Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Day 32. 10 days left.

Weight 94.1 kg  0.4 drop from yesterday. More realistic than yesterdays 1.1 kg. Doesn't make sense.

BP 118/71 pulse 79.  Blood/glucose 4.2 mmol/L.  Ketones 16 mmol/L. Looking good.

I realized today that eating delicious food is the most enjoyable thing I know, now that my breeding period is over anyway. What else is there? I mean the company of my family is good and they enjoy their food just as well but a delicious steak or roast pork with crackling. OMG. To die for. I don't think I really need anything else in life. No fancy yachts, definitely no fancy houses or cars. Can't be bothered with that sort of rubbish, but a hot pork roll with plenty of fat and a glass of milk with added cream, yum yum. And I'm in heaven.

Funny I should say that. I often think we are in heaven. One of the first requirements of heaven is the ability to eat delicious food. Now there are vegetarians in my family who live in ecstasy when eating their lentils and drinking their veggie broth. So the possibility exists that all of us regardless of our station or income or preferences have a food that makes us almost swoon. I love to see babies become milk 'drunk' after a good feed so the love of food starts from birth. We are born to love food.

And being 32 days without it really centres the concentration.

Had 2 vitamin pills today.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 31.

Big drop in weight- 94.5 kg , 1.1 kg lost since this time yesterday. Never moved the scales. Same place last 4 days. Must admit felt a bit weak most of the day. But where did that fat go? I haven't excreted it, I've just been doing my normal job fixing photocopiers. Here's some research that purports to show I breathed 84% of it out as CO2 and the rest as water.                 

I must have breathed an awful lot today.

Blood/glucose 4.3 mmol/L Ketones 16. BP 115/66 pulse 79.  

This afternoon I went into my office in the city. Everyone noticed my weight loss. They were surprised as it's only a month since they last saw my fat little self. ( I'm 170cm tall. I used to be 173 but with age I lost 3cm). Today they saw my 18.5 kg slimmer self. (The gut bulge has has almost completely gone when I'm standing.) Still have no libido though.

Stopped drinking the sparkly mineral water. Noticed a carbonated(?) ring around the top of the glass. Ahh, it was probably my fat.

I said in my Day 15 post that I haven't had any alcohol or caffeine or nicotine or mary jane etc. for 27 years. I also said "What a waste of 27 years. But it was for a good reason." The reason why I gave it all up is probably that I knew it was time. Alcohol is the bane of western society. In my 4 years of living in doss houses and out on the streets and in parks and on beaches I saw that the real destroyer of human relationships is alcohol. It's not heroin or ice, just alcohol. And the reason is because it has no real competition.

Society doesn't see alcohol as a problem just the people who can't handle it. Eventually these types do what is known as a 'geographical' and go far away and end up in strange parks and dirty doss houses, often leaving broken hearted children to grow up in dysfunctional homes with angry jealous 'step' fathers. All this spawns a massive industry of expensive government and NGO's to 'help' the afflicted.

Many people who try to give up drinking often smoke and giving up drinking is so much harder while still smoking. Giving up smoking is really hard if you eat or drink caffeine. Giving up caffeine is the hardest of all. In today's society caffeine is abundant. Many children like their caffeine be it in chocolate or fizzy drinks. A cup of coffee and a cigarette are often a symbiotic pair.

Caffeine is the major gateway drug, not marijuana. Interestingly marijuana cures alcoholism. You can't smoke pot and drink lots because pot makes you vomit it all up before it does damage.

If you won't take pot then you are stuck with abstinence.

Now Darwinism comes in here. Alcoholism is possibly hereditary. Sitting in many AA meetings I couldn't help but notice that most so called alcoholics had full sets of hair. No pattern baldness to afflict them. And after the meeting full sets usually congregated together as do the few pattern balders who often seem to be rejected by the full sets if they try to mingle. So interesting the dynamics.

If you have a full set of hair and like to drink a lot then a joint to go with it makes for a pleasant and safe experience. The benefits of true competition.

And that's why I gave up everything because I wanted to see myself and see where I could go: 71 and still fixing photocopiers.

But I did build the Primary Fundamental Right and CashRamSpam and had 2 more daughters and 1 beautiful little grand daughter, with more to come.

I firmly believe until the War on Drugs is over then we as a society cannot progress beyond the stalemate we have reached in our civil evolution. And until we realize as a society that we have to be responsible for ourselves then we are not a free people. The catastrophe that is about to befall our economies will allow us to lay a solid foundation for a future that has more possible advantages for everyone than has ever happened before throughout human history.

With the Primary Fundamental Right in place I think we can really look forward to 'The Coming Golden Age'.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Day 30.  12 days to go.

I did 30 days in March. This means for 2014 I only ate for 10 months.

Blood/sugar 4.3 mmol/L. Ketones 16. Weight  95.6 kg, another half a kilo, so down 17.5 kilo in 30 days. At this rate I'm going to lose another 6 kg making total weight loss 23-24 kg, or around 52 pounds for 42 days. Losing on average about one and a quarter pounds a day. Just over half a kilo. I'd like to get my weight down to 85 kg. Have to think about this. That means going to 50 days. Today I have never felt so hungry. Took 2 extra Allopurinol. Still only drinking about 1.5-2 litres of water a day.

BP 111/65 pulse 74. My doctor won't believe this.

I've been rereading my posts. I seem preoccupied with all things God. Funny, I rarely even think about it.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Day 29

Blood/sugar 3.6, BP 117/77 pulse 75. Weight 96.1 kg, again another half a kilo, so down 17kg since day 1.
Ketones 16 mmol/L. I'm not going to bother with the waist measurement, it doesn't reflect what's actually happening. Not yet anyway.

Strange day today. Did nothing except talk to a friend on the phone for 2 hours. Absolutely nothing. What a waste of a good day. Slept most of it.

