Monday, December 8, 2014

On day 10 of my fast. Still not hungry. Amazing stuff this allopurinol.

It's been around about 50 years, so of course it has no patent and is as cheap as chips. Umm, chips.

Blood/sugar 7.6, just about perfect. The old pancreas must be smiling. I am.

Weight still going down. Now at 104 kg by the looks of it --9 kilo gone. Must get some new scales so I can see in grams instead of kilo's. Blood pressure 85/165. Still a bit high supposedly.

Being a 70 year old I can't help noticing how many older men carry a paunch. Usually its called a beer belly but I don't drink and haven't since 1987 and I'm not a big eater of things like chips and pasta though I do like my bread and butter (never enough butter) but even then it not over the top, but I still carry the paunch. (Waist still at 48 inches (122cm).  Now the paunch is all visual. Looking at it from a Darwinian visual it more or less quickly confirms that this male is probably past his breeding cycle and eats well. It also acts as a defense against aggressors. Anyone who carries a lot of weight is usually surprisingly strong. So cumulatively the appearance possibly gives the wearer some higher status within their society. Often my new customers call me 'sir' as if by deference even though I'm wearing a uniform which implies a lower status, that of servant. But alternatively and more to the point it indicates the probability that the carrier has high blood pressure and is suffering from Metabolic Syndrome.

Now MS is weird I think. For years it was known as Syndrome X as no one apparently could understand why it occurred so easily. It is also the fore runner to type 2 diabetes and possible eventual death from heart disease. It appears to be a disease of  the lower income groups who tend towards high carbohydrate meals which means high sugar consumption but I'm sure there is more to MS than that. After all what purpose does it serve? In the Darwinian state everything has a reason if you look hard enough.

Richard Johnson author of a book title 'The Fat Switch' believes that MS is the body preparing for hibernation. Because of the higher consumption of fructose sugar we produce more uric acid which makes us hungry and in turn causes us to store more sugar as fat. Unfortunately the cold weather has yet to arrive so we can't nestle down in our caves and sleep deeply until it becomes warmer so we just keep accumulating more fat until it 'kills' us. Drowsiness is a symptom of diabetes. Diabetes could be the most efficient way to store fat.
But does it really kill us or just put us to sleep?

A UK doctor named Sam Parnia has the moniker 'Dr. Lazarus' for his ability to resurrect fat dead people. As long as they have not been dead more than 6 hours he can usually bring them back intact. How he does it? He uses a modified method first used 50 odd years ago in Canada by a Dr.Conn to re-life children drowned in cold water. How is this possible you must ask? Because they are not dead. They are in a state of extreme hibernation known as the 'Diving Reflex'. The cold water has activated the trigeminal nerves on the face and their highly oxygenated blood is shunted to surround their heart and brain virtually leaving the rest of the body empty. They just need to be warmed up, slowly. Same as SIDS children. So the only way Dr. Sam can bring them back intact is if their heart and brain have been protected. Somehow these 'dead' people have tripped a diving reflex type reaction causing their heart beat to slow down so much that it is imperceptible.

Feeling sleepy again.

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