Saturday, December 20, 2014

Day 21

Half way. I'ts gone so quickly. Hard to believe it.

Blood/glucose 3.9 Feel fine. Been weeding again today.  Ketones at about 8 mml/L.  BP at a new low 118/74, pulse 77. Wow. I'm a teenager again. Gut still large at 47.5 inches. Strange that but my belt in down to the last hole which is about 3 inches and I look slimmer, much slimmer. Got into a pair of jeans yesterday that I bought but were too small. Weight by the new scales is 99.6 kg.

Been drinking a bit of sparking mineral water in the evenings for excitement.

Just cancelled my subscription to the Economist magazine. I used to have fun duelling with the die hards but now the whole comments section seems to be a flood with Chinese commenters who think they can conveyor their thoughts in broken English. Too boring. Anyway the magazine is too optimistic about the world economy for my liking.

Now I believe we have gone over the edge and gravity will soon come into play speeding up the descent.
This isn't in my opinion a recession. This is what Professor Antal Fekete has been warning us about for some time;

"The key is in the hand of the U.S. government. It is the same key that was used to lock the U.S. Mint to silver in 1873, and to gold sixty years later, in 1933. By using it now to open the U.S. Mint to both silver and gold, the U.S. government can effectively cordon off the Black Hole of zero interest to prevent further damage. At stake is nothing less than the question whether America can reclaim control over its destiny, saving Western Civilization in the process. "

We are watching the collapse of Socialism. And I sure that if we don't go back to using gold and silver as money then we will see the destruction of our trading system and mayhem will prevail. Here in Australia each week brings more bad news for the government coffers. This is good. We need the system to collapse if as a species we want to survive. We have to be tough and only a User Pay's system can last long enough for us to expand our exploration of space.

We are all about to find out what 'survival of the fittest' really means.

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