There is something I wanted to clarify. I think George RR Martin's god of many faces describes the various religions not the fact that we are all part of God and as such are God. Compared to the size of the Universe we would appear to be inconsequential but because the at the centre of all rotating objects from a galaxy to a star to a planet to a atom there exists a zero point, a Singularity that doesn't revolve, where Nothing exist, then in a fractal universe everything should exist inside everything else. There is only one Singularity and that same Singularity is at the centre of every atom everywhere. A black hole is merely the entrance to the Singularity. Inside the Singularity should be the Nothing. The No-thing. It's not there but from it comes everything. That's the totally amazing thing, God has to be the Nothing because only the Nothing can have always existed and should always exist. We are a product of the Nothing. Therefore we are the product of God and as such are God by extension. Nothing left here to discuss, Nothing et al.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Day 28

4 weeks completed, 2 weeks to go.

Blood/glucose 3.9, BP 119/75 pulse 76, Ketones 16, weight 96.6  kg down another half a kilo. Total weight lost so far in 28 days= 16.5 kg,  waist 46.5 inches. Measured my belt 42 inches. Movicol seem to do the trick. No more pain.

Read an article in the Guardian newspaper yesterday about a research vessel stuck in the ice and the passengers were rescued by a Chinese helicopter call the Snow Eagle. Cool. The article went on the say something about man made climate change so I read the comments and there were no comment decrying the science behind the so called AGW but there was a huge amount of deleted comments about 1 in 4. Very odd. I put up a comment asking was William Connolley the moderator and it was quickly removed. Connolley is British scientist who was found to have changed articles in Wikipedia that didn't conform to his view of AGW. He had editor rights so was unassailable for a few years. Really Wiki just proved something that most knew or suspected about some of its content, but still lots of it is apparently reliable. As long as it's not emotive.

Now all this noise really doesn't matter. What was bit galling was the fact that the Guardian has become unreliable for the accuracy of its content. By not allowing opposing comments it has entered through the gate of Fascism and is the first British newspaper to have done so in my estimation. But again even that doesn't matter and in fact was good as it has given the world a glimpse of what is going to happen once the security apparatus gets into full swing. Anyway the AGW is official British government policy and its promotion of lower carbon emissions will soon be fulfilled years ahead of schedule, once the economy collapses.

Here's a list of what I think are some government funded scares;
1. AGW
2  AIDS/HIV/Bird flu/Ebola
3  Asbestos
4  Cholesterol
5  Second hand smoke
6  Recreational drugs
7  Raw milk
8  Animal fats/butter
9  Sun tans

The Nanny state. Soon to be gone.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Day 27.

Blood/glucose 3.8, BP 110/65 pulse 69. Ketones 16.  Wight 97.1 kg down 0.1 from yesterday. Waist 47 inches. Strange, up 3 inches but pants falling off me.

Boxing day. This used to be the day you gave Christmas presents, thus the name. Who would have thought 100 years ago that the flurry to buy gifts this time of year would become the prop for the backbone of the western consumer society. Thank you Jesus.

Even though I'm against all religions, they're all an ancient con game, after seeing James Cameron's documentary about searching and possibly finding Jesus's grave, I have little doubt he existed. And I agree he was God, same as I say Moses was God and Mohammed was God as was all their followers God. The God Shakespeare put it so neatly.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players."

This tallies well with my remaining memory of my encounter with our God of many faces. Here's 2 excerpts from my unpublished booklet 'Two Winks'.

'It really was quite startling. I was the one being watched, I was the object of interest."

"The panic started rising, there were more faces behind those three, all waiting, strangers in an audience."

Obviously we are all in front of an audience, the people we know and don't know, just more Faces. But who's going to give the better performance? Today I was watching a video clip from 1971 where George Harrison was interviewed by Dick Cavett and he said he had huge stage fright and there was no remedy. Face your fears or fear your faces.

When I was about 8 my parents and grand parents took me to a Christmas pantomime at the New Theatre in Cardiff, capital of Wales. During the interval an MC invited children up on stage to sing accompanied by a full orchestra. My Nanna was insistent that I go promising me a shilling if I did, so I joined a line of 20 other coercees.  A fat Italian boy about 12 sang something operatic while I calculated that if I was last I'd have to stand before that audience a long time so I volunteered to be next just to get it over with. To the delight of my 4 parents I sang 'The Wild Goose Song' mainly without the orchestral help as they didn't know it. The loud applause took away the remaining fear of faces and I earned my first 'triumph' as I walked back to my seat.  Meanwhile the remaining children were sent back to their seats. 'Bugger' I said under my breath, using my grandmothers favourite word. But I had made them all very happy even if that was not my objective. One must strive to please all the Faces.

 And that's what I hope/plan to do, big time, with CashRamSpam.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day 26 of a 42 day fast. 16 days left.

Christmas day in Sydney. Warm in the day, thunderstorms in the evening. Used the app 'Line' to video chat to my family in Japan for about 20 minutes, all free. Amazing.

Blood/glucose 4.5 mmol/L. BP 104/68, pulse 74. Brilliant. Weight 97.2 kg down 0.5. Weight loss rate slowing down by the looks of it. Ketones 16 mmol/L. Waist 44.5 inches.possibly down half an inch.

Dull pain on left side. Had a very small bowel movement today. Very small. Just took 6 sachets of Movicol and 600 ml of water. Might be an obstruction. Doubt it is a kidney stone with so much Allopurinol in my system knocking out the uric acid, which is a major cause of kidney stones I believe. Anyway see tomorrow how I go.

I had a pleasant surprise today. I was reading the China Daily English edition yesterday and I saw a story about the arrest of Jackie Chans actor/singer son Jaycee, aged 32. He's been in prison awaiting trial for 4 months for possession of a small amount of marijuana. His father and he supposedly don't  have much to do with each other but Jackie Chan still apologised for his son's behaviour. Jackie has been the official Chinese anti-drug ambassador since 2009. Adding to that Beijing police say they have a list of 120 famous young entertainers who they are planning on arresting for drug use. I left a comment regarding the Primary Fundamental Right and to my surprise it was printed today after passing their censor.

"bernardpalmer wrote 2014-12-24 22:06
Jackie Chan doesn't need to apologise for his son's behaviour. The Chinese government needs to apologise for letting stupid policemen target young artists. We are all born with an innate right to own our own bodies. What we do TO those bodies is our business only."
Maybe there's hope yet for a freer China. Nuh. Not while it's run by Communists. That would be a contradiction in terms.

