Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 31.

Big drop in weight- 94.5 kg , 1.1 kg lost since this time yesterday. Never moved the scales. Same place last 4 days. Must admit felt a bit weak most of the day. But where did that fat go? I haven't excreted it, I've just been doing my normal job fixing photocopiers. Here's some research that purports to show I breathed 84% of it out as CO2 and the rest as water.                          

I must have breathed an awful lot today.

Blood/glucose 4.3 mmol/L Ketones 16. BP 115/66 pulse 79.  

This afternoon I went into my office in the city. Everyone noticed my weight loss. They were surprised as it's only a month since they last saw my fat little self. ( I'm 170cm tall. I used to be 173 but with age I lost 3cm). Today they saw my 18.5 kg slimmer self. (The gut bulge has has almost completely gone when I'm standing.) Still have no libido though.

Stopped drinking the sparkly mineral water. Noticed a carbonated(?) ring around the top of the glass. Ahh, it was probably my fat.

I said in my Day 15 post that I haven't had any alcohol or caffeine or nicotine or mary jane etc. for 27 years. I also said "What a waste of 27 years. But it was for a good reason." The reason why I gave it all up is probably that I knew it was time. Alcohol is the bane of western society. In my 4 years of living in doss houses and out on the streets and in parks and on beaches I saw that the real destroyer of human relationships is alcohol. It's not heroin or ice, just alcohol. And the reason is because it has no real competition.

Society doesn't see alcohol as a problem just the people who can't handle it. Eventually these types do what is known as a 'geographical' and go far away and end up in strange parks and dirty doss houses, often leaving broken hearted children to grow up in dysfunctional homes with angry jealous 'step' fathers. All this spawns a massive industry of expensive government and NGO's to 'help' the afflicted.

Many people who try to give up drinking often smoke and giving up drinking is so much harder while still smoking. Giving up smoking is really hard if you eat or drink caffeine. Giving up caffeine is the hardest of all. In today's society caffeine is abundant. Many children like their caffeine be it in chocolate or fizzy drinks. A cup of coffee and a cigarette are often a symbiotic pair.

Caffeine is the major gateway drug, not marijuana. Interestingly marijuana cures alcoholism. You can't smoke pot and drink lots because pot makes you vomit it all up before it does damage.

If you won't take pot then you are stuck with abstinence.

Now Darwinism comes in here. Alcoholism is possibly hereditary. Sitting in many AA meetings I couldn't help but notice that most so called alcoholics had full sets of hair. No pattern baldness to afflict them. And after the meeting full sets usually congregated together as do the few pattern balders who often seem to be rejected by the full sets if they try to mingle. So interesting the dynamics.

If you have a full set of hair and like to drink a lot then a joint to go with it makes for a pleasant and safe experience. The benefits of true competition.

And that's why I gave up everything because I wanted to see myself and see where I could go: 71 and still fixing photocopiers.

But I did build the Primary Fundamental Right and CashRamSpam and had 2 more daughters and 1 beautiful little grand daughter, with more to come.

I firmly believe until the War on Drugs is over then we as a society cannot progress beyond the stalemate we have reached in our civil evolution. And until we realize as a society that we have to be responsible for ourselves then we are not a free people. The catastrophe that is about to befall our economies will allow us to lay a solid foundation for a future that has more possible advantages for everyone than has ever happened before throughout human history.

With the Primary Fundamental Right in place I think we can really look forward to 'The Coming Golden Age'.

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