Friday, December 26, 2014

Day 27.

Blood/glucose 3.8, BP 110/65 pulse 69. Ketones 16.  Wight 97.1 kg down 0.1 from yesterday. Waist 47 inches. Strange, up 3 inches but pants falling off me.

Boxing day. This used to be the day you gave Christmas presents, thus the name. Who would have thought 100 years ago that the flurry to buy gifts this time of year would become the prop for the backbone of the western consumer society. Thank you Jesus.

Even though I'm against all religions, they're all an ancient con game, after seeing James Cameron's documentary about searching and possibly finding Jesus's grave, I have little doubt he existed. And I agree he was God, same as I say Moses was God and Mohammed was God as was all their followers God. The God Shakespeare put it so neatly.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players."

This tallies well with my remaining memory of my encounter with our God of many faces. Here's 2 excerpts from my unpublished booklet 'Two Winks'.

'It really was quite startling. I was the one being watched, I was the object of interest."

"The panic started rising, there were more faces behind those three, all waiting, strangers in an audience."

Obviously we are all in front of an audience, the people we know and don't know, just more Faces. But who's going to give the better performance? Today I was watching a video clip from 1971 where George Harrison was interviewed by Dick Cavett and he said he had huge stage fright and there was no remedy. Face your fears or fear your faces.

When I was about 8 my parents and grand parents took me to a Christmas pantomime at the New Theatre in Cardiff, capital of Wales. During the interval an MC invited children up on stage to sing accompanied by a full orchestra. My Nanna was insistent that I go promising me a shilling if I did, so I joined a line of 20 other coercees.  A fat Italian boy about 12 sang something operatic while I calculated that if I was last I'd have to stand before that audience a long time so I volunteered to be next just to get it over with. To the delight of my 4 parents I sang 'The Wild Goose Song' mainly without the orchestral help as they didn't know it. The loud applause took away the remaining fear of faces and I earned my first 'triumph' as I walked back to my seat.  Meanwhile the remaining children were sent back to their seats. 'Bugger' I said under my breath, using my grandmothers favourite word. But I had made them all very happy even if that was not my objective. One must strive to please all the Faces.

 And that's what I hope/plan to do, big time, with CashRamSpam.

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