Yesterday I wrote that I love coincidences and I'm always seeing them. Now coincidences are not supposedly random events but just a mathematical certainty, almost occurring on cue. This may be true but sometimes the event is too spectacular and too precise to be a series of waves converging. In my view there is often something deeper in them. A causality. A possibility that the observer causes the event. Something like a search engine. You request something and you are inundated with a spectrum of huge amounts of related information. It's like opening a new window to another world but you yourself built the window possibly using your thirst for knowledge. This implies that there is a reward system imbedded into the matrix of the universe.

'God helps them who help themselves'. 'He who dares wins'. Could it be the universe loves a seeker of knowledge. And isn't knowledge a form of power or energy?

But why?  Out of all the different creatures on this planet why are we humans equipped with a brain capable of solving immense riddles? Are we here to do a job? Or are we here because of a progression of survival events? Or both even. Religious people say we are here to do Gods bidding, like attendants hovering around doorways. No way. That denies us the fillip that we are all God. And because we are God that means we created ourselves. Somehow. But how?

Normally when I come to a wall like this I give up. Impenetrable. This is where marijuana was so useful to me. A steroid to help me win the race. There is no such thing as cheating in the universe or sin for that matter, just progress.

Logic doesn't work here now. This is a different zone. Here we rely on serendipity, another name for coincidence. Though the question is still-- 'but how'?

42 what?
42 days?

Too cute..

Oh and by the way, as far as I know I did win the race. I'm the only person I've ever heard of who has lived to tell the tale after seeing a reflection of the face of God. Our face. Right God?

Now help me out with this one. Help myself?

I am.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day 25.

17 days left to go.

Blood/glucose 3.8, ketones 16 mmol/L. BP 112/73 pulse 75. Weight 97.7, same as yesterday, waist 45 inches.

Bought a 40-42 inch belt today. Fits beautifully on second hole. Gut just about gone, small bump left. From looking  7 months pregnant 25 days ago to looking close to reasonable now-- how amazing! And look at the blood pressure, from around 160/95 to 112/73 today. I'm now a stroke free zone. Hopefully.

So far lost just under 15 kg, 33 pounds for the imperialists. When I completed my previous 30 day fast I thought I lost 20 kg. Doubt if I'll achieve that this time. We'll see.

Right now I'm listening to the Muslim Radio, 92.1 FM. I like the singing. Makes for a calm background. I don't need to know what they are saying. In fact I don't want to know. Religion of any sort is wrapped in lies and superstition and even though that may be okay for some, to me it hinders progress. And progress is what it is all about. As far as we know we are the first species to have successfully left our home planet and returned safely. Quite a feat, but if we were deeply religious we'd have to spend our day reciting or singing passages from the Torah or Koran praising the works of God, which I'm sure God doesn't mind at all, maybe even enjoys for short breaks but it doesn't help with rocket engine research.

So from a Darwinian view what's the point of religions? Obviously religions started from a thirst to find out what is lightning and 'why does it hurt'? Then the story makers came up with their answers and the gathered crowd gave them food and drink and asked for more knowledge and the embellishment continued and wonderful competition had the people take sides to support their fattened story teller and before you know it the word heretic came into being. And religious wars started. Death to the non-believers!

The Darwinian answer is competition, which is 2 things, the elimination of the weak and the consolidation of the strong. And knowledge makes things even stronger until they can fly to the Moon and back. Knowledge also tells us when times are dangerous and as a species we now know we could soon be eliminated by a crashing asteroid no bigger than a football field. We can only stop this from happening by getting even more knowledge. We have to teach the next generation all we know so they can build on that to find the solutions to our immediate and future problems. Hindering them with religion is counter productive. All they need to know is that the whole universe is alive and the whole universe is God and consequently so are we all.  Wow I love the word 'so'.

Death. What happens after death? Nobody knows and anyway it doesn't matter once you are dead. Try not to think about but if we must in the search for knowledge then be reminded that the final constituent of all matter is light--photons--and everything, including God, is the light. Death is probably some form of metamorphism to return us to the light component of our continuing existence. We have always been alive in some form or another and always will be because as soon as the state of Nothing is reached then possibly everything re-emerges with a really Big Bang. This is the most wondrous thing about the Universe. It exists.

We are the Universe, even with those idiots who are devotedly religious. But we can't all be the same otherwise there'd be no competition and Darwinism is the technical term for competition. Competition makes sure there is no such thing as equality. And the religious idiots are there to remind us just how far we've come.

Increased my Allopurinol to 1200 mg a day. Keep looking at pictures of Texas BBQ. Oh that brisket...

Here is a copy of my last comment on the Economist. I thought it interesting that the time is also my birth year. I love coincidences. I'm always seeing them.

I have today just cancelled my subscription because of the lack of reasoning articles on TE then I come across this article by R.A. the best one I've read in a long time. In fact probably the best I've ever read on TE. How come no one else on the Economist can see that the Fed is run by a bunch of crazies?
Anyway I'm going to make this comment my swan song. Nothing now can stop the collapse of the world's economy as far as I can see which is good. This will be the death of Socialism in all it's ugly forms and hopefully Capitalism (which only works with gold as money, coupled with the Real Bills Doctrine) will hopefully be the end result. The fear is that we could all drop down into Fascism (the US has already crossed into that territory) and even lower if the God fearers have anything to do with it.
For years now on these pages I've pushed the concept of the Primary Fundamental Right, the right of ownership of our own bodies. If you can't make decisions about what you can legally put into your own body then you don't own that body. Really simple stuff but beyond the grasp of many. Personal freedom and positive growth go hand in hand. Until the western world holds the PFR tenet close to its collective bosom then we will always be plagued by nonsensical laws to keep the people tied down. This is the 21st century. Time to be free. Already everything we do is recorded by the watchers. Not good.
Being a fond follower of the teachings of Professor Antal Fekete, mathematician extraordinaire, I will leave TE with his latest missive about the imminent collapse of the US insurance industry. He is also the reason why I designed a modern version of the Real Bills Doctrine coupled with a prototype of a new world patent system. The present one is well past its expiry date.
Last but not least when the inevitable collapse comes and all the banks fail (they are already technically bankrupt because of their accounting system allowing them to record liabilities as assets since 1913) then theoretically there will be no feasible way to distribute gold and silver to the masses to pay for their goods. I have also built a system to allow this problem to be negated with an app that allows Android users to pay in metal to 4 decimal places of a gram. This can be found the world's longest working micro payment system. I have an apple app but apple's system (apples orchard) won't let me put it up.
Farewell fellow travellers. Hopefully see you on the far side.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December 23rd 2014

Day 24. 18 days to go. Today I forgot to take my afternoon allopurinol and now I'm feeling hungry. I'd forgotten hunger. Must think of other things while I wait for the allopurinol to kick in. Took a multivitamin. My second in 24 days.

