which appears to be the main cause of Chronic Kidney Disease and high blood pressure so all my readings of low blood pressure are also an indication of my low uric acid levels. Thank you Allopurinol.

Fructose causes you to get fat. High uric acid levels kills you. So that's the why, where's the Darwinian reason?

Since the 1800's there has been a huge increase in sugar production. This has resulted in an average consumption around 2 kg annually a 100 years ago to 50 kg today. Wow. So what are the advantages of becoming obese?  Obese people tend to move less, rarely reproduce, keep many doctors employed, and in total use huge amounts of resources in comparison to lean people. They help keep food prices low.

Now in any group there is what used to be called a Bell Curve. About 2.5 % is allocated to either ends. One end leanies the other the fatties. So 95% stay roughly in the middle. But now about 12.5 % are obese and 35 % are overweight. Chances are there are more lean people as well so the leanies and the fatties possibly make up 25%,  leaving 75% and 35% of those are overweight, leaving 40% of 'normal' sized people.

These are possibly the most productive both economically and fecundity wise.

So as more jobs are automated less people are needed and more over weight people become redundant and their low income makes them less attractive for breeding. Sugar is also the best for killing libido so many don't get to pass on their inherited characteristics anymore. And if you're old and get fat there is nothing like a beer belly for turning off the good looking fertile women. Less competition for the stupid young guys.

There is an alternative thought.

The is plenty of reputable research showing the lack of sunspots is the prelude to an incoming Ice Age. Due around 2040 or before. Snow everywhere for 100+ years.

Fatties will be useful if food supplies run low. God eating God.

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