Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Day 12.  Blood/sugar at 5.6, BP 132/82, Ketones 8mml/L. No hunger pains. No visible loss of weight, still on 104kg. This happened before I think . When I went through a 30 day fast there was a period in the beginning when I seem to stop losing weight then it started up again. Vague.

Usually I have a persistent cough which appears to have gone. Noticed last night how much easier it is to get out of the people mover. And I actually ran across the road with ease. Movements generally much slower though.

Why am I doing this?  Not sure.  On the previous fast back in March I was looking for Johnson's fat switch and I thought I might have found it because my weight stabilized for about 3 months then it came rushing back. I had also wanted to see if fasting cured diabetes which it seemed to do, then back it came as the weight returned. So diabetes goes away with weight loss. Duh.

This time it's different. Spiritually I feel like a spent force. I'm not happy. I think maybe I want to see God's face again though without the prerequisite green leaf. Nuh. Forget that. It's too terrifying.

As beautiful as it was, that's about all my fragile conscience will let me remember. There is Nothing more beautiful. Total supreme splendour. The word awe is the best description and it is interesting that it can be written also as awful. Full of awe. I have known the feeling of absolute terror.  Yes. I'd do it again.

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