Blood/glucose 4.5. Weight 97.7 kg up 0.1 from yesterday. BP 116/73 pulse 80. Truly amazing. Ketones 16. Waist 48 inches also up 1 inch. This is odd as I've come down 5 notches on my belt which equals 5 inches. I measured my belt and it said 43 inches. Maybe I'm empty inside so the only way to measure my stomach is by my belt.

Went to another expensive butcher today to see their pork chops. Terry Wright in Randwick was or maybe still is the butcher of Australia's richest man. This is possibly because he sells what is considered the finest ham in the world. The Spanish 'Joselito Gran Reserva Iberico de Bellota'. A whole 10 kg ham sells for roughly $4000. Give or take $1000. I tried 10 grams of it about 3 years ago. Nothing like it. Melted in my mouth. But when I saw their pork chops I was disappointed. My Woolies one's look better. Maybe I just don't know my pork chops.

But I got something much better out of my visit.

Because when I finish this fast I want to restrict my food intake I have decided to eat better food. Tastier food. Really delicious food but in moderation. More expensive food to be precise. Plus I need someone to cook it for me, sorta English style cooking. That could be a contradiction I suppose, delicious food and English food though years ago I tasted a roast lamb to die for. Joke is I cooked it. Anyway I had the idea that it is time I became rich. I mean really rich.

How can I do that. I mean I'm a 70 year old photocopier repairman for a big international company who does not pay that well. Over half my pay goes on rent and what I've got over often just pays the other bills. For years I have lived from one pay to the next, sometimes not quite making it. So how am I going to become super rich? Well I am, because I am who I am. The real question is when? Obviously I'd like it to be sooner rather than later. But can I influence that? Of course. I am who I am after all.

Okay. I've put the prima facie facts forward so where do I go from here?

About 26 years ago I was living in a half way house at the edge of the rocks in North Bondi. I could walk to the bottom of the garden and stand on the very tip and could see the rocks awaiting below. There was a ledge just under the edge and I would climb down to it sometimes and sit there and meditate, and sunbake. One beautifully starry night sitting there I could see the curvature in the Earth and I thought wow. I imagined what it would be like to fly completely around the world just using my eyes at about 2000 metres up. As I was returning from my trip and coming up behind myself 2 meteors like blazing eyes burst into view exactly where my mind was flying. Coincidence? Bullshit! This was just so startling and too real. When I returned up into the garden I suddenly had an idea so amazing that I knew it would make me the richest man the world had ever seen. I stood there for a while looking over the sea and felt the feeling of being the richest human ever. It was a good feeling. And I knew then that the money would be used to help build the future for everyone of my fellow Gods.
By the morning I'd forgotten the idea and I never got it back.

But I did get another idea, equally good, some years later. And so I built CashRamSpam, the world's longest running Internet based micro payment system that can save most of the world from economic catastrophe, due early next year. If only I could get people to start buying gold and silver to put into their CashRamSpam account. $50 worth would be enough.

I know. I am who I am therefore it should be easy. Just will it.

Okay, I will it.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Day 23.

Blood/glucose 4.9. BP 119/77. Pulse 76. Waist still 47 inches. Weight. 97.6 kg.  Ketones 16 mmol/L.

Entered a hiatus by the looks of it. Though a female customer complimented me today on my slimmer body.

19 days left to go.

Was working in Woollahra today so I went to Victor Churchill the Butcher. They have a doorman dressed in period piece and lots of helpful staff. In fact at one point there we're more 'helpers' than customers. I wanted to see their pork chops because they are advertised as a charcuterie meaning pork butchers as well as makers of other fine delicacies. The chops looked a lot like Coles but with a lot more fat, but their beef---I have never seen anything like their steaks. They were amazing. More marbled than you could imagine. Unbelievable. And so was the price. All around $200-300 a kg. But well worth it.

I've been learning on You Tube how to cook a steak properly so I might just treat myself to one of those little rippers. After paying $209 for a 5 kg goose which Stella cooked so beautifully a few months ago $100 for a steak is going to be frugal.

It's a real experience to go there. I lived in Spicer street behind it for about 6 months and I never saw it before today.

I'm preoccupied with food I know but I don't actually feel hungry. The amazing allopurinol. Love that word amazing.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day 22.

Blood/sugar 3.8 mmol/L (about 70 mg/dL). BP wait for it....115/69. Pulse 87. It's starting to look like the lower the blood/sugar the lower the BP. Weight 97.9 kg a sudden drop of almost 2 kg. I noticed I lost about 1 kg whilst gardening today in the hot sun. Maybe not drinking enough water. Gulp gulp. Ketones 16 mmol/L, really dark...

Waist still 47 inches.

I was asked by a friend why I picked 42 days to fast. My answer was that when I initially chose 40 it was pointed out to me that Jesus did a 40 day fast so I had to beat that then. But didn't he eat berries or something? Takeaway?  Also my biggest claim to fame is I once stood within 20 metres of Douglas Adams the author of Hitch Hikers to the Galaxy in a Sydney book shop and in that same book he wrote, "The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42." .So I want to find out if anything special happens after I finish fasting. I know that number was a random choice he made which makes it even more compelling. I like random things. Maybe my waist will be 42 inches. That'll be good.

After I had cancelled my subscription to the Economist I found an article there so interesting that in my final comment I praised it as the best article I had ever read there. Ironic. The moment I decide to quit they came up with the goodies but really that's an excellent conclusion after so many years of commenting. My favourite comment was noticing that after the assassination of Bin Laden that the only difference between Obama and Osama was bs.

