Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Day 18. Wednesday 17th December 2014

Blood/glucose 4.7.  BP 122/73  Weight  101 kg. Up 1 kg. New scales should arrive tomorrow. Ketones around 8mml/L. Waist 46 in.? Still not feeling hungry. No tiredness, in fact less tiredness than usual. This fast so far is going really well.

While walking through a shopping centre today I popped into Coles to view their pork chops. They were nice but nowhere as nice as Woolies. The Woolies one's almost looked like these one's in this article.

The picture of the piglet enjoying its romp on top of its mother is endearing. Obviously it's love in one of its various manifestations that the picture reveals. The thought that within a few months that piglet could be gutted and hung by a hook through its ankles, those same ankles that prove that whales, pigs, deer, and cows etc. are closely related, is distressing to say the least. But when you remember how juicy it will taste, some of that abhorrence, if not all, will subside and be replaced by the love of the taste of pork. Now all pig meat is a collection of DNA particles that given a specific template made that pig materialize, just like ourselves. And remembering that everything is 99.99% empty then that pig is closer to being a projected image made out of the same light that conveys the image onto our retina's, than it is to being a solid reality. Images eating images. Light eating light. God eating God. Delicious.

Flushed myself out last Sunday. Hardly anything there.

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