Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day 25.

17 days left to go.

Blood/glucose 3.8, ketones 16 mmol/L. BP 112/73 pulse 75. Weight 97.7, same as yesterday, waist 45 inches.

Bought a 40-42 inch belt today. Fits beautifully on second hole. Gut just about gone, small bump left. From looking  7 months pregnant 25 days ago to looking close to reasonable now-- how amazing! And look at the blood pressure, from around 160/95 to 112/73 today. I'm now a stroke free zone. Hopefully.

So far lost just under 15 kg, 33 pounds for the imperialists. When I completed my previous 30 day fast I thought I lost 20 kg. Doubt if I'll achieve that this time. We'll see.

Right now I'm listening to the Muslim Radio, 92.1 FM. I like the singing. Makes for a calm background. I don't need to know what they are saying. In fact I don't want to know. Religion of any sort is wrapped in lies and superstition and even though that may be okay for some, to me it hinders progress. And progress is what it is all about. As far as we know we are the first species to have successfully left our home planet and returned safely. Quite a feat, but if we were deeply religious we'd have to spend our day reciting or singing passages from the Torah or Koran praising the works of God, which I'm sure God doesn't mind at all, maybe even enjoys for short breaks but it doesn't help with rocket engine research.

So from a Darwinian view what's the point of religions? Obviously religions started from a thirst to find out what is lightning and 'why does it hurt'? Then the story makers came up with their answers and the gathered crowd gave them food and drink and asked for more knowledge and the embellishment continued and wonderful competition had the people take sides to support their fattened story teller and before you know it the word heretic came into being. And religious wars started. Death to the non-believers!

The Darwinian answer is competition, which is 2 things, the elimination of the weak and the consolidation of the strong. And knowledge makes things even stronger until they can fly to the Moon and back. Knowledge also tells us when times are dangerous and as a species we now know we could soon be eliminated by a crashing asteroid no bigger than a football field. We can only stop this from happening by getting even more knowledge. We have to teach the next generation all we know so they can build on that to find the solutions to our immediate and future problems. Hindering them with religion is counter productive. All they need to know is that the whole universe is alive and the whole universe is God and consequently so are we all.  Wow I love the word 'so'.

Death. What happens after death? Nobody knows and anyway it doesn't matter once you are dead. Try not to think about but if we must in the search for knowledge then be reminded that the final constituent of all matter is light--photons--and everything, including God, is the light. Death is probably some form of metamorphism to return us to the light component of our continuing existence. We have always been alive in some form or another and always will be because as soon as the state of Nothing is reached then possibly everything re-emerges with a really Big Bang. This is the most wondrous thing about the Universe. It exists.

We are the Universe, even with those idiots who are devotedly religious. But we can't all be the same otherwise there'd be no competition and Darwinism is the technical term for competition. Competition makes sure there is no such thing as equality. And the religious idiots are there to remind us just how far we've come.

Increased my Allopurinol to 1200 mg a day. Keep looking at pictures of Texas BBQ. Oh that brisket...

Here is a copy of my last comment on the Economist. I thought it interesting that the time is also my birth year. I love coincidences. I'm always seeing them.

I have today just cancelled my subscription because of the lack of reasoning articles on TE then I come across this article by R.A. the best one I've read in a long time. In fact probably the best I've ever read on TE. How come no one else on the Economist can see that the Fed is run by a bunch of crazies?
Anyway I'm going to make this comment my swan song. Nothing now can stop the collapse of the world's economy as far as I can see which is good. This will be the death of Socialism in all it's ugly forms and hopefully Capitalism (which only works with gold as money, coupled with the Real Bills Doctrine) will hopefully be the end result. The fear is that we could all drop down into Fascism (the US has already crossed into that territory) and even lower if the God fearers have anything to do with it.
For years now on these pages I've pushed the concept of the Primary Fundamental Right, the right of ownership of our own bodies. If you can't make decisions about what you can legally put into your own body then you don't own that body. Really simple stuff but beyond the grasp of many. Personal freedom and positive growth go hand in hand. Until the western world holds the PFR tenet close to its collective bosom then we will always be plagued by nonsensical laws to keep the people tied down. This is the 21st century. Time to be free. Already everything we do is recorded by the watchers. Not good.
Being a fond follower of the teachings of Professor Antal Fekete, mathematician extraordinaire, I will leave TE with his latest missive about the imminent collapse of the US insurance industry. He is also the reason why I designed a modern version of the Real Bills Doctrine coupled with a prototype of a new world patent system. The present one is well past its expiry date.
Last but not least when the inevitable collapse comes and all the banks fail (they are already technically bankrupt because of their accounting system allowing them to record liabilities as assets since 1913) then theoretically there will be no feasible way to distribute gold and silver to the masses to pay for their goods. I have also built a system to allow this problem to be negated with an app that allows Android users to pay in metal to 4 decimal places of a gram. This can be found the world's longest working micro payment system. I have an apple app but apple's system (apples orchard) won't let me put it up.
Farewell fellow travellers. Hopefully see you on the far side.

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