Amazing. I've got nothing else to say.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Day 21

Half way. I'ts gone so quickly. Hard to believe it.

Blood/glucose 3.9 Feel fine. Been weeding again today.  Ketones at about 8 mml/L.  BP at a new low 118/74, pulse 77. Wow. I'm a teenager again. Gut still large at 47.5 inches. Strange that but my belt in down to the last hole which is about 3 inches and I look slimmer, much slimmer. Got into a pair of jeans yesterday that I bought but were too small. Weight by the new scales is 99.6 kg.

Been drinking a bit of sparking mineral water in the evenings for excitement.

Just cancelled my subscription to the Economist magazine. I used to have fun duelling with the die hards but now the whole comments section seems to be a flood with Chinese commenters who think they can conveyor their thoughts in broken English. Too boring. Anyway the magazine is too optimistic about the world economy for my liking.

Now I believe we have gone over the edge and gravity will soon come into play speeding up the descent.
This isn't in my opinion a recession. This is what Professor Antal Fekete has been warning us about for some time;

"The key is in the hand of the U.S. government. It is the same key that was used to lock the U.S. Mint to silver in 1873, and to gold sixty years later, in 1933. By using it now to open the U.S. Mint to both silver and gold, the U.S. government can effectively cordon off the Black Hole of zero interest to prevent further damage. At stake is nothing less than the question whether America can reclaim control over its destiny, saving Western Civilization in the process. "

We are watching the collapse of Socialism. And I sure that if we don't go back to using gold and silver as money then we will see the destruction of our trading system and mayhem will prevail. Here in Australia each week brings more bad news for the government coffers. This is good. We need the system to collapse if as a species we want to survive. We have to be tough and only a User Pay's system can last long enough for us to expand our exploration of space.

We are all about to find out what 'survival of the fittest' really means.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Day 19. 2 days to go and I'll be halfway. This is easy and it's easy probably because of the Allopurinol.

Blood/sugar 4.9-- excellent. Ketones about the same as before. BP 126/78 pulse 82 Ho Ho this is fun.

Weight still 100 kg or there abouts. New scales arrived today, broken.

Went for a walk through the local mall. Woolies pork chops looked good but not quite as good as the other day. Bought some anyway and put them in the freezer.

While walking through Big W I passed a trolley pushed by an Indian man and his wife. Their daughter was inside and she was reciting the alphabet but she was tiny. I asked her dad how old was she and he said "26 months" and already she'd mastered something I didn't get until I was about 5. The letter 'S' really used to hurt. She then read the letters on my tee shirt. Incredulous I asked how was it done. 'iPad' he said. 'She plays with it all the time.'  Then I remembered my daughters daughter Aiya who's ten months old. She also loves the iPad. Is this the beginning of an education revolution? On You Tube there's many examples suggesting it is.

A few years ago I built a website called CashRamHomeLearn. Unfortunately I never had enough money to extend it beyond a mental arithmetic exerciser. I still have great plans to develop it into a fully fledged home education system because I know home schooling is the easiest way to learn any subject. As long as you're good at arithmetic. Math is probably the key to all subjects because it teaches you to read the questions properly if you want to get the right answers. Being able to read is the foundation of all education but unless your comprehension is good you cannot do math. The biggest failure in modern education is I think the lack of emphasis on mental arithmetic.

When I was 7 the reward for getting my sums right was I didn't get the cane from Miss Marmaduke. Today there is no valid reward system so in CashRamHomeLearn the possibility is there for cash payment when answered correctly. Kids like cash once they learn what they can do with it. And if they don't then they should be taught. After all even the dumbest of us can usually count money because earning money IS our major reward system.

And yes I can add, subtract and divide but that's about all. I could never learn from the cane. Anyway the best way to learn anything is to teach yourself as the 26 month old beautiful little Indian girl just proved.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Day 18. Wednesday 17th December 2014

Blood/glucose 4.7.  BP 122/73  Weight  101 kg. Up 1 kg. New scales should arrive tomorrow. Ketones around 8mml/L. Waist 46 in.? Still not feeling hungry. No tiredness, in fact less tiredness than usual. This fast so far is going really well.

While walking through a shopping centre today I popped into Coles to view their pork chops. They were nice but nowhere as nice as Woolies. The Woolies one's almost looked like these one's in this article.

The picture of the piglet enjoying its romp on top of its mother is endearing. Obviously it's love in one of its various manifestations that the picture reveals. The thought that within a few months that piglet could be gutted and hung by a hook through its ankles, those same ankles that prove that whales, pigs, deer, and cows etc. are closely related, is distressing to say the least. But when you remember how juicy it will taste, some of that abhorrence, if not all, will subside and be replaced by the love of the taste of pork. Now all pig meat is a collection of DNA particles that given a specific template made that pig materialize, just like ourselves. And remembering that everything is 99.99% empty then that pig is closer to being a projected image made out of the same light that conveys the image onto our retina's, than it is to being a solid reality. Images eating images. Light eating light. God eating God. Delicious.

Flushed myself out last Sunday. Hardly anything there.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 17.

BP 118/74 Pulse 78. Wow.  Weight 100kg!!!. I've lost 13 kg in 17 days. That's 28.6 lb for imperialists.

Today I saw faintly my long lost 6 pack. It's still there, just hidden. Ketones have reached about 1.0 mmol/L.

Blood/glucose 4.1 mmol/L. I'm supposed to call the doctor under 4.5 but I feel fine. Had a busy day in work today. Pants feeling very loose had to tighten up 2 notches. Waist now 47 inches again. Strange how the stomach stays inflated.

This is my 5th fast. Previously I've done 5 days, 10, 20,and 30. On the 30 day I lost 20 kg. Can't remember the others. This is why I'm keeping a log on this one. Supposedly the longest recorded fast is 382 days with 125 kg lost.

Forgot to mention 5 days ago I had 1 multivitamin, otherwise nothing but water.

On the first of March 2001 I put on line a petition against the War on Drugs and I called it the Primary Fundamental Right. That month I had 38 signatures. The next month 90. After that it petered off. So far there has been just 1 in the last 3 years. But that's okay. I think it might be too dangerous to sign it now.

