Monday, December 1, 2014

2nd day of fast. Weight still 113kg. Blood sugar level 8.1 down from 9.8  from day one. Progress. How sweet, but not too sweet.

I dislike the word anarchy. So misleading. That's interesting, anarchy is misleading. So with anarchy there are no leaders. Umm.

Individualism. Love Individualism. No leaders in Individualism. Is Individualism anarchy? Is anarchy Individualism?

Would it be possible to live in a society that didn't have leaders? Possibly not. Our penchant for directions will always lead to the need for a director. Or would it? How about everyone being a director of themselves? The way the world's economy is going we will be forced back into Individualism it seems, very soon.

Back to the innate Primary Fundamental Right. My Body. My Business.

I, with my self ordained power as God, elect everyone to be the leader of the world. Then it's neither a majority or minority decision. No rules either.

We must all be in charge which is only fair as we are all equally God, along with the rest of the Universe. Probably the only thing we can all be equal in. We can't be equal in sexes. We can't be equal in looks and money and location. We can't be equal in anything except Nothing. And everything comes out of the mighty Nothing unequal. Possibly that's why the Universe can exist. Only Nothing is equal, the rest is open slather.

Who trusted God was love indeed
And love Creation's final law
Tho' Nature, red in tooth and claw

Everything is God interacting with God constantly making new inequalities.

Blessed are the really unequal for they have inherited sweet F A just as it should be in a totally unequal Universe. Therefore blame yourself if you are not happy with your lot.

I'm heaps happy. I'm just God interacting with God.

Good night God.

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