Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day 22.

Blood/sugar 3.8 mmol/L (about 70 mg/dL). BP wait for it....115/69. Pulse 87. It's starting to look like the lower the blood/sugar the lower the BP. Weight 97.9 kg a sudden drop of almost 2 kg. I noticed I lost about 1 kg whilst gardening today in the hot sun. Maybe not drinking enough water. Gulp gulp. Ketones 16 mmol/L, really dark...

Waist still 47 inches.

I was asked by a friend why I picked 42 days to fast. My answer was that when I initially chose 40 it was pointed out to me that Jesus did a 40 day fast so I had to beat that then. But didn't he eat berries or something? Takeaway?  Also my biggest claim to fame is I once stood within 20 metres of Douglas Adams the author of Hitch Hikers to the Galaxy in a Sydney book shop and in that same book he wrote, "The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42." .So I want to find out if anything special happens after I finish fasting. I know that number was a random choice he made which makes it even more compelling. I like random things. Maybe my waist will be 42 inches. That'll be good.

After I had cancelled my subscription to the Economist I found an article there so interesting that in my final comment I praised it as the best article I had ever read there. Ironic. The moment I decide to quit they came up with the goodies but really that's an excellent conclusion after so many years of commenting. My favourite comment was noticing that after the assassination of Bin Laden that the only difference between Obama and Osama was bs.

Amazing. I've got nothing else to say.

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