I had one guy ask me to remove his name because he was running for office which I did. I thought that was amusing, a possible political representative not wanting to be associated with supreme liberty. A sign of the times.

The idea was to get the names of 1 million signers on a CD rom to petition the White House to recognize that we all innately and therefore legally own our own bodies and as such can do what we like TO those bodies without being arrested. It was an apparent failure but something interesting came out of it.

In the movie the Matrix, Neo tries to wake people up to the idea that they are slaves. Literally wake them up. This is what the Primary Fundamental Right is designed to do, wake people up. Truth is people don't want to be woken up, they like being slaves. That's all they know. The majority just don't want to be disturbed.

At the time my daughters were attending a private school and my 10 year old was friends with the daughter of  Hugo Weaving the actor who played the antagonist Agent Smith to Keanu Reeves 'Neo'. Both being English sometimes when he was off location we used to chat whilst waiting for our daughters to appear. Point being we were familiar with each other.

During one summer I took the family to Movie World on the Gold Coast and there I found a pair of sunglasses that looked much the same as those worn by Neo. This made me realize that in a sense I was 'Neo' and so I enjoyed wearing them. One day at a school athletics meet and wearing the glasses I passed a heavily bearded chap who pointed and laughed at me for some reason. Later I  realized it was Hugo so later I gave him a copy of  'What is Primary Fundamental Right?' and asked him to pass it on to the screen Neo next time he saw him. He said okay if he ever saw him again but who knows.

Now think of the odds. Agent Smith and I being together. Surreal.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Day 16.

Blood glucose at 4.4. Dangerous level. Supposedly.  Blood pressure 128/75. Amazing. Weight still at 103 kg. Gut still 48 inches. I feel much lighter.

Today I had an unexpected run. After parking my car up near Williams street I ran about 1.5 km into the city to pick up the gold for my family to take to Japan tomorrow. The city centre was blocked off by police due to the hostage situation in Martin Place and I only had 30 minutes to get to the sellers before they closed. They are located one block away from the the cordon outer perimeter on Pitt street. Surprisingly I did it with ten minutes to spare though I suffered.

On the way back I ambled through Martin Place and stood for a while with the onlookers watching the media frenzy. Dozens of different news outlets excitedly spieling their wares. The amount of equipment must of run into the millions. Huge antennas, hot spotlights. Some of the scenes were newsworthy themselves. One reporter impressed me though. She stood in the middle of the road with her phone obviously talking to camera as if she had all the expensive gear backing her up. Clever girl.

Maybe one day this will be the norm. Certainly make for cheaper reporting and even more reporters. Passers-by reporting, live online. Everyone becomes a potential reporter.

I walked back through Hyde Park where marquees were set up possibly for meals and crates of water were being moved by a small army of emergency workers. The preparation for such an event was being executed as planned. The radio said about 600 personnel were involved from traffic controllers to fire trucks to heavily armed police squads and ambulances. Some one knew this would happen.

Religions. They're all deadly.
And expensive.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Day 15.  27 days left.

Interesting, I've been thinking a lot about food today but I'm not really hungry. Brain must be worried I've forgotten how to find food.

Blood/glucose at 4.9. Ketones the same at 8. BP 129/89. Just come in from bending over pulling weeds, even so that's looking good for me. Before the fast I'm often around 160/90. Weight started to move again. Now down to 103 kg. Waist back up to 48 inches. Does'nt make sense. Fat must be coming off everywhere except the gut.

I never really tried any other drugs except marijuana. Late starter there too. About 25 think. I was sharing a flat with an ex-policeman and 2 male Scottish school teachers in Hampstead in north London. The bobby did the buying for me even after the flat broke up. One day he gave me his block of hashish by mistake. At the time I was sharing a house with 8 other Londoners all keen to have a smoke. The biggest one had just bought an LP called 'Blues from Laurel Canyon' by John Mayall and was eager to hear it stoned. So we all piled into his tiny room after having a few drags. Nobody took any notice that the hash had white dots in it and it soon became obvious that this was some seriously good shit as they say.

It was amazing. I went to Mars. Don't know why I knew it was Mars but I did. And it was Mars before the jump. It was beautiful. I remember running through a field of tall grass with my arms up and my fingers open and as I did all the colors of the rainbow billowed out from between them. Just so wonderous. And the music made it all something I'll never forget.

The ex-policeman came by the next day too late to retrieve his block. The white dots were opium and we had all just tasted Kabul, the finest hashish from undefeatable Afghanistan.

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
   An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.
      Go, go, go like a soldier,
      Go, go, go like a soldier,
      Go, go, go like a soldier,
         So-oldier of the Queen!  

Rudyard Kipling

Who are these creeps who would stop such moments.

It's about 27 years since I last had alcohol, marijuana, caffeine or tobacco or any other stimulant.  (1987).
What a waste of 27 years.
But it was for a good reason.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Day 14.  Already 2 weeks have gone by. I'm now a third of the way. Blood/glucose at 4.9. Waist down to 118.5cm from 122 (46.5in. from 48in) weight still at 104 kg. Strange, no change for 4 days but my family are complaining that I'm wasting away and want me to stop. In shop windows I now look about 7 months pregnant instead of full term.  BP135/85. For me that's great.

I'm getting excited about what I will eat on the day of my birthday January 11th, the first day after the fast stops. Pork loin chops are winning at the moment. Real fast food.

All my family are off to Japan in 2 days to show off my daughter Gemma's 9 month old baby girl Aiya and then off up into the snows of Hokkaido. She's my first grandchild that I know of, so I'm going to be alone for the next 5 weeks, just me and the dogs.

There are about 3 reasons why I'm not going with them. I like Japan for about 5 days then I get bored with the food so I always end up in 7-11's or Lawson's eating their microwaved chicken and fish. Who's going to feed the 4 dogs? I enjoy being alone sometimes. Economically it's too dangerous. Plus I'm working fixing photocopiers.

