Wednesday, December 3, 2014

4th day of fast.  Lost 4 kg already, mainly water I suppose though I am drinking a fair bit. Ketones high as expected. Glucose/blood 8.4.
Taking 300 mg of allopurinol 3 times a day. Seems to take away the hunger. Gave me gout in my left big toe for the last 2 days. Fine now.

I just donated $50 to Wikipedia after I was reading about ketones. Good stuff. I remember years ago arguing with Jim Wales via email about one of his editors who kept deleting or altering the Maunder Minimum entry because it was damning for the AGW, the Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis and to me it pretty much proves that the Sun is the source of all power on this wonderful planet.

I think there is a relationship between Climate Change and the Rite of Passage. In World War One the lads went off hoping to return home as hero's and all the attendant luxuries that could produce.  Young people today don't have that opportunity but they do have the chance to argue against the War on the Environment which allows them to feel that they are fighting the evil ones such as myself and often winning. It's good that they fight but now political correctness is dictating the battle so they cannot win in the long run. All PC is flawed and only employed when logic is winning.

I wish they'd put as much effort into fighting against the greatest attack on human freedom, the War on Drugs as they do when fighting for Koala's rights.

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