Thursday, December 18, 2014

Day 19. 2 days to go and I'll be halfway. This is easy and it's easy probably because of the Allopurinol.

Blood/sugar 4.9-- excellent. Ketones about the same as before. BP 126/78 pulse 82 Ho Ho this is fun.

Weight still 100 kg or there abouts. New scales arrived today, broken.

Went for a walk through the local mall. Woolies pork chops looked good but not quite as good as the other day. Bought some anyway and put them in the freezer.

While walking through Big W I passed a trolley pushed by an Indian man and his wife. Their daughter was inside and she was reciting the alphabet but she was tiny. I asked her dad how old was she and he said "26 months" and already she'd mastered something I didn't get until I was about 5. The letter 'S' really used to hurt. She then read the letters on my tee shirt. Incredulous I asked how was it done. 'iPad' he said. 'She plays with it all the time.'  Then I remembered my daughters daughter Aiya who's ten months old. She also loves the iPad. Is this the beginning of an education revolution? On You Tube there's many examples suggesting it is.

A few years ago I built a website called CashRamHomeLearn. Unfortunately I never had enough money to extend it beyond a mental arithmetic exerciser. I still have great plans to develop it into a fully fledged home education system because I know home schooling is the easiest way to learn any subject. As long as you're good at arithmetic. Math is probably the key to all subjects because it teaches you to read the questions properly if you want to get the right answers. Being able to read is the foundation of all education but unless your comprehension is good you cannot do math. The biggest failure in modern education is I think the lack of emphasis on mental arithmetic.

When I was 7 the reward for getting my sums right was I didn't get the cane from Miss Marmaduke. Today there is no valid reward system so in CashRamHomeLearn the possibility is there for cash payment when answered correctly. Kids like cash once they learn what they can do with it. And if they don't then they should be taught. After all even the dumbest of us can usually count money because earning money IS our major reward system.

And yes I can add, subtract and divide but that's about all. I could never learn from the cane. Anyway the best way to learn anything is to teach yourself as the 26 month old beautiful little Indian girl just proved.

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