Saturday, December 13, 2014

Day 14.  Already 2 weeks have gone by. I'm now a third of the way. Blood/glucose at 4.9. Waist down to 118.5cm from 122 (46.5in. from 48in) weight still at 104 kg. Strange, no change for 4 days but my family are complaining that I'm wasting away and want me to stop. In shop windows I now look about 7 months pregnant instead of full term.  BP135/85. For me that's great.

I'm getting excited about what I will eat on the day of my birthday January 11th, the first day after the fast stops. Pork loin chops are winning at the moment. Real fast food.

All my family are off to Japan in 2 days to show off my daughter Gemma's 9 month old baby girl Aiya and then off up into the snows of Hokkaido. She's my first grandchild that I know of, so I'm going to be alone for the next 5 weeks, just me and the dogs.

There are about 3 reasons why I'm not going with them. I like Japan for about 5 days then I get bored with the food so I always end up in 7-11's or Lawson's eating their microwaved chicken and fish. Who's going to feed the 4 dogs? I enjoy being alone sometimes. Economically it's too dangerous. Plus I'm working fixing photocopiers.

I'm pretty sure that some time next year the Yen could collapse. If that were to happen while they were there then they'd be stuck until the Australian government could organize flights home for stranded citizens. That could take yonks so I've given them about $10,000 of gold to take with them. The thinking is if the yen goes then everything goes and only gold and silver will be acceptable currency. Payment for aircraft fuel would probably be in gold so logically so would the fares. Prepaid fares will be void.  Years ago I calculated the real price of gold to be around $15,000 a troy ounce. Could soon find out. One way fare to Sydney could be about $2000 so that's about 4.5 grams of gold. How do they pay that?  Cut bits off the ingots and measure with a micro scale?

I foresaw this problem a few years ago. Some 12 years ago I designed and built the world's first (as far as I know) spam free email system called CashRamSpam. It's very simple. Clients charge other clients to send them emails using Australian money. It never took off commercially but it's still there and has never had one spam. I ended up designing and building a micro payment system which allows CRS clients to use either Aussie money, gold or silver to pay for goods and services. CRS gets 10%. One of the readers on The Economist described it as 'Bernie's Bank'. I had an app built to do the same job so I can pay anywhere there is a cell phone service to 4 decimal places of a gram just using my Android phone. There was a apple version but it was too hard to get it accepted by them. I'm just a one man show. Plus it works at close range without the cell connection.

More later.

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