Thursday, December 4, 2014

Day 5, Thursday.  Feeling a bit lethargic today. Blood/sugar at 5.7

Haven't really thought about food. Weight still the same. No stool for the last 2 days. Must flush myself out over the weekend otherwise my breath will smell like dead rat.

Reread Lachlan Murdochs appeal to Australians to wake up to the control freaks called the Australian government, past and present. As a Brit cum Australian, same as Murdoch, I often wonder about the Australians general lack of a sense of indignation (?) at the authorities behaviour to the general population which seems more of an overall reliance that the government will always do the right thing because after all we are all mates and 'she'll be right'. Murdoch reminds us of the previous governments proposal of a  "government-appointed body to oversee all of the media, the “Public Interest Media Advocate” or PIMA."  This was an obvious attempt to control the Murdoch empire using the UK phone hacking scandal as a buttress. This was also a close call for Aussie press freedom.

He ended up saying "Censorship should be resisted in all its insidious forms." This warmed my heart because I have also written in the tome 'What is the Primary Fundamental Right?,   
"Under the Primary Fundamental Right all censorship is illegal including the prohibition against racial, religious, political, scientific, gender or sexual vilification. The right to vilify is a fundamental freedom and its loss a red alert indicator of approaching Totalitarianism. Defamation redress should still exist."

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