I'm pretty sure that some time next year the Yen could collapse. If that were to happen while they were there then they'd be stuck until the Australian government could organize flights home for stranded citizens. That could take yonks so I've given them about $10,000 of gold to take with them. The thinking is if the yen goes then everything goes and only gold and silver will be acceptable currency. Payment for aircraft fuel would probably be in gold so logically so would the fares. Prepaid fares will be void.  Years ago I calculated the real price of gold to be around $15,000 a troy ounce. Could soon find out. One way fare to Sydney could be about $2000 so that's about 4.5 grams of gold. How do they pay that?  Cut bits off the ingots and measure with a micro scale?

I foresaw this problem a few years ago. Some 12 years ago I designed and built the world's first (as far as I know) spam free email system called CashRamSpam. It's very simple. Clients charge other clients to send them emails using Australian money. It never took off commercially but it's still there and has never had one spam. I ended up designing and building a micro payment system which allows CRS clients to use either Aussie money, gold or silver to pay for goods and services. CRS gets 10%. One of the readers on The Economist described it as 'Bernie's Bank'. I had an app built to do the same job so I can pay anywhere there is a cell phone service to 4 decimal places of a gram just using my Android phone. There was a apple version but it was too hard to get it accepted by them. I'm just a one man show. Plus it works at close range without the cell connection.

More later.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Day 12.  Blood/sugar at 5.6, BP 132/82, Ketones 8mml/L. No hunger pains. No visible loss of weight, still on 104kg. This happened before I think . When I went through a 30 day fast there was a period in the beginning when I seem to stop losing weight then it started up again. Vague.

Usually I have a persistent cough which appears to have gone. Noticed last night how much easier it is to get out of the people mover. And I actually ran across the road with ease. Movements generally much slower though.

Why am I doing this?  Not sure.  On the previous fast back in March I was looking for Johnson's fat switch and I thought I might have found it because my weight stabilized for about 3 months then it came rushing back. I had also wanted to see if fasting cured diabetes which it seemed to do, then back it came as the weight returned. So diabetes goes away with weight loss. Duh.

This time it's different. Spiritually I feel like a spent force. I'm not happy. I think maybe I want to see God's face again though without the prerequisite green leaf. Nuh. Forget that. It's too terrifying.

As beautiful as it was, that's about all my fragile conscience will let me remember. There is Nothing more beautiful. Total supreme splendour. The word awe is the best description and it is interesting that it can be written also as awful. Full of awe. I have known the feeling of absolute terror.  Yes. I'd do it again.

Monday, December 8, 2014

On day 10 of my fast. Still not hungry. Amazing stuff this allopurinol.

It's been around about 50 years, so of course it has no patent and is as cheap as chips. Umm, chips.

Blood/sugar 7.6, just about perfect. The old pancreas must be smiling. I am.

Weight still going down. Now at 104 kg by the looks of it --9 kilo gone. Must get some new scales so I can see in grams instead of kilo's. Blood pressure 85/165. Still a bit high supposedly.

Being a 70 year old I can't help noticing how many older men carry a paunch. Usually its called a beer belly but I don't drink and haven't since 1987 and I'm not a big eater of things like chips and pasta though I do like my bread and butter (never enough butter) but even then it not over the top, but I still carry the paunch. (Waist still at 48 inches (122cm).  Now the paunch is all visual. Looking at it from a Darwinian visual it more or less quickly confirms that this male is probably past his breeding cycle and eats well. It also acts as a defense against aggressors. Anyone who carries a lot of weight is usually surprisingly strong. So cumulatively the appearance possibly gives the wearer some higher status within their society. Often my new customers call me 'sir' as if by deference even though I'm wearing a uniform which implies a lower status, that of servant. But alternatively and more to the point it indicates the probability that the carrier has high blood pressure and is suffering from Metabolic Syndrome.

Now MS is weird I think. For years it was known as Syndrome X as no one apparently could understand why it occurred so easily. It is also the fore runner to type 2 diabetes and possible eventual death from heart disease. It appears to be a disease of  the lower income groups who tend towards high carbohydrate meals which means high sugar consumption but I'm sure there is more to MS than that. After all what purpose does it serve? In the Darwinian state everything has a reason if you look hard enough.

Richard Johnson author of a book title 'The Fat Switch' believes that MS is the body preparing for hibernation. Because of the higher consumption of fructose sugar we produce more uric acid which makes us hungry and in turn causes us to store more sugar as fat. Unfortunately the cold weather has yet to arrive so we can't nestle down in our caves and sleep deeply until it becomes warmer so we just keep accumulating more fat until it 'kills' us. Drowsiness is a symptom of diabetes. Diabetes could be the most efficient way to store fat.
But does it really kill us or just put us to sleep?

A UK doctor named Sam Parnia has the moniker 'Dr. Lazarus' for his ability to resurrect fat dead people. As long as they have not been dead more than 6 hours he can usually bring them back intact. How he does it? He uses a modified method first used 50 odd years ago in Canada by a Dr.Conn to re-life children drowned in cold water. How is this possible you must ask? Because they are not dead. They are in a state of extreme hibernation known as the 'Diving Reflex'. The cold water has activated the trigeminal nerves on the face and their highly oxygenated blood is shunted to surround their heart and brain virtually leaving the rest of the body empty. They just need to be warmed up, slowly. Same as SIDS children. So the only way Dr. Sam can bring them back intact is if their heart and brain have been protected. Somehow these 'dead' people have tripped a diving reflex type reaction causing their heart beat to slow down so much that it is imperceptible.

Feeling sleepy again.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Day 7.  Blood/sugar 5.5

Lost 7kg in 7 days. That's amazing. Already it is easier to put on my socks. Ketones high at 8 mmol/L. A lot of fat and fiction burning here.

Had a nice talk to No.6th daughter. She's wonderfully talented and totally without vanity though lot's of insecurity. Typical teenager if it wasn't for the fact she's half Japanese half English with a fairly posh Sydney accent and in Japanese a Tokyo one. And she's tall with it. A real beauty.

We were talking about life and death. She has a deep fear of death whilst celebrating her topsy turvy life every day. It's funny that George R R Martin wrote about the God of many faces which by definition encompasses the gods of all religions while one group in his adventure recognized the God of death as the only God. I twice saw God's face many years ago. It was reflected in the bright night clouds above Ultimo and of course he winked at me. He was so huge I could see many of the people that he was made of  and surprisingly they were all staring down at me. Very scary. Totally awe full. Wonderful stuff marijuana. Can't handle it any more.

He is the best example of the total being greater than the sum of its parts, our God of many faces. And the wink showed me He's alive.

"Not today". A direct command to that God to stay away, which by implication means the utterer has power exceeding the God. I want my daughter to understand that she is God. I am God. Even my computer is God and we all exist because we are unequal. If we were all equal we would disappear back into the Nothing. Inequality is supreme. And we can all change things within our sphere of unequal influence as long as any opposing force is less unequal than ours.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Day 6. One seventh of my trip into the waist land. A 48 inch waist land.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Day 5, Thursday.  Feeling a bit lethargic today. Blood/sugar at 5.7

Haven't really thought about food. Weight still the same. No stool for the last 2 days. Must flush myself out over the weekend otherwise my breath will smell like dead rat.

Reread Lachlan Murdochs appeal to Australians to wake up to the control freaks called the Australian government, past and present. As a Brit cum Australian, same as Murdoch, I often wonder about the Australians general lack of a sense of indignation (?) at the authorities behaviour to the general population which seems more of an overall reliance that the government will always do the right thing because after all we are all mates and 'she'll be right'. Murdoch reminds us of the previous governments proposal of a  "government-appointed body to oversee all of the media, the “Public Interest Media Advocate” or PIMA."  This was an obvious attempt to control the Murdoch empire using the UK phone hacking scandal as a buttress. This was also a close call for Aussie press freedom.

He ended up saying "Censorship should be resisted in all its insidious forms." This warmed my heart because I have also written in the tome 'What is the Primary Fundamental Right?,   
"Under the Primary Fundamental Right all censorship is illegal including the prohibition against racial, religious, political, scientific, gender or sexual vilification. The right to vilify is a fundamental freedom and its loss a red alert indicator of approaching Totalitarianism. Defamation redress should still exist."

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

4th day of fast.  Lost 4 kg already, mainly water I suppose though I am drinking a fair bit. Ketones high as expected. Glucose/blood 8.4.
Taking 300 mg of allopurinol 3 times a day. Seems to take away the hunger. Gave me gout in my left big toe for the last 2 days. Fine now.

I just donated $50 to Wikipedia after I was reading about ketones. Good stuff. I remember years ago arguing with Jim Wales via email about one of his editors who kept deleting or altering the Maunder Minimum entry because it was damning for the AGW, the Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis and to me it pretty much proves that the Sun is the source of all power on this wonderful planet.

I think there is a relationship between Climate Change and the Rite of Passage. In World War One the lads went off hoping to return home as hero's and all the attendant luxuries that could produce.  Young people today don't have that opportunity but they do have the chance to argue against the War on the Environment which allows them to feel that they are fighting the evil ones such as myself and often winning. It's good that they fight but now political correctness is dictating the battle so they cannot win in the long run. All PC is flawed and only employed when logic is winning.

I wish they'd put as much effort into fighting against the greatest attack on human freedom, the War on Drugs as they do when fighting for Koala's rights.

Monday, December 1, 2014

2nd day of fast. Weight still 113kg. Blood sugar level 8.1 down from 9.8  from day one. Progress. How sweet, but not too sweet.

I dislike the word anarchy. So misleading. That's interesting, anarchy is misleading. So with anarchy there are no leaders. Umm.

Individualism. Love Individualism. No leaders in Individualism. Is Individualism anarchy? Is anarchy Individualism?

Would it be possible to live in a society that didn't have leaders? Possibly not. Our penchant for directions will always lead to the need for a director. Or would it? How about everyone being a director of themselves? The way the world's economy is going we will be forced back into Individualism it seems, very soon.

Back to the innate Primary Fundamental Right. My Body. My Business.

I, with my self ordained power as God, elect everyone to be the leader of the world. Then it's neither a majority or minority decision. No rules either.

We must all be in charge which is only fair as we are all equally God, along with the rest of the Universe. Probably the only thing we can all be equal in. We can't be equal in sexes. We can't be equal in looks and money and location. We can't be equal in anything except Nothing. And everything comes out of the mighty Nothing unequal. Possibly that's why the Universe can exist. Only Nothing is equal, the rest is open slather.

Who trusted God was love indeed
And love Creation's final law
Tho' Nature, red in tooth and claw

Everything is God interacting with God constantly making new inequalities.

Blessed are the really unequal for they have inherited sweet F A just as it should be in a totally unequal Universe. Therefore blame yourself if you are not happy with your lot.

I'm heaps happy. I'm just God interacting with God.

Good night God.

Saturday, November 29, 2014


I last looked at my previous post 6 years ago. I even forgot I had a blog site. Wow, what a surprise. I'm a blogger.

From my first post;  "No point in everyone deciding because the majority is always wrong so the minority has to decide and the least of the minorities is always just one person.".  

And because the majority is always wrong then only one person can decide who should be the leader of the world so because I came up with the idea I shall choose that leader. Umm. Whom should I choose...

No point picking a politician or a lawyer. They're not trustworthy.

Entertainers make terrible leaders. Remember how Reagan acted as a President or how he thought a President should act and he looked good at it but in retrospect he caused more damage to the modern World Economy than anyone. He enslaved the world with his 'War on Drugs', the greatest single profit sucking enterprise ever devised. And tea leaves Nancy. A succubus if ever there was one.

I've started a fast today. I hope to keep it going for 42 days. Just water for 42 days. I did 30 days before back in March. I next eat on January 11th 2015, my 71st birthday. If I'm still around that is.

I love my job. I fix photocopiers and faxes and printers and I have to drive everywhere in my big Ford 4 litres station wagon often with loud music or interesting news programs mainly on the local ABC radio. I frown at loving my job. I should be using my time to promote my website, the Primary Fundamental Right, somehow.

I can't pick a woman. As much as I adore women I have watched them all act like women for too long to ever consider one to be the leader of the world. No. Probably has to be a rich and fit old male over the age of 75. And to have at least 3 children and 2 grand children. Maybe a widower would be best. Got to keep the woman's influence to a minimum. No more Nancy's. Too dangerous.

I'm going to try and watch a video before I go to sleep. Usually I nod off after 10 minutes.